Who the fuck that thinks shoehorning batmobile into the riddler challenge instead of traversal/environmental is a good idea should be fired. Same for the one who thinks using Square/X to brake.
3.6 GB day 1 patch?
Hot damn, how is this still going on? That is ridiculous, no one in the gaming media challenges this?
Anyone know if its worth waiting for, game breaking bugs or something?
To be fair, the first thing I did after the batmobile combat tutorial was look in the settings for a toggle switch. I couldn't find it, either in the gamepad section or gameplay (on PC).
Who the fuck that thinks shoehorning batmobile into the riddler challenge instead of traversal/environmental is a good idea should be fired. Same for the one who thinks using Square/X to brake.
Can't you just change the controls in the options menu?
There are just two endings right?
Without into spoilers, how dramatic is the difference between the two endings? Is the true ending just the ending with an extra little scene tacked on, or is completely different?
To be fair, the first thing I did after the batmobile combat tutorial was look in the settings for a toggle switch. I couldn't find it, either in the gamepad section or gameplay (on PC).
We're discussing this above. Do you have the option to swap the trigger for Battle Mode with the face button for braking? If so, what platform are you on?
I'm on PS4 and I don't have this option. But I do have the option to change the Battle Mode trigger to a toggle rather than a hold.
Does the PS4 version have destructible enviroments? As in, you crash with the batmobile against stuff and it crumbles down with good physics?
Dude there's a setting in the options menu.
You can swap it to a toggle so you just tap L2 once to put on Battle Mode.
I like it as a hold but the option's there, for god's sake.
Yes it does.
You can't destroy whole buildings, but every building's shop fronts and concrete will break off and crumble everywhere when you batter into it. Plus loads of non-building things, like shacks, street objects, fences etc, all break really satisfyingly.
Blasting cars and watching them fly is incredible, too. It's almost like Burnout: Takedown shit. Lots of moving parts, sparks and explosions, with slo-mo in perfect moments of action.
Haven't played the game yet -- but is it possible that the reason the "hold" control setting is default because as when in a batmobile combat scenarios you're encouraged to switch between forms and drive quickly around the arena then turn into tank-mode? and just hop into that mode to take pot shots?
Hmmm, that's a strange omission if you can't change it.
:0 thanks lol i looked at options but i missed it thanks
Thanks. I happen to have a free nvidia PC code. Tried the game yesterday, ran like shit, so I think I'm gonna pick up my PS4 preorder.
If you take a look at the PC performance thread, you'll understand, lol.
3.6 GB day 1 patch?
Hot damn, how is this still going on? That is ridiculous, no one in the gaming media challenges this?
Anyone know if its worth waiting for, game breaking bugs or something?
Someone, anyone here in GAF be so kind enough to share without spoiling when does Batman gets to wear the iron man like metal plated suit that he wears for the first time in the e3 2014 Sony presser. I just played the game for a couple of hours last night and the game is truly spectacular, omg.
Because it's unassigned. You need to go into the key configurations and put something in.What's the default special explosive batarang button the PC? It say's its (hold) unnassigned
Man, I had a look in there earlier. Devastating stuff.
Rocksteady didn't shoot themselves in the foot they blew their fucking leg off with a 60mm canon.
On PS4 it's really, really great.
Truly. My PC is no slouch either, just built it, high end gaming rig with the new 980 ti. But yeah, I'm too hyped with this game and I want to play it without frustration. I don't mind that much about nvidia gameworks, physx and stuff, but I wanted to know if at least the destruction physics are there.
So thanks, once again, for the confirmation.
No probs. I think you'll lose detail like swishing, reactive rain and swishing, reactive smoke/steam. But those still look great even without high-end PC particle physics. The larger physics stuff, and most particle effects, are 100% in there.
Unfortunately, this is entirely why I play only on consoles these days. I used to be a PC gamer. But I didn't have brain space to worry about 'what if' a game doesn't work the way it should. PS4 has been great for me so far in this regard.
I played the first few hours without the patch, you'll be fineHey guys, I just got the game, and when I put it in my PS4 it announced a 9 hours long download of a day-1 patch.
My question : should I wait for the patch to download completely or should I start the game ? (there are not game breaking bugs right ?)
If by swishing you mean the cape movement or something, I think there is no cloth simulation physx this time.
There are four options for nvidia gameworks.
Interactive smoke/fog
Interactive paper debris
Enhanced rain
Enhanced light shafts
Truly. My PC is no slouch either, just built it, high end gaming rig with the new 980 ti. But yeah, I'm too hyped with this game and I want to play it without frustration. I don't mind that much about nvidia gameworks, physx and stuff, but I wanted to know if at least the destruction physics are there.
So thanks, once again, for the confirmation.
That is the thing though, your pc should be able to run those things without turning them off. This lack of care about PC releases is why I always shake my head at PC gamer elitists.
How's the XBOne version? Reading good stuff about PS4 but not seeing much about XBOne.
How's the XBOne version? Reading good stuff about PS4 but not seeing much about XBOne.
The real problem with the pc version is that EVEN if I turn them off, it runs like crap, you see, the problem is not the capability my machine has to run these nvidia gamework things.
Its that the game is very, very poorly optimized. So yeah, right now, turning those options off doesn't really make a difference for me since the problem isn't really my machine.
I can put the game on the lowest settings and it will still run like crap. It stutters to hell and back. I get FPS fluctuations from 100+ to 20, at an average of 60, specially when I ride the batmobile, the engine just craps itself.
When I use an app to see how much VRAM and CPU the game is taking up I can see that the game takes up 4gb+ of VRAM at max settings (my card has 6gb).
And that is after I had to purposely go and modify an .ini fil eon my computer to unlock the framerate, since it comes locked by default at 30fps, like on consoles.
So yeah, not a pleasant experience at all.
Seems like the PC version was outsourced to Iron Galaxy Studios by seeing the credits listed as "Additional Engineering and PC Support"
I wasn't blaming your set up I am blaming the developers for the lack of optimization but this is always the case at release for most games so the PC games are better argument falls flat there which is a shame it really is and I want to play my PC more lol
No.Do you have to complete the game to uae unlocked costumes?
Do you have to complete the game to uae unlocked costumes?
How do you equip then?
How do you equip then?
I dont see an option.