Thanks dude
- Open the main menu.
- Select Showcase.
- Highlight the skin you want to use.
- Hit Select Skin.
- Done.
How far in do I have to get before I can play Harley's story? I preordered it (PC) and got the season pass but it's greyed out in the menu.
Damn the framerate sort of sucks in the Batmobile on the Xbox One version. Seems pretty great otherwise.
As I said in my review the ground seems layered in Arkham Asylum prisoner juice(don't ask). It controls so oddly at times.Anybody finding the Batmobile a little too skittish but, somehow super heavy at the same time?
It just kinda feels odd, even when driving around. Ill probably get used to get but these first few hours in the batmobile are kinda disappointing (I was one of the few actually looking forward to the batmobile).
External, does it make a difference then? Never knew....Internal or external drive? I was seeing drops to 28 rarely and that was it.
External, does it make a difference then? Never knew.
Arkham games are usually supposed to take place during one night, so probably.Is it always raining?
Damn the framerate sort of sucks in the Batmobile on the Xbox One version. Seems pretty great otherwise.
I played the first few hours without the patch, you'll be fine. No problems
It Is very good. I am a sucker for performance and nothing has taken me out of the moment yet. I'm about 2-3 hours into it. Plays wonderfully. Easily the best looking game on the system and that's coming from a 130 hr play through in Wither 3.
Why on earth is the digital Xbox One version £55, when it's £40 on Amazon.
£15 for the convince?
It'sHoly crap, so... (early but big spoilers)is that Troy Baker doing the voice of the Joker? Or did Hamill just say fuck it and come back? Because if that's Baker I'm seriously impressed. Did not play Origins.
Yeah the Batmobile driving stuff is really not all that great. It looks awesome, but actually maneuvering it sucks. Same with the one Riddler puzzle I did that was a Batmobile race, it made me not want to touch anything Riddler again.
Holy crap, so... (early but big spoilers)is that Troy Baker doing the voice of the Joker? Or did Hamill just say fuck it and come back? Because if that's Baker I'm seriously impressed. Did not play Origins.
It'sMark Hamill. Baker can't hold a candle in my opinion.
Can anyone tell me if there is any traditional Riddler challenges in the game of if it's all this annoying driving shit?
That is heartbreaking. My favorite part of the Batman games is doing those Riddler puzzles. Fuck.
EDIT: Are ALL the Riddler puzzles batmobile stuff? Nothing like AC where you had to use your batarang, etc?
Wow this game looks amazing on the PS4, makes me a little less bummed out that I refunded it on Steam.
Bat mobile is cool, love how fast it is. Tank mode is a bit meh but whatever. Story seems a lot darker already than any of the previous games. Kinda wish they just called it The Long Halloween rather than Arkham Knight.
Kinda disappointed with how Batmobile focused this is so far, even though I should have expected it. What sense does it make though having the Riddler Trials be race-tracks?
Any second now (for you).
Code. It was on an insert in my game case when I bought it from GameStop.Is the Harley Quinn DLC a seperate code or was it included with the base game code for pre orders?
Got my copy! Now to wait for everything to install ...
Is the Batmobile faster than gliding your way through Gotham? I like the Batmobile alright, but the game definitely looks prettier gliding and it makes it easier to find sidequests.
Arkham games are usually supposed to take place during one night, so probably.
It'sMark Hamill. Baker can't hold a candle in my opinion.
It's the latter
How can I catapult myself out of the batmobile straight into gliding? According to menu I should just have to double tap A but nothing happens.
X1 or PS4? I heard it's a huge install too...
How can I catapult myself out of the batmobile straight into gliding? According to menu I should just have to double tap A but nothing happens.
How can I catapult myself out of the batmobile straight into gliding? According to menu I should just have to double tap A but nothing happens.
I just played the side missions for a couple of hours and did some chest armor and batman free flow combat upgrades and yet to go after the first Scarecrow mission. So am I near to getting that jaw dropping face plate and iron suit?
I tried this too last night, these would perhaps be like an upgrade for the Batmobile.
Can't you just change the controls in the options menu?
Done the mission where you unlock it yet?
Youget a new suit
Should be double A/X after that
Ah, alright. Was a bit confused because it actually is listed under the batmobile moves list.I believe you have to unlock it. I know its part of one of the VR training missions on the roof right next to the capsule that had the new suit in it.