Looking good.
Can't wait until Friday to pick up the game for Vita.
I'm also highly considering picking it up for 3DS also....look perfect for the 3D effect.
Kind of wouldn't mind supporting Armature; need more western handheld games for both systems. If the game is good - I'll send a message with my dollars, hopefully publishers notice good western games can sell on handhelds.
Very interested to see how this sells on each platform. I feel like it's going to sell better on Vita initially and then the 3DS version will catch up. Batman has a wide appeal.
The Vita version will get a two-week head-start in Europe, so it will literally sell better on Vita initially.
aww, the Batvania tagline makes me wish it were so, but I'm really not seeing it. Form what we could see of the Catwoman chase demo, it more or less looks like a beat'em all with little to no free-roaming. I may be wrong, but this feels more like an handheld Bat of War than anything.
I'll wait for the review on this. Oh and PSV version for me, if it turns out to be good - I don't want to have invested in the system for nothing.
Oh, well, I didn't like what I've played of Metroid Prime, so it's not all that reassuringWhen the makers of Metroid Prime say they're making a metroid type game, I believe them. We haven't seen more than 10 minutes of footage to let us know the structure of the game.
Definitely pretty excited for this.
Too many games. Fuck.
aww, the Batvania tagline makes me wish it were so, but I'm really not seeing it. Form what we could see of the Catwoman chase demo, it more or less looks like a beat'em all with little to no free-roaming. I may be wrong, but this feels more like an handheld Bat of War than anything.
I'll wait for the review on this. Oh and PSV version for me, if it turns out to be good - I don't want to have invested in the system for nothing.
When the makers of Metroid Prime say they're making a metroid type game, I believe them. We haven't seen more than 10 minutes of footage to let us know the structure of the game.
Definitely pretty excited for this.
Too many games. Fuck.
Wait a second, Armature didn't do the 3DS version, did they?
They did.
There'll be a demo for the Vita version on the 25th (in PAL regions at least)
Oh, well, I didn't like what I've played of Metroid Prime, so it's not all that reassuringYou're absolutely right that we haven't seen much . I'm just not feeling it quite yet (which is good, as you've said: too many games).
3DS has a much larger install base. And I can see a lot of kids, who own a 3DS, wanting to get it b/c it's a Batman game.
There'll be a demo for the Vita version on the 25th (in PAL regions at least)
That's fine. I'm not disputing the quality of the game. I'm just saying that the people who made metroid games are saying this is structured similarly. We've seen 6 minutes of the game. Judging this game from the footage we've seen would be akin to judging SotN based on the first 5 rooms of the castle before Death takes Alucard's weapons.
'Sup. I was going to wait for a price drop, but eh, might as well give my Persona 4 Player some use until Tearaway. With any luck it's good too.
'Sup. I was going to wait for a price drop, but eh, might as well give my Persona 4 Player some use until Tearaway. With any luck it's good too.
Awaiting your impressions. You wouldn't have played Castlevania Mirror of Fate by any chance? I'm curious how it compares.
'Sup. I was going to wait for a price drop, but eh, might as well give my Persona 4 Player some use until Tearaway. With any luck it's good too.
I did! I had fun with it too, even if it wasn't the best Castlevania. Great atmosphere and variety, but iffy bosses.
EDIT: Hm, the game is not dubbed. Either they were concerned about 3DS space limitations or that's not a good sign budget-wise.
did the Joker stole the AA? It's good that it's native res but still.
[quote="Rei no Otaku, post: 87013708"]In every thread about a DC game you bring up Cassandra Cain. Look, I loved her series too. I think she was one of the best things to happen to the Bat Family in a long time, but DC apparently disagrees A LOT. She's not coming back. [B]It's time to let her go[/B].[/QUOTE]
Never. and Stephanie Brown is officially back to the new 52, Cass will be next I can feel it.
'Sup. I was going to wait for a price drop, but eh, might as well give my Persona 4 Player some use until Tearaway. With any luck it's good too.
weird, i swear there was mention the console VA were representing their roles here.
Haha, I meant European dubs, sorry. Yeah, it does have voices. The cutscenes are comic style, though, like the PSP Metal Gears.
Okiedokie, quick impressions:
I'll post more stuff when I can sink my teeth into it properly later.
- The battle system seems to have translated rather decently to one less dimension. Batman's movement is locked in 2D, but enemies can move inside and outside ala Little Big Planet to go behind your back. Controls are really responsive, in fact, they might be a little too responsive, as the window for the counter is positively huge. There's no way to choose difficulty as far as I can tell either.
- This might not hold true as you get more gadgets and the game gets more complex, but the impression I'm getting is that Armature went for more of an Asylum approach instead of trying to emulate City/Origins. This doesn't just go for the setting, but for the combat and stealth too. Double takedowns for instance are gone, as is the option to choke someone quickly while making more noise, and perhaps because of the 2D
- No experience system so far, which seems odd. There are upgrades, though, since gear gating is present almost right from the beginning.
According to Armature there's no spoilers if you play this before the console game.
Hmm...Amazon is giving 10 dollars credit for preordering this even for Vita.
And 10 dollars credit for preordering Naruto.
That'd be 20 bucks off of a ps4 game HRMMMMMMMMMM.
This set me over. Decided to bite. Thanks for posting that.
Okiedokie, quick impressions:
Awaiting your impressions. You wouldn't have played Castlevania Mirror of Fate by any chance? I'm curious how it compares.
Gonna do GAF favor here and pick this up at the BX today. I'll post pics/impressions tonight
Vita means life