do enemies... not attack?
What? Just read on Gamefaqs someone beat the game in 5hrs 22min at 83%.
Thought it was 10hrs! Lies I tell ya! Lies!
Probably the 10 was partly true meaning with NG+. *eyes roll*
I'm convinced that someone who worked at Retro and left to form Armature is absolutely OBSESSED with this idea and thinks it's great design, and to hell with everyone who disagrees. This will be doubly reinforced if we do get an MP4 from Retro and it's completely absent.- Of all the things from the Metroid Prime series to take inspiration from, the pre-ending fetch quest probably shouldn't have been one of them. It's not too terrible, though.
That would be meSo...
+ As said before, the presentation is fantastic. Native resolution, solid framerate, smooth transitions between rooms, great atmosphere... even if the game takes place in one place, each location still manages to feel distinct, and while the Vita lacks 3D, the camerawork is still appreciated. Voice actors do a good job with what little they have to work with and the music isn't exactly memorable, but it works well in the heat of the moment.
+ Gear gating works nicely. You have to do a fair bit of backtracking to each area, but thanks to the new gadgets you'll be able to open new shortcuts and paths to upgrades, which prevents it from being tedious.
+ Similarly, the area layouts can get dense at times. Metroidvanias are becoming more and more commonplace nowadays, but that feeling of "Alright, which way?" will never get old. That said, sometimes graphics are a little too busy and they can obscure air duct entrances, which might be even worse on 3DS. Hint:.There's no need to backtrack after defeating Grundy
+ Some people will probably find the bosses frustrating, but I'd still argue they're a highlight. Other thanthey're all unique and represent the only times you're likely to see the game over screen. In particular,Catwoman/Bronze Tiger+ There are actual puzzles at some points. It's nothing too fancy, but it adds variety.the Penguin's Freeze-like stealth sequence and Black Mask's point-and-click "fight" were among the series' best bosses. Not the highest of praise, but still, they're good
+ The hacking mini-game treads that fine line between "annoying mini-game" and "what's the point of even having this?" well. It's quick, it gets a little more complex with each new security code and it doesn't pop up too often.
- I think by far the biggest issue with the game is that it's EXTREMELY easy. I'm not going to pretend the console games were Ghost 'n' Goblins, but even leaving aside the fact that the AI was more aggressive, Blackgate doesn't have the enemy progression its brethren do. You have the fodder, the knife and taser guys (and very rarely do you ever see these two together or more than one at the same time), but that's it for the entire game. Add to that Batman's responsiveness, and enemies are little more than a waste of time. Things get more interesting during bosses, but it's not enough.
- All of that extends to predator sequences, and it's even worse there. They're very far apart, it only goes up to four enemies at a time at best (when Batman can destroy two armed men with ease here) and just like with combat, what you see is what you get. No takedowns from above or other skills that you don't have from the beginning, no detective mode jammers, no suicide collars, nada. It's too bad, because one of the bosses actually does try to push the envelope and it's intense, but also a one-off.
- Optional upgrades are unexciting. You've got several physical power-ups like health or extra damage, which are completely worthless, batsuits (each of which requires five different pick-ups) and hidden items around the backgrounds which serve as side-quests and unlock concept art. There's nothing here quite like finding those first life/missile tanks in a Metroid game, but at least figuring out how to reach some of them is fun.
- Likewise, the new gear you find through the game is not much better, but to be fair it's not really their fault. The problem is that anybody familiar with this series will figure out almost the entire gear tree from barely playing ten-fifteen minutes:. You do get a couple of new twists for some gadgets, but they only come to play towards the end of the game, and there's very little new here's pretty much Asylum's, Gel Launcher, Line Launcher, stronger decryption...
- It can take time to get used to how the map works, but I guess a normal map wouldn't have worked well with all the background/foreground stuff.
- Of all the things from the Metroid Prime series to take inspiration from, the pre-ending fetch quest probably shouldn't have been one of them. It's not too terrible, though.
-Arkham Batman just can't catch a break, it seems. We just can't go an entire game without someone outsmarting him, haha.
Finally, the infamous length. I think one extra area/main enemy would have been perfect, but to be honest I didn't really feel that shortchanged. It's probably similar in volume of content to Shadow Complex, perhaps even a little more, so that's a good measure stick. All in all, while perhaps not long/hard enough for a full price purchase, it's still worth a playthrough, especially for people who liked Asylum more than City, and more so if that budget price HD downloadable release ends up happening next year. Certainly a good effort from Armature.
- I think by far the biggest issue with the game is that it's EXTREMELY easy. I'm not going to pretend the console games were Ghost 'n' Goblins, but even leaving aside the fact that the AI was more aggressive, Blackgate doesn't have the enemy progression its brethren do. You have the fodder, the knife and taser guys (and very rarely do you ever see these two together or more than one at the same time), but that's it for the entire game. Add to that Batman's responsiveness, and enemies are little more than a waste of time. Things get more interesting during bosses, but it's not enough.
Mirror of Fate vs. Blackgate?
From those impressions, MoF seems significantly better.
It's meatier and more demanding, that's for sure. They take almost opposite approaches, which means they complement each other well, but if you really like one of them chances are you won't like the other.
Assuming you missed my post:
Any new game plus?
Or a hard mode so the combat is more interesting?
Sorry, I'm impatient I know.
Assuming you missed my post:
Any new game plus?
Or a hard mode so the combat is more interesting?
Sorry, I'm impatient I know.
5hrs!? Noooooo! But they promised 10!!!
Unless they meant *gasp* multiple playthrough a to get the Riddlers challenges or other acheivements, collection, etc!
Yes, but it doesn't appear to change the difficulty.
It's meatier and more demanding, that's for sure. They take almost opposite approaches, which means they complement each other well, but if you really like one of them chances are you won't like the other.
AU$34 at Big W, they've been doing some great prices lately
Wow, thanks for the tip! Will buy from Big W for sure.
So there's a bonus if you buy Blackgate on Vita, and Origins on PS3:
Get Arkham Origins on PS3 and Arkham Origins Blackgate on PS Vita, and unlock this exclusive Beware the Batman costume (modeled after the TV show of the same name) for Blackgate.
my wife would kill me if she knew I was spending money on video games while I'm looking for a job
This almost seems like punishment rather than a bonus...
I want to see a 3DS/Vita Comparison video!
Steam? I think its Vita/3DS only right?What time does it unlock on Steam? I'm in CDT
What time does it unlock on Steam? I'm in CDT
Sometime next year? Possibly never?
This is the 3DS/Vita game.
Thanks for the impressions!^^
This game could've been more succesful if it was a downloable XBLA/PSN/Wii U game like Shadow Complex for $15-20.
Disappointing a more linear game like Mirror of Fate is longer and with more content. The MetroVania games are at least 10hrs long. With more effort Blackgate could've hit that length.
I'm a bit letdown. Was really excited for it. Still worth a playthrough but $40 kind of steep.
eShop - if it's not there now then probably not, they tend to update at Midnight Eastern time.Is this coming out on eshop or PSN tonight?
Oh, this comes out tomorrow?
What's with the weird release day?
I actually have this ordered from Amazon so it'll be nice to play over the weekend.
Ehh I think I finished Guacamelee in 5-6 hours. Of course, that game was only $15.![]()
Given it sounded like it was in stores last week I think it's less it would've come out on the 29th and more that it'd have come out on the 22nd. And in that case it's a bum deal.It's better than it coming out on the 29th. I'll take a Friday release anytime instead of having to wait 4 extra days.
So there's a bonus if you buy Blackgate on Vita, and Origins on PS3:
Get Arkham Origins on PS3 and Arkham Origins Blackgate on PS Vita, and unlock this exclusive Beware the Batman costume (modeled after the TV show of the same name) for Blackgate.