Batman x Metroid seems like a dream come true. Shame about those scores.
Batman x Metroid seems like a dream come true. Shame about those scores.
That would be meSo...
+ As said before, the presentation is fantastic. Native resolution, solid framerate, smooth transitions between rooms, great atmosphere... even if the game takes place in one place, each location still manages to feel distinct, and while the Vita lacks 3D, the camerawork is still appreciated. Voice actors do a good job with what little they have to work with and the music isn't exactly memorable, but it works well in the heat of the moment.
+ Gear gating works nicely. You have to do a fair bit of backtracking to each area, but thanks to the new gadgets you'll be able to open new shortcuts and paths to upgrades, which prevents it from being tedious.
+ Similarly, the area layouts can get dense at times. Metroidvanias are becoming more and more commonplace nowadays, but that feeling of "Alright, which way?" will never get old. That said, sometimes graphics are a little too busy and they can obscure air duct entrances, which might be even worse on 3DS. Hint:.There's no need to backtrack after defeating Grundy
+ Some people will probably find the bosses frustrating, but I'd still argue they're a highlight. Other thanthey're all unique and represent the only times you're likely to see the game over screen. In particular,Catwoman/Bronze Tiger+ There are actual puzzles at some points. It's nothing too fancy, but it adds variety.the Penguin's Freeze-like stealth sequence and Black Mask's point-and-click "fight" were among the series' best bosses. Not the highest of praise, but still, they're good
+ The hacking mini-game treads that fine line between "annoying mini-game" and "what's the point of even having this?" well. It's quick, it gets a little more complex with each new security code and it doesn't pop up too often.
- I think by far the biggest issue with the game is that it's EXTREMELY easy. I'm not going to pretend the console games were Ghost 'n' Goblins, but even leaving aside the fact that the AI was more aggressive, Blackgate doesn't have the enemy progression its brethren do. You have the fodder, the knife and taser guys (and very rarely do you ever see these two together or more than one at the same time), but that's it for the entire game. Add to that Batman's responsiveness, and enemies are little more than a waste of time. Things get more interesting during bosses, but it's not enough.
- All of that extends to predator sequences, and it's even worse there. They're very far apart, it only goes up to four enemies at a time at best (when Batman can destroy two armed men with ease here) and just like with combat, what you see is what you get. No takedowns from above or other skills that you don't have from the beginning, no detective mode jammers, no suicide collars, nada. It's too bad, because one of the bosses actually does try to push the envelope and it's intense, but also a one-off.
- Optional upgrades are unexciting. You've got several physical power-ups like health or extra damage, which are completely worthless, batsuits (each of which requires five different pick-ups) and hidden items around the backgrounds which serve as side-quests and unlock concept art. There's nothing here quite like finding those first life/missile tanks in a Metroid game, but at least figuring out how to reach some of them is fun.
- Likewise, the new gear you find through the game is not much better, but to be fair it's not really their fault. The problem is that anybody familiar with this series will figure out almost the entire gear tree from barely playing ten-fifteen minutes:. You do get a couple of new twists for some gadgets, but they only come to play towards the end of the game, and there's very little new here's pretty much Asylum's, Gel Launcher, Line Launcher, stronger decryption...
- It can take time to get used to how the map works, but I guess a normal map wouldn't have worked well with all the background/foreground stuff.
- Of all the things from the Metroid Prime series to take inspiration from, the pre-ending fetch quest probably shouldn't have been one of them. It's not too terrible, though.
-Arkham Batman just can't catch a break, it seems. We just can't go an entire game without someone outsmarting him, haha.
Finally, the infamous length. I think one extra area/main enemy would have been perfect, but to be honest I didn't really feel that shortchanged. It's probably similar in volume of content to Shadow Complex, perhaps even a little more, so that's a good measure stick. All in all, while perhaps not long/hard enough for a full price purchase, it's still worth a playthrough, especially for people who liked Asylum more than City, and more so if that budget price HD downloadable release ends up happening next year. Certainly a good effort from Armature.
Same here, it's easy, especially for people who played the Arkham games before. But I don't get the low scores. Gamespot also gave Origins a 6/10.I'm still far from finishing it, but I pretty much agree with everything you said. It's fun, but very very easy.
About the scores, 5/10 from Gamespot... seriously? It's not the perfect game, but no way it's under 6/10.
For whatever it's worth the ones that are binary go "yeah play this game", and going by Kotaku's review I guess it depends entirely on if you want a Metroid style game or want it as a Batman fan, as the latter may be disappointing given how the story turned out.In store right now... Not convinced after those scores as well... Really want to buy. Hmm screw it.
Will let you lot know.
Disappointed we're not really hearing about differences between the two versions (Vita/3DS). As a 3DS owner, I'd like to make sure I'm not getting a port that didn't quite make the transition fully intact.
Arkham Origins Blackgate is virtually identical on 3DS and Vita, but the Vita version looks a little bit better and its easier to sweep a room in Detective Mode with your finger on the Vitas touchscreen than it is to use the Circle Pad to scroll around the screen on 3DS. It looks decent in 3D on 3DS, but you wont be missing anything if you leave it turned off and the cut scenes are only displayed in 2D as well.
Coming to both 3DS and Playstation Vita, this portable game has the same basic features across both handhelds, but visually the differences are quite apparent. While the Vita is the more powerful platform, the difference in visual fidelity on 3DS isnt all bad news. The 3D effect works quite well in a 2.5D setting, and the game does a good job of moving the perspective around to take advantage of the effect. If you like 3D in your games, Blackgate should be a treat on 3DS, even if it doesnt have the detail of its Vita counterpart.
On Vita the game has better textures, models, and effects. It was apparent that Blackgate had better lighting effects on Vita, with more appropriate blacks, shadows, and colorful neon lights setting a Gotham scene. One rain scene had an obnoxious, blotchy rain effect on the 3DS, but the higher resolution on Vita allowed them to make the effect much more subtle. Overall, the Vita version falls closer in line with the console Arkham games.
That said, while the demo wasnt a final version of Blackgate, I wasnt particularly blown away by the performance on Vita. Especially in terms of character models, the game looked more like an up-rezzed port of the 3DS version than a version on a handheld capable of accurately capturing the subtleties of Nathan Drake in Uncharted: Golden Abyss. It didnt help that right across from it was a pretty impressive port of Injustice: Gods Among Us running on Vita hardware.
Beyond the graphics, both versions of the game played fine.
Unless you own both a 3DS and a Vita, your version of Arkham Origins Blackgate has likely already been decided. That said, if you really like 3D, the 3DS version is probably the one you want. If you want sharper graphics, but maybe not the best the Vita is capable of, youll want that version.
Are there any challenges in this game like in the console ones? Or is it just story mode and that's it?
Or is it just story mode and that's it?
When will it show up in the PSN store?
Or maybe Batman simply needs more interesting enemies to bring some more fantastic moves out of him. Metroids Samus Aran and Castlevanias various Belmonts have enemies to roll under, zap with the aforementioned freeze rays, or to cut down in midflight. In Blackgate, Batmans mostly got dudes in orange jumpsuits to punch. Send in the space aliens.Or at least do more with the surprise enemies that Blackgate teases will show up in a some sort of sequel. I wont ruin it here, but as been-there-done-that as Blackgates setting and enemies are, a subplot and ending sequence introduce some classic DC characters into the fiction who seem primed to torment Batman in a future game. For fans of a certain DC cast of characters that I won't ruin for you now, this game ends on a very exciting and promising note.
It looks like the game got pretty bad reviews in general. Maybe should get the Turtles game instead or PacMan?Any reviews for the 3DS version?
Can someone who's beaten the game spoil me, given this bit from the Kotaku review?
Any reviews for the 3DS version?
Both versions of Blackgate have their benefits and drawbacks. The Vita version has infinitely better textures and superior character models, which makes the graphics look phenomenal. The 3DS' visuals aren't pure guano, but when the camera zooms in for the last slow-mo punch of a fight, it's like looking at a PS1 game. On the flipside, 3DS players will love having a minimap that's visible at all times, the subtle depth of field effect, and Detective Mode controls that feel smoother. Having to poke your Vita screen to uncover hidden items will often obscure whatever you're looking for, like trying to play Where's Waldo when your thumb's obscuring any point of interest.
Should be another 20 minutes before the eShop finally updates, I think. Then another ~12 hours for the game download to finish and I'll be ready to sink my teeth into it.
People were hyped over this game!? I saw all the gameplay previews and they reek of slow, painful, and dull.
People want another good metroidvaina game.
Have you tried guacamelee and knytt underground(i really loved this but it's not for everyone though)?Despite the reviews (and my better judgement), I went ahead and bought it for Vita this morning; I'm just a sucker for anything that resembles a Metroidvania game.
I really wish we could get a true Metroidvania though. Aliens: Colonial Marines and Mirror of Fate didn't quite scratch that itch. Same goes for Aquaria and Dust: An Elysian Tail, both of which I've seen labeled as Metroidvania's. The GBA and DS Castlevania games almost became comfort food at a certain point. Sure, the formula didn't change much, but for me it never got old, and every 2 years or so, I'd pour hours into the new entry. Even it was just a clone, I wish someone would make a suitable replacement. The games that get called Metroidvania games nowadays just don't have a diverse enough amount of upgrades and powerups to make the worlds and environments feel as layered at the Metroid and Castlevania games they get compared to.
People were hyped over this game!? I saw all the gameplay previews and they reek of slow, painful, and dull.
Have you tried guacamelee and knytt underground(this is not for everyone though)?
Why would anyone think this would be a good game, you ask? Did you know that the studio behind this title is composed of numerous ex-Retro guys who were all key members of the Metroid Prime development team? They are one of the few teams I would expect to be capable of creating a good Metroid style game.I can't understand wanting a Metroidvania, but why would anyone think this would be a good game? It's like expecting Mirrors of Fate to be a good game. I really wanted to pull my hair out watching the gameplay footage. It was infuriating to watch how bland and boring it played out.
Another bad metroidvania? =(
Why would anyone think this would be a good game, you ask? Did you know that the studio behind this title is composed of numerous ex-Retro guys who were all key members of the Metroid Prime development team? They are one of the few teams I would expect to be capable of creating a good Metroid style game.
I actually kind of like it thus far myself, but it's definitely not a classic. The fact is, applying the Arkham formula to a side scroller isn't a great idea as the mechanics are just kind of sluggish in comparison to a proper Metroid title.