The problem is that challenge in past Arkham games was about keeping one long combo, not merely escaping damage...
Brilliant post, man. That emphasis on maintaining your combo at all costs is the main thing I think WB Montreal didn't understand. Between the barely-differentiated armoured enemies, the Concussion Detonator that actually puts you in danger rather than helping you, the more aggressive regular enemies and the ease with which Batman will just randomly drop combos by attacking empty air, AO's combat has lost that perfectly-dependable, rock-solid feel of Rocksteady's games. Things that were once 100% reliable just aren't any more, which undermines the fundamental idea of freeflow combat.
I still don't know why they think Batman needs a Devil Trigger, either. I guess it was alright as a bullet point on the back of the box for the Wii U version of Arkham City, but the Shock Gloves are just an 'I win' button in Origins. As soon as you fill up your meter it's all over bar the button mashing. The advanced enemy types are there to make it trickier to keep your combo going, and to further emphasise the need to have that combo in the first place because you always want to have a special move at the ready to deal with them. Good ol' risk/reward stuff; if you used the wrong attack against a certain enemy type you'd be back to square one and it'd be even harder to start your combo again. Origins just teaches you to get some random punches in until you can turn on Batman's magic fists and mash away.
Also the armoured enforcers just aren't much fun. You really can't risk any lengthy manoeuvres while they're in play, because they constantly chase you and they're always there. In AC you'd use the Bat Swarm to clear a space to do an Ultra Stun on a Titan, but with Origins' more aggressive enemies you can't really fit one in. You end up doing this endless Beatdown, having to counter a guy coming up behind you every three hits.
I think the Venom users are pretty cool, though. They're relatively easy to deal with if you just go for the Instant Takedowns, but obviously Beatdowns will get you way more points. And the Martial Artists are excellent. They really fit the paradigm of having to stay cool under pressure in the Arkham games, because you want to just mash the counter button but you know you have to wait for juuuust the right moment. They don't work so well on NG+, though, because you can't tell their 'special attacks' (i.e. ones you have to hit Counter twice for) from their regular ones without the Counter icons. You just have to mash the Counter button every time they attack. AC had that problem, too, though, with the Assassins and their Blade Dodge Takedowns (and they attacked faster on NG+, just to really screw you up