Screaming Meat
Unconfirmed Member
Anyone else disappointed that Electrocutioneronly serves as a joke boss? Maybe WB Montreal ran out of ideas on how to make his boss fight interesting.
I thought it was funny.
Anyone else disappointed that Electrocutioneronly serves as a joke boss? Maybe WB Montreal ran out of ideas on how to make his boss fight interesting.
Yeah I feel the same, Origins probably did good, but not AA/AC good, I am speaking for myself here, but the money that went to the MP could have been used greatly in the SP, fixing the technical issues, more story content --much more--, and maybe a couple more new characters for challenge maps.I get the feeling this collection, along with the Humble Bundle which includes some Origins DLC but not Origins, is all attempts to goose sales of this title. I'll bet WB had some pretty lofty sales expectations, and the reviews scores and game stability set them back a bit.
Try GAMEPROFF advice, disable the camera from the option menue, It will help alot.I just want to know if the bugs have been fixed?
Fix the combat and fix the bugs and I will easily bump the score up to 8/10
GREATLY, my main problem is that IAnyone else disappointed that Electrocutioneronly serves as a joke boss? Maybe WB Montreal ran out of ideas on how to make his boss fight interesting.
Try GAMEPROFF advice, disable the camera from the option menue, It will help alot.
Try GAMEPROFF advice, disable the camera from the option menue, It will help alot.
I believe so, but from my experience it still moves around, just not all over the place as before, and you will have a better view of your surroundings.What does that do? Stop it from moving around?
Glad I am not the only one who found it helpfulHoly shit, thanks to both of you for this advice. Turning off the camera assist in the Rocksteady games never really seemed to do much, so I never even bothered trying it in Origins, but it makes a world of difference. So, so, much better, especially in cramped spaces.
I believe so, but from my experience it still moves around, just not all over the place as before, and you will have a better view of your surroundings.
I went back to play through Arkham City, and even though the combat in City is more enjoyable and "fun", I kinda miss the difficulty of Origins. Origin kicked my asss, while I can breeze through City on New Game + without breaking a sweat.
I just beatand I'm wondering how far along I am? Gotta beat this by Wed night. Assume I don't do any sidequests.Copperhead
Anyone else disappointed that Electrocutioneronly serves as a joke boss? Maybe WB Montreal ran out of ideas on how to make his boss fight interesting.
I just beatand I'm wondering how far along I am? Gotta beat this by Wed night. Assume I don't do any sidequests.Copperhead
I'm not sure there will be one, I mean there won't be 9s or 10s to put on the cover after all.So should I just wait until the GotY edition?
I'd say you're about half way done, maybe a little more...
Awesome, thanks.If you go from mission to mission without exploring/sidemissions you can blast through it in a couple of hours.
Combat difficulty in the overworld and the challenge rooms might not match up assuming challenge rooms = normal, and story mode = whatever you picked.Yeah. The harder combat in Origins reflects the fact that this is early in Batman's career, so everything should be more of a struggle. At least that's how I rationalized the higher difficulty level in my mind.
Damn, those credits are long.
But I'm always afraid to skip them.
Don't want to miss something.
At the end the game got realy great.
At first it didn't click.
Now I'll be doing the rest of the side missions.
Btw.: so it was a bug that!?the electrocutioner died in 1 hit
No, it was suppose to happen.
didn't get that.
is he known to be not that much of a threat in the comics?
didn't get that.
is he known to be not that much of a threat in the comics?
have you heard of him before?![]()
no, i havent.
So has anyone figured out what actually triggers Deathstroke's uncounterable move? Because sometimes it happens as soon as I throw a punch after correctly countering him. It's a cool basic idea for a boss fight, but so poorly implemented and designed.
You can counter all moves. Not sure what you are talking about.
This game has crashed my Wii U more than any other games combined. Are people seriously saying that it was worse at launch time on other platforms? Shiieeet.
Btw.: so it was a bug that!?the electrocutioner died in 1 hit
Can't believe people thought that was a bug.
Get a x50 combo with 15 variations in a MEDIUM or higher threat level without being hit
The only thing I'm missing for 100% (excluding the challenge maps, not interested in them) are the last Shadow Vigilante challenge and the majority of the Worst Nightmare challenges.
I just started New Game+ as I didn't have any predator rooms left, so the latter won't be a problem, I guess.. but Shadow Vigilante?
No chance in hell. x50 is doable, but 15 variations? My closest was 12, I think. And avoiding all hits? Ugh.
Yeah I feel the same, Origins probably did good, but not AA/AC good, I am speaking for myself here, but the money that went to the MP could have been used greatly in the SP, fixing the technical issues, more story content --much more--, and maybe a couple more new characters for challenge maps.
Try GAMEPROFF advice, disable the camera from the option menue, It will help alot.
GREATLY, my main problem is that Ididn't get to fight 8 assassins, I only fought like 4 or something
This happened to me by luck, so I am not sure if it will wield result for you, but anyway, you know Riddler's HQ ?!The only thing I'm missing for 100% (excluding the challenge maps, not interested in them) are the last Shadow Vigilante challenge and the majority of the Worst Nightmare challenges.
I just started New Game+ as I didn't have any predator rooms left, so the latter won't be a problem, I guess.. but Shadow Vigilante?
No chance in hell. x50 is doable, but 15 variations? My closest was 12, I think. And avoiding all hits? Ugh.
damn, sorry about that, can't find any way else.Doesn't help at all. Camera still makes it too easy for enemies to get cheap hits.
I did this fight 20 times or so till I managed to clear it without getting hit once, for the achievement... and I never saw an attack I couldn't counter.Deathstroke himself has a counterattack that seems to be randomly triggered even when you're attacking him 'correctly,' i.e. immediately after countering one of his own attacks.
I did this fight 20 times or so till I managed to clear it without getting hit once, for the achievement... and I never saw an attack I couldn't counter.
IF you do press counter too soon you WILL get hit, though. So, the only thing you need to do is to not counter anything till it is about to hit you. Also, batclaw slam.
how are bosses in new game + ? must be a pain in the ass for a few with no counter icon.
Can't believe people thought that was a bug.
This Deathstroke fight might be the end of me.
I just..... can't..... do it.