Please stop hinting towards the story, for fucks sake.
I have no clue what it is or if it pertains story, gameplay or anything else. But I see how it can be annoying, I apologize.
Please stop hinting towards the story, for fucks sake.
From the comments, it seems like it's worse. Being disappointed in something that I don't even know what it is, is a weird feeling lol.
Oh God, please tell me that Origins doesn't delve into Arkham City-esque retardedness at the end of the game.
What!? I enjoyed Arkham City's story. It's not the best, but it was thoroughly entertaining.
The ending was really shitty. Stupid twists and randomly just starts killing characters off cause the writers got bored.
Characters? No sir. Only one person died at the end of AC who didn't need to. The other person had to go.
Maybe it's because I almost never follow comic arcs, but my investment in the Arkham game storyline is pretty damn forgiving. I liked Asylum's narrative a lot more than City's, but mostly because just seemed to meander around ideas, rush others, and didn't come together very well by the end. Not as tightly as Asylum did. But still, I'm forgiving. I'm not really expecting a masterpiece. I just want a good comic book origin story.
City's story is good enough for a huge batman plot that involves everyone up until wonder tower, where it needed to slow down and take a breather for a moment before wrapping up the joker stuff. It felt like a clustefuck because a lot of really important things were happening and you were never given enough time to have them sink in.
Does anyone else watch a bunch of Batman related stuff during the week before these games come out?
Yup,I still feel like the only one in the world who thinks Batman Begins is the best out of all the live action movies.
Does anyone else watch a bunch of Batman related stuff during the week before these games come out?
City's story is good enough for a huge batman plot that involves everyone up until wonder tower, where it needed to slow down and take a breather for a moment before wrapping up the joker stuff. It felt like a clustefuck because a lot of really important things were happening and you were never given enough time to have them sink in.
Wow so it's not that good heh? Will wait for GOTY then.
The only thing that pisses me off about Arkham City's ending isTalia's death and the manner in which Joker died. It's a shame that Talia, of all people, got fridged in this day and age. What should have happened is that she should have killed Ra's, to which he responds that it is not Batman or Strange that are worthy as his successors, but his own daughter that he has overlooked. Talia leaves and one of the major villains for the next game is set up. It's stupid too because the only reason Talia isn't the obvious choice is because of his own stupid sexism, which might have been acceptable back in the day, but now the notion should be discarded as an extraordinary blindspot on part of Ra's, possibly due to his age/dips in the lazarus pit. Second, the joker should never clung so pitifully to life like he did. Pranking Batman is his life's mission, above all. In that situation, what better joke would there be than to have batman offer to save him only for him to voluntarily snap his own neck like in Dark Knight Returns, pinning the blame on Batman and making him a wanted fugitive (since one of the only reasons GCPD tolerates batman is that he doesn't kill anyone)
Wow so it's not that good heh? Will wait for GOTY then.
That would have been way better than what we got.
Christ, way to drop the ball there. Rocksteady can make a game brilliant in terms of design and mechanics, even mood a lot of the time, but actual narrative... they really need to work on that.
Just got an e-mail that the digital PC version is also delayed until November 8th in EU. Subsequently cancelled my pre-order, as I'm on vacation then.
Just got an e-mail that the digital PC version is also delayed until November 8th in EU. Subsequently cancelled my pre-order, as I'm on vacation then.
Just got an e-mail that the digital PC version is also delayed until November 8th in EU. Subsequently cancelled my pre-order, as I'm on vacation then.
After all the build up, Hugo Strange was dispatched outta nowhere by Ras who then takes a header into an iron fence and impaled, while Batman makes a pithy one liner. Then Talia gets ganked, Clayface is Joker (what?), but wait, Joker's alive! But wait, now Joker's died (fina-fucking-lly) and then Batman carries his body out like a brother or lover instead of Talia who minutes earlier Batman was ready to save instead of saving Gotham.
Yup,I still feel like the only one in the world who thinks Batman Begins is the best out of all the live action movies.
I think similar happened earlier in the thread, but maybe that post was vague and I just skipped out of paranoia. Glad I just finished Arkham City though to safely read that! Even though it's been long since spoiler protected.MY GOD SPOILERS.
Thank goodness I finished the game, but sheeesh. Tag that up!
Just got an e-mail that the digital PC version is also delayed until November 8th in EU. Subsequently cancelled my pre-order, as I'm on vacation then.
For real? Who was that from?
They link to this news, which only mentions the retail version though. But according to them, my Steam key order is affected. They probably rip the Steam codes they sell from retail versions then?
They link to this news, which only mentions the retail version though. But according to them, my Steam key order is affected. They probably rip the Steam codes they sell from retail versions then?
Meh.Ra's has come back from so much crap in the comics I'd be surprised if he were dead. Talia too, though Dini's insistence of having a Batman/Joker scene was a little ridiculous. But even without that, Talia's the only person who needed to live. The rest of them had to go.
Really enjoyed the two Arkham games but i do feel like they needed to move on with the Batman games with a new setting besides another Prison. The Arkham story was wrapped up neatly at the end of City.
Will wait for reviews and, well, to be honest probably skip it anyways due to Next Gen creeping up on me already.
Yeah,Honestly,It was incredibly anti-climactic. I was waiting for an epic final showdown with this:Strange dying that way really bugged me.
Would have been an amazing sequence. He even says in the beginning he wants to surpass Batman as Gotham's hero. Fuck, I get annoyed we didn't get a twisted psychological showdown with Strange after all the shit Batman goes through in AC.
This isn't set in a prison and there's a brand new location the size of Arkham City to explore.
Just got an e-mail that the digital PC version is also delayed until November 8th in EU. Subsequently cancelled my pre-order, as I'm on vacation then.
eh, i just play these games for the gameplay alone.
to be honest i can barely remember the story of Asylum and even less the one in City.
Yay pre-load (UK here too)!Just pre-loaded the game on Steam in the UK (16.2GB). I wish it was a Tuesday release in America so I could unlock it today!
huh, ok, interest rose a little bit![]()
main theme from the soundtrack