The full soundtrack is releasing today, it just became available on iTunes.
Downloaded it on my phone but haven't had a chance to listen since I'm at work.
main theme from the soundtrack
Suppose it does not matter as I have decent BB, but for anyone on a slow BB, they could rightly be pissed at that
For example where my mother lives it is terrible, and 17GB would take all weekend
main theme from the soundtrack
smash your mates with our pro tips.
Has there been any previews of the mp yet? The lack of any buzz about that frightens me.
smash your mates with our pro tips.
Has there been any previews of the mp yet? The lack of any buzz about that frightens me.
Badass.What an amazing cover.
Agreed.A shame they didn't put Two Face in this. He was underused in AC.
I just hope that the PC port isn't garbage like AC, getting rid of GFWL was a step in the right direction though.
I just hope that the PC port isn't garbage like AC, getting rid of GFWL was a step in the right direction though.
Maybe it's because I almost never follow comic arcs, but my investment in the Arkham game storyline is pretty damn forgiving. I liked Asylum's narrative a lot more than City's, but mostly because just seemed to meander around ideas, rush others, and didn't come together very well by the end. Not as tightly as Asylum did. But still, I'm forgiving. I'm not really expecting a masterpiece. I just want a good comic book origin story.
How was it garbage? it looked and ran way better than the console.
dx11 mode? really? my 770 disagrees. Goes from 80-50 frames every few seconds (replaying now for AO)
How was it garbage? it looked and ran way better than the console.
What an amazing cover.
Dammit that looks so awesome. Why can't Batman have proportions like that in the game?
Dammit that looks so awesome. Why can't Batman have proportions like that in the game?
When are we expecting the reviews then, Friday?
Have your seen the 17 minute video, or screenshots. He does look like that proportion wise, it's just that is taken from a different angle. He's a slimmer batman, faster, more agile. Is suite isn't as streamlined.
They didn't make his boots, gauntlets and cowl over blown like Rocksteady did.
Actually to tell you the truth I'm digging the Re-design's of Bane, Killer Croc, deathstroke, deadshot, and joker.
Seem's more in line with the comic.
Besides the one assassin, the game is pretty much a sausagefest eh?
loved catwoman's animations, and talia's walk animation during that walk and talk sequence lol.
oh well (._. )
Batman: Arkham Origins - First Two Hours Walkthrough on PS3 [Obviously Spoiler Warning]
Just fast forwarded and looked at the player going through the skill tree. Why the hell would they make a skill tree for Batman's abilities? If I'm not able to unlock all of his abilities I will be really disappointed. From what I could gather from the video, say I choose to unlock the blade counter ability, now I won't be able to unlock ballistic armor since it is in a separate tree??? Please no.
Just fast forwarded and looked at the player going through the skill tree. Why the hell would they make a skill tree for Batman's abilities? If I'm not able to unlock all of his abilities I will be really disappointed. From what I could gather from the video, say I choose to unlock the blade counter ability, now I won't be able to unlock ballistic armor since it is in a separate tree??? Please no.
Besides the just cause 2 grapple thing, what else is new?
With a prequel they're in an awkward position of having an awesome new gadget that he somehow doesn't use years from now lol
concussion detonator is the only other new gadget we know about.Are all the gadgets from AC back in this?
They really should start replacing some of the stuff with new stuff or just... other stuff? I mean zelda games have some core items that exist in the franchise, but at least there each game has a nice little twist on how they behave and there are usually a plethora of new gadgets too.
Besides the just cause 2 grapple thing, what else is new?