Do you guys ever get together to have a neogaf match?
Sometimes we get a squad going. That's about it. NA tho.
Do you guys ever get together to have a neogaf match?
So I'm thinking of picking up the Premium edition to hold me off until I can afford a next-gen console.
Which console has the more lively online community?
this week? definitely 360. everyone on PS3 playing TLOU. even i was for a few days.
overall, it's pretty even, but most of Console BFGAF are going PS4 nextgen, so there's that...
this week? definitely 360. everyone on PS3 playing TLOU. even i was for a few days.
overall, it's pretty even, but most of Console BFGAF are going PS4 nextgen, so there's that...
Good to know. Guess I'll go with 360 since I have more free space on my HDD. There's probably what, a dozen gigs or so of DLC?
One new game has that much of an impact on the online community?! Yikes, in that case best to go 360 route.
DICE needs some stricter rules for BF4 Rush servers. The only Rush servers with a good map rotation are 64 players or 300 tickets or some stupid shit (or both). Who wants to play that crap? Besides stat whores. BC2 got it right with its 32 cap and no insanely high ticket counts. 32 even feels like a clusterfuck sometimes, but it's at least playable.
I agree anything goes for Conquest. But Rush was just ruined (it was already 10 steps below BC2).
So is Armored Kill, Aftermath and End Game worth $15? I already have Back to Karkand and Close Quarters.
So I guess I am well late to the party, but with Amazon selling BF3 + Premium for £13.50 I could not resist, however I can not find those servers listed on the first page, is the Neogaf group KIA?
If you want good servers, here's a list:
You'll find Spl1nters, me and scogoth in there. Sometimes other gaffers (ocho, deadly, etc).
I check my origin friend list at least twice a day to see if you guys are around. It seems you guys play when I'm at work or something. We need BF4.
Got kicked for glitching, WTF I wasn't glitching. I was having a good game, do I keep my stats or weapon unlocks?
I check my origin friend list at least twice a day to see if you guys are around. It seems you guys play when I'm at work or something. We need BF4.
Busy these days, and I can't seem to catch Splint or scogoth.
Nice sneak edit adding me in there =P
I can play right now
Is this where I post my battlelog name? I app'd to the clan, MrBonesHOK
I bought this game at launch but haven't really played much of multiplayer since I'm not that good with mouse and keyboard controls. I've come up with a mouse and left half of 360 controller scheme because I hate WASD for movement.
Anyways, over a couple hours of play tonight, I noticed that I would sometimes get killed by a dude who was clipping his gun through a wall. Is this common, cause it's annoying as hell to die that way?
Also, it seemed like I would need to get several shots on an enemy with my Aug A3 to get a kill, yet I die from only a few enemy shots, especially against the SCAR. Is this more likely lag, difference in gun damage, or is my aim just off?
Oh yeah, and seeing people bunny hop frequently is annoying. There should be a speed penalty when they do that.
PC? None of NeoGAF PC clans are active anymore =(
Liar. Splinter was playing just tonight with someone else.I joined the other team their team was camping and got mown.
Anyway, WASD isn't the problem for me. The problem for me transitioning from consoles is the "hold to crouch" key and not knowing where prone is since on consoles it's Stand->R3/Crouch->Hold R3 or tap R3 from crouch/prone. So I'm tapping L. CTRL and getting teabagging.
The other thing is fumbling with gadgets and switching weapons. I need to play more co-op and adjust but man relearning the controls is going to take a good long while it seems.
Yeah, some of the BF3 PC controls are a bit strange. The worst is holding down Shift to sprint. There should at least be an option to make it a toggle instead.Liar. Splinter was playing just tonight with someone else.I joined the other team their team was camping and got mown.
Anyway, WASD isn't the problem for me. The problem for me transitioning from consoles is the "hold to crouch" key and not knowing where prone is since on consoles it's Stand->R3/Crouch->Hold R3 or tap R3 from crouch/prone. So I'm tapping L. CTRL and getting teabagging.
The other thing is fumbling with gadgets and switching weapons. I need to play more co-op and adjust but man relearning the controls is going to take a good long while it seems.
the thing about 360 is schedule, it's really US stacked and late nights are prime time, while on PS3 it's more varied so there isn't a single "hot time" for it, even with more GAF players overall.Eh, even on consoles "GAF" platoons are pretty lean. I'd say it's something like:
PS3->360->PC in terms of player retention. Though lately PS3-GAF has moved to "the Last of Us" or other titles and kinda went into "the breaking of the fellowship."
Cuban and Snrub/Anton don't play anymore? I know they were crazy active in BC2 (which I've got slowly downloading off Origin while downloading TF2 updates off Steam) but I don't see anything of them around.
(I also learned X/Z is crouch/prone respectively which just seems really weird and awkward to hit. Gah, keyboards. If I could somehow make a left-thumbstick and d-pad a-la PS3 controller, I'd be in business in movement outside of losing prone/crouch for lack of R3 toggle on mouse...)
BF3-GA, I only own the first expansion pack and I haven't played the game for a couple of months and I was thinking to play on PC again. So, as I am downloading the game, I want to know if most servers require premium DLC. Anyone can tell me if I should buy another copy of the game for $40?
Yeah, some of the BF3 PC controls are a bit strange. The worst is holding down Shift to sprint. There should at least be an option to make it a toggle instead.
The Faceless Master said:the thing about 360 is schedule, it's really US stacked and late nights are prime time, while on PS3 it's more varied so there isn't a single "hot time" for it, even with more GAF players overall.
yeah, but 360 GAF is like clockworkTo be fair, PS3-GAF was/is mostly East Coast based. There are exceptions like Fersis, JJD being in South America (but in Brazil and Fersis is Chili, so not too far behind in time), Meppi and a few others being in Europe. Noisepurge is Korea or Romanian(?) somewhere in Asia
@Dramos: Origin has Premium at $20 right now. Which is like $30 less than what consoles want for it. Origin's had it for sale for $15 or so in the past, IIRC. But I dunno if they'll drop it between now and when BF4 launches. If you really want it get it. It's already less than what PSN/XBLM want for it since I don't think Premium's ever dropped in price from the $50 asking price there.
yeah, but 360 GAF is like clockwork
Ya'll missed playing Rush with me.:lol as is PC plays Rush.
Tried finding Rush Arica in BC2 and there's only 2(!) servers playing Conquest. Insane how dead that game is on PC now. I thought there would still be servers since BC1/2 on consoles still has a few dedicated players in both Rush/Conquest each.
wanna play BC1/2?
Maybe tomorrow after lunch. I have to replug in the PS3 but I have the updates for BC1/2 (I think I still have them) so we're good to go.
Though this is a roundabout way of saying "Does this rag smell like console-iform," though.
Also I see a PC version on your Battlelog. When the hell did you buy that?![]()