Is it my display settings or do the B2K maps have a noticeably diffferent color hue to what they were in BF2? It looks grittier in BF3, somehow.
They have a totally different hue. More gray/blue than brown.
Is it my display settings or do the B2K maps have a noticeably diffferent color hue to what they were in BF2? It looks grittier in BF3, somehow.
Change your renderaheadlimit to 0 then. That'll give even less input lag.
Either that, or you're not used to playing with the reduced input lag. Default is 3 I believe.
Any idea why random battlelogs don't show up?
Edit: battle reports rather.
Well this can't be the case all the time. The report I was missing was from a game that I stayed in from beginning to end. I wanted it to show so I could click my cousins user name and add him to battlelog. The following game I quit and it showed up just fine, as did all the following. The one I wanted to show up took about an hour or so to show.Its not random at all. Whenever yOu're disconnected or quit from a dont lose those stats. The stats get counted whenever that match, that you left, finishes. Those "random" battle reports are just those previous matches completing. So if you got disconnected from 2 diffgames, you will have 2 battle reports come in at later time whenever those matches complete.
Yes. I did this with a friend of mine whose internet is pretty slow. We just copied the cas_01.cas to cas_10.cas (9.5 GB total) that are in the data folder and his origin recognized the files.Is there a way of downloading BF3 from origin on one PC and transfer it to another? Sort of like how you can do it on Steam by copying the steamapps folder.
Yes. I did this with a friend of mine whose internet is pretty slow. We just copied the cas_01.cas to cas_10.cas (9.5 GB total) that are in the data folder and his origin recognized the files.
Wouldn't know about B2K, sorry.I'm downloading BF3 and B2K though so will I have to move any additional files?
Scogoth > When are you coming back man ? Next week like Splinter ?
gstrender.renderaheadlimit 0 or gstrender.aheadlimit 0?
My resolution also keeps resetting since I tried the tweak. I know it's irrelevant but I have no idea why it would do that either.. I had already changed stuff in the file before and it was fine.
Attachments are getting tweaked. Guy said the FAMAS+foregrip+suppressor was too OP. Commorose 2.0 in February.TOR been taking all my time, has there been any recent news on upcoming patches or any recent updates?
Jan 2nd maybe or Jan 9th not sure yet.
December 27th
Happy Holidays and welcome newcomers who got BF3 Christmas! As many of us are busy this time of year (myself included) we haven't had too many people playing. Before the new year we are hosting a end of year game night on Friday Dec 30th starting at 8PM EST. Come out and join us on mumble for one last night of fun before partying for New years! I don't think many of us will be online Jan 1stnot in the morning at least.
NeoGAF Server:
BF3 Mumble Server IP: port:64762
Even if you don't have a mic it helps to listen on mumble!
Also, fuck whoever at DICE said losing in this game is fun. It's the worst fucking gaming experience ever. Winning however, that feels amazing.
Hey guys I just bought Battlefield 3/the Karkland DLC for PC! But I don't have any friends on Origin...
Would anyone be willing to add me? My name on Origin is Mitch_Bon
This game just loves to pair me up with mindless people who probably love the Transformers movies.
Hopefully I'll be able to hook up with someone in tonight's games and get a dedicated Javelin+SOFLAM team going.
Also, fuck whoever at DICE said losing in this game is fun. It's the worst fucking gaming experience ever. Winning however, that feels amazing.
Origin is one thing, but for BF3 you want friends on Battlelog. Join a GAF platoon appropriate to where you live and you should have a ton of us on there to invite/add as friends.
Here is GAF North America Central Time Zone:
Clearly you haven't played Dota/hon/lol :lolHopefully I'll be able to hook up with someone in tonight's games and get a dedicated Javelin+SOFLAM team going.
Also, fuck whoever at DICE said losing in this game is fun. It's the worst fucking gaming experience ever. Winning however, that feels amazing.
Eh only feels crappy if your team and you failed to do well. I've done awesome in many matches the team lost but still felt fine. Those couple hundred points for winning or losing is pretty meaningless.
I fucking hate squadleaders who don't lead their squad. Or squads that don't work together in general. If I am the squadleader and say "let's take G, follow me" and they all run a different direction I start to wonder what the fuck is wrong with them.
There is not enough incentive to play together. The squad leader does not do much at all to help in general. Designate a point to attack/defend and that's about it.
If they gave bonuses for working together, or even increased automatic radio chatter between squad mates to facilitate coordination that would be something else. Spotting, ammo/heal requests and asking for cover or warn of grenades. Or allow shared 3D spotting for squad mates that are within a certain radius of each other. Or even the good old spawn on squad leader only.
But in general, because the squad leader is relatively useless, and it gets randomly assigned, so people sometimes are not even aware of being the leader, people forget it means anything.
Pretty hard to lead a squad with no voice chat *glares at DICE*I fucking hate squadleaders who don't lead their squad. Or squads that don't work together in general. If I am the squadleader and say "let's take G, follow me" and they all run a different direction I start to wonder what the fuck is wrong with them.
Exactly.Pretty hard to lead a squad with no voice chat *glares at DICE*
I don't think I've been placed on a winning team in this POS game in over a week. I'll join a Rush game, and the fucking game places me on the defenders with the last MCOM already armed. Thanks for that. Or Conquest, I'll join a game with a score of 20-147. Fuck you DICE.
I feel your pain man. You know what though.. been playing with Christmas noobs and they all go for the objectives in conquest. Seems like all the higher ranks just wanna chill in tanks and get high kill counts off the people actually playing.
random thought about the voip, I'd put money down that Dice can't fix it lol.
If they're gonna kneecap their own game by using a poorly integrated third party solution for VOIP they should at least let you add friends using the in-game UI.In-game VOIP won't happen due to contract obligations between DICE and ESN Sonar.
Man, air vehicles are really imbalanced for new players in this game.
I can't stay in a jet or a helicopter for more than a minute without getting blown up by heat seekers. Pretty shit decision by DICE.
yeah, everyone saw this one coming a mile away since the beta. all the xmas n00bs gettiing manhandled on takeoff.
Exactly. Usually in our squad we just stick to one guy not necessarily the leader (ie: "going for alpha, follow me"). Too bad this a realistic game so there's no possibility of a synergy bonus for sticking by leaders, Lol.
I've had the game since launch and it happens to me. I think I just unlocked flares tonight.
so someone help me out here.
i finally started using the noob toob today to get that assignment out of the way and apparantly i unlocked the Dart. so where the hell do i find this and how do i equip it again?
took me a few minutes to find out how to equip the grenade launcher as well. i thought it was an underbarrel attachement like in the old days. forgot you had to remove a med pack to use the damn thing. hah.
same menu as the medpak and grenade launcher. the dart and smoke variations are listed separately
thanks i found it. dont know why i had a problem with that.
also, its not unlocked. i saw the pop-up but the thing still has a lock on it. the hell...