Anyone else think the AEK-971 is overpowered?
About the only guns medics use anymore.
Anyone else think the AEK-971 is overpowered?
About the only guns medics use anymore.
They already said that they are going to balance the guns in the next patch, so use them while you can.
Just had a great round on Kharg. Flew around in a jet for a bit, got my hands dirty on the field, did some gunning from the viper and had some (very short) fun in the little bird. You know those white containers near the back of A? When you shoot them, they explode. So I saw 6 of their guys all hauled up around one capping the flag and I shot it with the little bird, it exploded, they all died. I got no kills though![]()
Yeah I figured, and I don't mind. Stopping them from capping and knocking 6 tickets off their team certainly contributed to us just winning the game with a few tickets left.If they die from explosions it's a "bad luck" death. No kills for you =(
I'm using the M16A4, bro. Just stating what everyone else uses.
About the only guns medics use anymore.
Ty really need to make txt stick out to the other teammates that are in the same vehicle. Colorcode it or something...jeez???
Most choppers on the servers I play will try to fly low to avoid SOFLAMS. Or they'll swoop low enough that the tank can get a shot. Besides, all it takes is an engy with a JAV to take advantage of CITV. Sometimes our gunner will jump out and take the shot.
I hate jumping into the CITV and having the driver freak out and start throwing smoke as soon as I've got a lock for him. "THAT'S ME!!!" I type, but few randoms can read it seems...
Or the wonderful cycle of "{name}, do you have rockets equipped? Is it worth my time to CITV for you?", get no response, try again, no response, switch squads, spawn on new tank, and repeat. Eventually leave server as its full of CoD smurfs who are incapable of communication.
Kind of a nice feeling to watch the same tank I've abandoned get raped by a Viper though. That's what a lack of teamwork gets you pal.
Seems like it. People completely stopped using the F2000 for some reason. Didn't it only receive a small nerf? Considering the FAMAS is said to be OP by Demize I'm surprised alot of people aren't using it. Honestly, I tried it out and it didn't feel right. Bit too much recoil. AEK is just well there.Shows how different pc and console are. People primarily use the m16a3/m416 on pc.
Seems like it. People completely stopped using the F2000 for some reason. Didn't it only receive a small nerf? Considering the FAMAS is said to be OP by Demize I'm surprised alot of people aren't using it. Honestly, I tried it out and it didn't feel right. Bit too much recoil. AEK is just well there.
I think the FAMAS handles differently on the PC or something. It bounces like crazy. (I've said this like 3 times now)
A weapon i keep running into now is the Engineers G36. Every engineer seems to be using it and i get sniped by the fucking thing halfway across Oman.
They also should fix that you can't spawn on top of a chopper/jet/tank when you are a second too late to actually spawn in them.
During a particularly brutal conquest match, I wondered to myself what the most efficient fighting unit would be for BF3.
Several things came to mind during the continued domination over the Russians in Operation Firestorm: a squad with four different Squad Perks and four different classes can handle any enemy unit encountered on the field. Furthermore, if a squad coordinates solider customization against a specific enemy type and secures appropriate vehicle assets (tank, T-UGS, MAV, mortar, etc), then efficiency will be at its highest form. These two scenarios should be pursued at all times and proper execution will ensure victory. One of my favorite squad plays is the three-seated tank.
One engineer sits in the CITV station , another engineer sits in the gunner seat, and the driver is either a medic or another engineer. The driver uses autoloader, IR smoke, and guided shell. The gunner sports proximity scan, thermal optics, and canister shell. The CITV soldier has equipped thermal camo, zoom optics, and HMG Coaxial. This setup enables one tank to perform it's own AA, AT, and anti-infantry. If able, the crew is able to switch roles in a rapid manner to match the threat. because all good squads roll four deep, this fourth soldier would be a support gunner or medic. Either options provide additional ground protection against foot threats and generally improve situational awareness.
In other words, the tank is the best fighting unit in the game.
Most annoying thing is the team deathmatch spawn decisions. So frustrating to see myself spawn behind someone for an easy and quick knife. It's frustrating because I know it happens me, too, and it shouldn't.
Go play rush or conquest!
Has there been any chatter on the squad system being made to actually work, me and my friends have kinda put this game on the back burner at the moment, and are considering buying a used COD title (as far back as WaW) just to be able to play / chat with eachother without issues.
But, the ideal situation would be that DICE makes the squad and voice work just like it did in BC2, and we wont have to do that...but Im thinking they don't know what they are doing anymore and have no idea how to fix their broken squad system in this squad based game.
What was the line..."Its never been so easy to play with friends" (unless you are one of the MILLIONS of console players..).
Thanks guys!
skype = squad voice chat
Now I just need to convince my friends to play more
Yah I'm in the NeoGaf West Platoon, but I should probably add myself to the others now that I know you can be in multiple platoons at the same time. Been focusing on trying to get all the awards in the game, trying to get all the crappy ones out of the way like 50 squad rush wins and 50 squad deathmatch wins.
Been focusing on trying to get all the awards in the game, trying to get all the crappy ones out of the way like 50 squad rush wins and 50 squad deathmatch wins.
Since when did BC2 voice chat work? And no BF3 will not have proper voice chat, they are keeping the crappy party chat via battle log. Many servers provide teamspeak or mumble. There are two mumble servers for neogaf members to use, one general and one dedicated to bf3 players. Feel free to use them
BF3 mumble:
General mumble:
This is just retarded. You own the game, it doesn't own you.
the game has shiny medals and i want them all!!!
oh man, the stationary and rush defense...
5 wins in SQDM is such a chore.![]()
5 wins in SQDM is such a chore.![]()
I'm going to assume he's on consoles.. But voice chat did work in BC2 like 5% of the time
Yes, I meant on consoles, I didn't own BFBC2 until the very end so it was all working great...carelessly assumed that meant DICE had figured out how to implement voice and squads into a voice and squad based game...still hoping I suppose.
i still can't believe that after screwing up in BC1and 1943, then finally getting it right in BC2, they screwed it up again. it's so baffling!
Yeah, I'm one of the people that GodofWine plays with's incredibly frustrating. We could try several times to get into a match together, and it might not work at all. We try the regular quickmatch, the server browser, joining a designated squad if we all get separated, etc. It really just appears to be random luck when it works. Of course it gets worse when you're trying to join as an actual 4 person squad...hell even 2 is bad enough.
In BC2, we rarely ever had an issue with it. I just don't get it; the two games aren't THAT different from each other, as far as squad/team structure goes.
During a particularly brutal conquest match, I wondered to myself what the most efficient fighting unit would be for BF3.
Several things came to mind during the continued domination over the Russians in Operation Firestorm: a squad with four different Squad Perks and four different classes can handle any enemy unit encountered on the field. Furthermore, if a squad coordinates solider customization against a specific enemy type and secures appropriate vehicle assets (tank, T-UGS, MAV, mortar, etc), then efficiency will be at its highest form. These two scenarios should be pursued at all times and proper execution will ensure victory. One of my favorite squad plays is the three-seated tank.
They should have competitions for the tightest squads, videos on youtube, etc showing team dynamics and all the amazing stuff that tactics and cooperation can do. I'd like to see this supertank squad house an entire team.
Ironically it's because it's on the PS3 that voice chat doesn't work. BF3 was supposed to on the PC as the main focus. Then EA had them shift it to focus on consoles within the last year before release so now nothing works.
Edit: not trying to be master race so much as say that EA are a bunch of dicks