Unlimited. They recharge just as quickly as it takes to reload your launcher. If the pilot is alone and you're the only one shooting at it, you wont take it down unless they make a mistake and launch the flares too early. If they're alone and there's two of you shooting at it, you can take it down. If they've got a gunner that also has flares, you're gonna struggle.
Kind of sucks sometimes. A good pilot/gunner combo is VERY hard to take down.
Yeah, I have to admit that there are a couple of posters here who just make me roll my eyes when I hear their vitriolic posts day in, day out. But I think you'll find that they're a tiny minority, they just post a disproportionate amount. I've played with some GAF guys who are not only brilliant players but also very patient and helpful.Ya know, I'd try and join up with some 360 players, but Battlefield GAF in general just seems so elite and so condescending to people who aren't fully knowledgeable about everything in the game. I've found the game to be a pretty steep learning curve and I'm hardly good enough to be considered an advantageous person to have on their team. You guys certainly dont make it inviting. The will to play as a team doesn't necessarily make you a good team player. What makes you a good team player is skill and ability to do your role in the team effectively. I'm pretty sure if I was on y'alls squad, I'd get yelled at a lot or if not, there'd at least be a lot of eye-rolling for me failing to keep up my end of the bargain.
Maybe by the next Battlefield, I'll be experienced enough to feel confident of playing with you guys, but as of now, I'm more comfortable just huffing it on my own, even if I'm not learning quite as much.
I dont even know what PTFO is. :/
And I can understand getting yelled at if I was playing a competitive sport in real-life. This is just a video game, though. Hell, I play sim racers, and we are far more accomodating and helpful of newcomers than I've seen here, where everyone seems far too impatient with people who dont already the know the game inside-and-out.
Not sure if this is the place to ask but I'm getting some serious stuttering in MP. The campaign was fine for the most part, but multi is unplayable. Any suggestions?
My specs: Phenom 955 & 560Ti
I don't understand the server technical jargon at all, but the second post of the following thread is a big fucking deal:
In that comment, the guy posts a link to the following:
And there's a picture floating around the Battlelog forums:
LOTS of people on the Battlelog forums are all-of-a-sudden complaining about PB bans. Almost all of them claim to not be hackers, and their stats check out.
From what I can gather, there are hackers who are banning innocent players to "prove a point" about PunkBuster to EA/DICE.
This is...immoral. And something NEEDS to be done about it, ASAP.
More related threads on the Battlelog forums (first one is serious business):
Your logic is misleading. 90% of the player base suck and don't play well, what's it matter if they are recon or not.
There is a way to get better.
To Quote Menelaus
And of course the Mumble server that everyone is too good to use: NeoGAF Community Mumble Server chi.eoreality.net:64762
Ya know, I'd try and join up with some 360 players, but Battlefield GAF in general just seems so elite and so condescending to people who aren't fully knowledgeable about everything in the game. I've found the game to be a pretty steep learning curve and I'm hardly good enough to be considered an advantageous person to have on their team. You guys certainly dont make it inviting. The will to play as a team doesn't necessarily make you a good team player. What makes you a good team player is skill and ability to do your role in the team effectively. I'm pretty sure if I was on y'alls squad, I'd get yelled at a lot or if not, there'd at least be a lot of eye-rolling for me failing to keep up my end of the bargain.
Maybe by the next Battlefield, I'll be experienced enough to feel confident of playing with you guys, but as of now, I'm more comfortable just huffing it on my own, even if I'm not learning quite as much.
Using the recon class is so good if you're a legit sniper. Take somebody out. Throw up MAV to help team. Switch to pistol w/ silencer for close quarters combat.
Yup. I'd like to get a real SOFLAM/Javelin squad going sometime though. One SOFLAM, two Javelins and an ammo box. Get up on the mountain on Kharg and the other team wouldn't have an ounce of metal in the air.
it's a tense game, everyone gets yelled at!Ya know, I'd try and join up with some 360 players, but Battlefield GAF in general just seems so elite and so condescending to people who aren't fully knowledgeable about everything in the game. I've found the game to be a pretty steep learning curve and I'm hardly good enough to be considered an advantageous person to have on their team. You guys certainly dont make it inviting. The will to play as a team doesn't necessarily make you a good team player. What makes you a good team player is skill and ability to do your role in the team effectively. I'm pretty sure if I was on y'alls squad, I'd get yelled at a lot or if not, there'd at least be a lot of eye-rolling for me failing to keep up my end of the bargain.
Maybe by the next Battlefield, I'll be experienced enough to feel confident of playing with you guys, but as of now, I'm more comfortable just huffing it on my own, even if I'm not learning quite as much.
So am I part of the 90% or the 10%?
I also like how you turned your answer into a huge spontaneous BF3 GAF ad.Sorry I missed the games tonight.
This is why DICE really needs to add a theater mode. To capture this shit that is fucking ridiculous. I hope 6 choppers isn't anything other than this public "custom" game mode's feature. Because if this shit is just as prevalent in the IW-made playlists, CoD is dead.
Also: Totally not trolling. But seriously: If you say "we'll see," and get peoples hope up DICE... you should be prepared to deliver.
And if you do deliever, having clips be more than a minute long (since Youtube can upload up to 10+ mins now) would be nice. This 1 min limitation for Youtube rendering is fucking stupid, ATVI
So, how about that Spectator mode, gents? Good enough replacement for theater mode, eh? Eh? Anyone???
(SMH DICE and Zhinto for getting my hopes up)
(Also I rendered a clip but can't find it on CoD.com and I really wanted to show my shitty skills without sound to people just to give them a "first person" view on what I have to do. >_>)
Hey now, don't knock until you try. I haven't played with you yet and I am the epitome of 360BattlefieldGAF. I will always play with a fellow GAFer and I don't talk shit or act condescending. I don't need to, you play with me and my boys and you will win. Send me a friends request- Old Gimlet Eyes. I usually play just about every night between 7pm-10pm pacific time.Ya know, I'd try and join up with some 360 players, but Battlefield GAF in general just seems so elite and so condescending to people who aren't fully knowledgeable about everything in the game. I've found the game to be a pretty steep learning curve and I'm hardly good enough to be considered an advantageous person to have on their team. You guys certainly dont make it inviting. The will to play as a team doesn't necessarily make you a good team player. What makes you a good team player is skill and ability to do your role in the team effectively. I'm pretty sure if I was on y'alls squad, I'd get yelled at a lot or if not, there'd at least be a lot of eye-rolling for me failing to keep up my end of the bargain.
Maybe by the next Battlefield, I'll be experienced enough to feel confident of playing with you guys, but as of now, I'm more comfortable just huffing it on my own, even if I'm not learning quite as much.
More like LoLcelticlewis. That guy always took his battlefield a bit too seriously. Hell, we all know it is first come, first serve with vehicles in BF, like he thinks he gets top choice.....it's a tense game, everyone gets yelled at!
I really hope we get a snow environment for this game eventually.
I really hope we get a snow environment for this game eventually.
As long as there isn't any blowing "snow" ala Port Valdez/Nelson Bay BC2, count me in!
I really hope we get a snow environment for this game eventually.
Ruh roh. Spotted over at r/battlefield3
WARNING: Hackers Seem to Be Banning Innocent Players Through Exploit
Third link is a doozy.
Imagine lasers sights and tac lights on a night map while it's snowing. At the very least it would look amazing. Plus snowmobiles, grapples, and spot lights. Spec ops expansion. Berieve.
RAM, videoRAM and settings?
4GB DDR2 RAM, 1920x1080 @ High. Not sure what you mean by video ram?
After posting this, I had a pretty smooth game, and then it crashed after like 15 minutes. This is some buggy shit.
It coming in the bf1972 canada vs russia expansion pack
What model of video card do you have an how much RAM is on it?
Imagine lasers sights and tac lights on a night map while it's snowing. At the very least it would look amazing. Plus snowmobiles, grapples, and spot lights. Spec ops expansion. Berieve.
I briefly played that expansion for BF2 but it didn't work that well, I thought.
If they implement in-game VOIP and maybe limit spec ops 'missions' to 16 vs. 16, they could be the pinnacle of teamwork. Imagine 4 squads of 4 having to infiltrate a military compound and stop the launch of a nuclear warhead while 16 terrorists defend it. Checkpoints that can only be passed with coordination, a time limit, awesome new tools like grapples, etc. Could be great fun.
It's always putting me on the team full of mentally challenged players that have all gotten fed up with CoD and migrated to Battlefield... Even when i'm playing with a couple of friends and go all "try hard" there is always 4 or 5 players going insanely negative with not even 1k points.
Really wish the quick match would search according to ranks or something because getting matched with a whole team not even over rank 20 is brutal.
I fell in love with the F35 tonight. It's is awesome if you aren't against an expert pilot. You can still get 7.5Gs pretty consistently if you manage your speed and build up momentum. The pipper works awesome in dogfighting once you learn the range falloff.
Plus hover mode is great for Rocket Pod salvos or ATGM followed by a burst of gunfire. That combo will take out any tank and choppers don't stand a chance. SOFLAM can be a problem if you get caught off guard while going for a strafing run.
GTX560Ti 1280mb
Also do you guys recommend the Karkand Pack? I only ever see Caspian & Metro maps playing, wouldn't mind something different
Yeah, I have to admit that there are a couple of posters here who just make me roll my eyes when I hear their vitriolic posts day in, day out. But I think you'll find that they're a tiny minority, they just post a disproportionate amount. I've played with some GAF guys who are not only brilliant players but also very patient and helpful.
Anyone who would yell at a squadmate, send them hatemail, or abuse them on GAF is a wanker; if you come across anyone like that then the problem is them, not you.
I'd say you should at least give playing with GAF a go. If you find that you don't enjoy the experience then just look elsewhere. There are non-elitist clans around. Mine has no skill level requirement whatsoever, and we get a mix of very good and very new players, but on the whole everyone gets along really well regardless of skill level so it's just a matter of finding the right group to play with.
GTX560Ti 1280mb
Also do you guys recommend the Karkand Pack? I only ever see Caspian & Metro maps playing, wouldn't mind something different
EDIT: just to add to this, closing firefox seems to help a lot with the stuttering, although it still occurs infrequently. Is that a ram or CPU issue? Although would the new beta drivers help at all?
....... I dont even know how to respond to this.
Most pilots suck. I've only seen a handful that can even maintain 300 knots in a turn. But I've got over 60 hours in jets and been flying since BF1942 so maybe it's a bit easier for me.![]()
I want to play on your servers. I always have to fly against obuttersticko, pennybagz or splinter.
And 60 hours..... you need to get on the ground.
I've got 225 hours playtime.
60 hours in jets
12 hours in choppers
20 hours in Armor
Which leaves ~125 hours as infantry.
I've been grinding a lot of 64p Metro recently. Don't know why, I guess I'm feed up with conquest for the moment. It's great for trying out new weapons though. I've been playing around with the PDWs a bit and I've come to like the MP7 a lot. It's damn neat with an extended mag on.