The Faceless Master
me! me! me!Cornbread78 said:So, who is going to be up late playing this tonight? EST?
me! me! me!Cornbread78 said:So, who is going to be up late playing this tonight? EST?
it has the data for new and changed maps and modes, including onslaught, yesVibratingDonkey said:Maybe this is really old since I haven't started the game up in a while, but what's the 467MB update for? And could they please stop if with these pointlessly huge updates?
Reportedly this "optional" update contains Onslaught content as well. I like how they point out that it's free on the official Twitter.
that's weird if it only happens on Nelson Bay and not all of the VIP maps.Marvie_3 said:Anybody else getting kicked from rush games everytime Nelson Bay comes up as the map? It happened every time yesterday and it's pissing me off.
I'll be playing tonight if anyone wants to form a squad.
Yeah, it's just that map. No problems with the others. I looked around online and apparently other people have been having this problem with the same map.The Faceless Master said:that's weird if it only happens on Nelson Bay and not all of the VIP maps.
TheAzRim said:I just saw Strike online !!!!!
Too bad I had to go would love to join him for some tracer darting... :lol
greenjerk said:i'm gonna try to get on tonight, hopefully before midnight :lol
same here, i miss all you guys. work has really sucked lately.1stStrike said:I miss you. I'll be in bed as I have to be to work at 3 am.
it does on console, it just doesn't do as much damage to them.Shnookums said:Does the Carl Gustav actually damage m-coms? I've noticed that when I shoot them with it I don't get the "Objective Damage +50" that I get when I hit them with the first RPG (forget the name). Or could this be a bug? (PC version)
Borgnine said:Apparently I've never defend 4 flags in Conquest for some reason, and jesus fuck I cannot win a Squad Rush round to save my life. I'm like 0-10. It's certainly not MY fault.... >_>
The Faceless Master said:sooo... anyone up for PS3 Onslaught?
just had an epic 2 hour battle on Isla Inocentes hardcore with a friend of mine and Seks, and my friend left after that, i wanna do ther other 3 on hardcore, gotta get my trophy whoring on...
the problem is they shoot back! well, the real problem is they know exactly where we are and shoot back. did you see that one point where we were at the rock on the left and they started grenade spamming us? AI GRENADE SPAM!!! WTF DICE!?TheSeks said:Man your friend was pissing me off... *puts on sunglasses* ... hardcore. *YEAAAAAAAHHHHH.mp3*
I'm sitting there, picking dudes off trying to work my way to the flag and his medic ass is sticking to you/designated recon that's going to stay alive to keep the game going.
At least after an hour (where you disconnect and reconnect) we get the last flag capped. That was a good 45 min attempt, though.
God, dude, you guys gotta GO NEAR the flag. You can't hang back like me. You have to clear the enemies out so the flag starts to go down and keep them from coming. It's inf. respawning mode, which makes hardcore all the damn more annoying.
The Faceless Master said:it does on console, it just doesn't do as much damage to them.
if you do enough damage, yes. i'm sure you can test this on PC on an empty server.Shnookums said:Does it give you the "Objective Damage" indication and points?
It should. Yesterday we were down to like 10 tickets and I thought our only hope was to Gustav the mcom (Presa, trailer across the bridge). I kept seeing our tickets go down one by one while I was shooting it. Were down to 2, then 1 then back to 2, then 1 when I got my last shot off and boom! We ended up winning that match! I think the Gustav doesn't hurt it as much per shot so you don't get as much as the RPG where you get 50 each shot always (sometimes 100).Shnookums said:Does it give you the "Objective Damage" indication and points?
i actually tested how much it did and posted it in the old thread and it was terrible, like not even worth using compared to the RPG7 or M136.Mr Sandman said:It should. Yesterday we were down to like 10 tickets and I thought our only hope was to Gustav the mcom (Presa, trailer across the bridge). I kept seeing our tickets go down one by one while I was shooting it. Were down to 2, then 1 then back to 2, then 1 when I got my last shot off and boom! We ended up winning that match! I think the Gustav doesn't hurt it as much per shot so you don't get as much as the RPG where you get 50 each shot always (sometimes 100).
RPG + explosive mk2 and a good roof on Atacama Rush shooting the mcom = fun! Tears those mcoms up. Plus it's 10x more classy getting an infantry kill with it than the Gustav.
The Faceless Master said:i tested this on empty servers. [explosive perk numbers] in (_)
12 C4 (10)
12 RPG-7 (9)
12 AT Mines (10)
15 Carl (12)
10 M136 (8)
Dayum. It does have its advantages though, finding the sweet spot with the RPG at a distance can be tricky sometimes.The Faceless Master said:i actually tested how much it did and posted it in the old thread and it was terrible, like not even worth using compared to the RPG7 or M136.
edit: quoting myself
The Faceless Master said:the problem is they shoot back! well, the real problem is they know exactly where we are and shoot back. did you see that one point where we were at the rock on the left and they started grenade spamming us? AI GRENADE SPAM!!! WTF DICE!?
and of course everyone's rolling with a Saiga, MG3 or AN-94!
when i got disconnected i was like "AW COME ON!@!" then i got reconnected and got invited back and wiped the sweat off my brow.
olimpia84 said:Good games tonight with the PS3 gaf crew. Too bad we lost those games in Port Valdez and Atacama, it's not like the other team was great but we just couldn't do everything by ourselves. My luck was horrible too, it seems every decision I took was wrong and I ended up being killed. The good thing is that I managed to get that 3 road kills pin and that completes my pin collection, now I just have to move onto the insignias which will be more complicated and boring.
The_Inquisitor said:Well BFBC2 GAF, I am switching over to the PC. Time to join the glorious PC master race. :lol :lol
Any PC BFBC2ers here?
One good thing about the Rush counterpart is that the AA gun actually does own choppers. No base rape like Port Valdez rush.Net_Wrecker said:Damn, Conquest sucks, I'm sorry. It doesn't come anywhere near the adrenaline rush that Rush provides (no pun intended), the rooms can barely stay a full 12 on 12 (Xbox 360), and Atacama Desert which shows up 95% of the time is a HORRIBLE conquest map. People are STILL tag team strafing the Choppers (my team BTW, so don't mistake this for a rage rant), and the map is HUGE while the game can barely keep 24 people in one room. There hasn't been one time that this map hasn't completely KILLED my urge to keep playing when it comes up in Conquest. Ugh.
Some of the Rush maps are definitively a bit too funneled at certain M-Coms, but I'll take that over the boring Conquest matches I've played since release.
The Faceless Master said:
oh man, i got so many sweet spots for crates with the RPG7 they should call me Lexington Steele. i think all that time when i had a self-imposed Carl ban (wanted to platinum the RPG7) helped me greatly with understanding the arc.Mr Sandman said:Dayum. It does have its advantages though, finding the sweet spot with the RPG at a distance can be tricky sometimes.
i dunno man, i LOVE Rush, but Conquest is pretty fun as well, and rooms usually stay full unless one side starts completely handing the other team their ass.Net_Wrecker said:Damn, Conquest sucks, I'm sorry. It doesn't come anywhere near the adrenaline rush that Rush provides (no pun intended), the rooms can barely stay a full 12 on 12 (Xbox 360), and Atacama Desert which shows up 95% of the time is a HORRIBLE conquest map. People are STILL tag team strafing the Choppers (my team BTW, so don't mistake this for a rage rant), and the map is HUGE while the game can barely keep 24 people in one room. There hasn't been one time that this map hasn't completely KILLED my urge to keep playing when it comes up in Conquest. Ugh.
Some of the Rush maps are definitively a bit too funneled at certain M-Coms, but I'll take that over the boring Conquest matches I've played since release.
hehehe, did Nelson Bay hardcore in 9 minutes on 360. didn't really think the tank was hard to deal with. in fact, i specifically said to my friend to do isla first because i think it's the hardest one and it's best to get it out of the way first.TheSeks said:Just wait until you get to Nelson Bay Hardcore. OOHHHHH BOYYYY, you're in for a treat with tank-shell sniping tanks. (Which killed my ass ACROSS THE MAP) a few times. Giving me and the people I did Hardcore with (which, BTW, shouldn't take more than an afternoon so long as three people push and one person stays alive to keep the game going), a "WTF" moment.
yepThe_Inquisitor said:Lol to you?
TheSeks said:Whoo-hoo! Level 37.
AN-94 ACKBAN Gold Star 4.
AKS-47U Gold Star 8.
200 more kills with the AKS and then I need to find a new engineer gun.![]()
greenjerk said:Sorry i had to bail, Atacama was lagging bad for me... didn't do too bad (individually) being stuck on the team though... nobody wanted to cap.
olimpia84 said:Yeah, I noticed it was bit laggy for some reason which I find strange since I haven't had any issues with lag since they fixed it.
For me the game wasn't rubberbanding but it was a really annoying kind of lag where you shoot the enemy and you KNOW he's dead (based on the amount of hits) but he still stays alive for like 1 or 2 seconds so you still have to shoot him. This is particularly bad in 1-on-1 situations playing as an engineer since you have a short clip with the SMGs and that's exactly what happened to me last night... shoot an enemy forever, then he dies two seconds later taking me down with him as well due to the stupid lag...
This happens to me all the time. :lolgreenjerk said:yup, it started with lag... i'd empty a clip into someone and still die. then it started rubberbanding around choke points. if i moved to an area with fewer players it was ok(ish)... but it got pretty unplayable. my ISP has been a little slow lately but it wouldn't cause the rubberbanding. like you said, this was the first i've had it since the onslaught patch.
The Faceless Master said:
pop-in like low res -> hi res LOD on Ghillie suits? it happens...sillymonkey321 said:Is it normal to have pop-in during the ps3 online matches?
The Faceless Master said:pop-in like low res -> hi res LOD on Ghillie suits? it happens...
lolThe Faceless Master said:oh man, i got so many sweet spots for crates with the RPG7 they should call me Lexington Steele. i think all that time when i had a self-imposed Carl ban (wanted to platinum the RPG7) helped me greatly with understanding the arc.
i dunno man, i LOVE Rush, but Conquest is pretty fun as well, and rooms usually stay full unless one side starts completely handing the other team their ass.
hehehe, did Nelson Bay hardcore in 9 minutes on 360. didn't really think the tank was hard to deal with. in fact, i specifically said to my friend to do isla first because i think it's the hardest one and it's best to get it out of the way first.
The Faceless Master said:sooo... anyone up for PS3 Onslaught?
just had an epic 2 hour battle on Isla Inocentes hardcore with a friend of mine and Seks, and my friend left after that, i wanna do ther other 3 on hardcore, gotta get my trophy whoring on...