There are still glaring holes in my scrub tactic. Need less fireballs and more zoning techniques.TheSeks said:Faceless isn't on BC2.
Playing with randoms is no fun.
Razor beats my ass repeatedly in Super Street 4.
Otherwise I'm playing through Killzone 2 singleplayer so I can unlock Elite and finish my achievement list. >_>
Razor210 said:There are still glaring holes in my scrub tactic. Need less fireballs and more zoning techniques.
I realize that this is a problem with other games and it's not nessecarily easy to adjust, but it feels as if most of the maps in BC2 are....overdesigned, I guess. In the sense that 'ok guys, heres the (sometimes only) spot where all of the snipers are supposed to go'. The long, thin designs of the maps only amplify this fact.Gekko87 said:I hope your reading this DICE/EA
BC1 had larger levels? I think the map size in BC2 is pretty nice but I don't know about even bigger levels.TheSeks said:I think <D 2.0> takes up too much memory or whatever in the engine to where they can't have some of the huge open maps (that weren't that great, IMO) that BC1 had.
and wider too. wider being the important part.Easy_D said:BC1 had larger levels? I think the map size in BC2 is pretty nice but I don't know about even bigger levels.
Easy_D said:BC1 had larger levels? I think the map size in BC2 is pretty nice but I don't know about even bigger levels.
The Faceless Master said:>>Wider<<
End of the Line, and i've actually had a few gunfights there!TheSeks said:Yes. The out-of-bounds in BC1 was HUGE. So huge there were parts of the map that you generally wouldn't know about/go through unless you have someone like Faceless driving a tank to get around and behind the defenders base.
The thing is, <D 2.0> does take up some memory. They have to have the engine remember the building is gone/collapsed and that building has to stay in that state for the rest of the game.
There is a few misplaced/"filler" buildings in some BC1 maps (I'm remembering a radio tower building that no one ever was in (was it even possible to get in that building?) near the farm/anti-air defender base in this one map that I'm forgetting the name of.
i was only really responding to the "i don't know about bigger maps" by pointing out that them being wider made for a larger variety of attack vectors. and i'm down for BC1, hope some other peeps are too, a squad of 4 would be nice!Well, that isn't the issue really. I think having so many buildings able to be <D 2.0>'ed is the issue. Didn't they say that they had to make 1943 not be <D 2.0> but like a <D 1.5> due engine stuff? (IE: 3 walls didn't make the building cave. But you could completely destroy the building yourself but in a non-realistic way)
BTW: Me and you should go back to BC1 this weekend. Provided there is players there. :/
The Faceless Master said:and i'm down for BC1, hope some other peeps are too, a squad of 4 would be nice!
so, basically...olimpia84 said:Last night was hilarious. On Laguna Alta we had a 10 vs 10 match where the enemy took the tank to C and for some reason left it there (with good amount of 'health') and that right there was their death sentence. Our team took the tank and capped all three flags right away and as you can guess it was spawn raping at its best.
For the first time I felt really bad for them but I kept shooting at them and racking up kills :lol
We had both tanks in their base camp, the UAV hovering and shooting, assaults tossing grenades randomly and killing anybody that spawned and recons calling random mortar strikes. They simply had absolutely no chance of getting out but that's what they get for leaving their tank and not capping any flags at the beginning of the match. :lol
The only frustrating match for the PS3 gaf crew was the last one we played at Nelson Bay. The other team controlled pretty much every single flag and we had a hell of a time trying to get them back. =/
oh, not today, i was saying i was game for a BC1 session this weekend. gotta get into gold tag status today... and c'mon BC2 GAF, some of you have to have BC1! dust it off!TheSeks said:Good luck with getting two others. None of BC2 PS3 GAF own BC1.
And not today. Tomorrow we'll go into BC1. I'm slightly busy this evening so I won't be around on the PS3.
The joys of getting one year older. (And it's not even my birthday for a few more days)
Edit: Olimpia, I saw you and No Style in BC2. But Razor dragged me into getting my ass kicked in Street 4... so yeah... :lol
Yeah, yeah, yeah... it's in a box... somewhere.The Faceless Master said:... and c'mon BC2 GAF, some of you have to have BC1! dust it off!
The Faceless Master said:gotta get into gold tag status today...
TheSeks said:Edit: Olimpia, I saw you and No Style in BC2. But Razor dragged me into getting my ass kicked in Street 4... so yeah... :lol
* Fist Bump *olimpia84 said:Yeah, I haven't seen you playing BC2 in a while. Let me know if you're up for some Conquest, we have a steady number of gaffers every night.
41TheSeks said:What level is that? 38? Have you finally blown past my three level lead? :lol
Facism said:didn't realise there was a good number of PC gaff playing this. Fancy adding me to your friendslists?
I go by Live_Feed ingame
Pete Rock said:Now I just need to get my 3 car kills pin and I'm done with those! What's the best strategy there, grab a buddy and a humvee and go for a streak with the mounted turret gun?
Faceless said:
probably easier to get 4 roadkills, especially since the last patch made them more reliable.TheSeks said:Arica. Attackers. Roadkills. Avoid Mines and Rockets. One more on a turret gun for vehicle kills after three roadkills.
*shrug*How are you getting points so quickly to level up that quickly? D:
The Faceless Master said:i was only really responding to the "i don't know about bigger maps" by pointing out that them being wider made for a larger variety of attack vectors
Pete rock said:Now I just need to get my 3 car kills pin and I'm done with those! What's the best strategy there, grab a buddy and a humvee and go for a streak with the mounted turret gun?
bean breath said:Saw what I thought was an absolutely ingenious tactic on Nelson Bay rush today. I joined the game a little after it had begun, I was playing defense at the first set like normal. Eventually we lost the second mcom alpha and as I turned to retreat to the next set I let out an audible "WTF!?"
Every single tree and piece of brush had been cleared out between first and second set alpha.
It looked like an area at the end of a game that had seen heavy mortar, tank shells, and explosives but we had just barely lost the first set. Then I saw some team mates, I believe, c4ing trees!
The whole time the team was defending the first set these guys were already preparing for the second by clearing the area out so we can better see the enemy approaching.
So not only did this team make the right move by completely disregarding second set bravo, but they took away the only advantage the attackers had: cover and poor visibility.
This may not sound like a big deal to you guys and maybe it's only because lately I've been playing with pretty crappy teams but damn, I was in awe of this move.
Hey, good games tonight.blahness said:This can be easily accomplished using the heavy MG behind B on the second set. I use this tactic often if i can get on the gun.
Haha, great vid but it was missing something facelessThe Faceless Master said:actually, that reminded me of a BC1 trick for that level that i only showed a few people back in the day... if the boat is lopsided and level with the dock, you can exit the boat right on the dock!
i was only really responding to the "i don't know about bigger maps" by pointing out that them being wider made for a larger variety of attack vectors. and i'm down for BC1, hope some other peeps are too, a squad of 4 would be nice!
yeah, i do this all the time too.blahness said:Probably not as extensive but this can be easily accomplished using the heavy MG behind B on the second set. I use this tactic often if i can get on the gun.
lolendlessflood said:Haha, great vid but it was missing something faceless![]()
yeah, most of GAF is on around 12 hours later than that.I actually have BFBC1 but played it online for all of about 5 minutes (it wasn't until BF1943 that I became a console Battlefield convert). I'd be curious to go back and play it with you guys but I think timezone wise it probably wouldn't work - although faceless often seems to be gaming when I'm on I suspect that other GAFers wouldn't be![]()
Haha :lol My buddy and I used to do this around launch actually. Equip SPAS slugs + C4 + ammo box and two people can clear the whole forest behind the first set in a matter of a few minutes. Makes attacking the next set a pain in the ass. It's not a guaranteed win though, I've had the enemies being able to make it passed the barren wasteland plenty of times and all I could do was smh @ my shitty team.bean breath said:Saw what I thought was an absolutely ingenious tactic on Nelson Bay rush today. I joined the game a little after it had begun, I was playing defense at the first set like normal. Eventually we lost the second mcom alpha and as I turned to retreat to the next set I let out an audible "WTF!?"
Every single tree and piece of brush had been cleared out between first and second set alpha.
It looked like an area at the end of a game that had seen heavy mortar, tank shells, and explosives but we had just barely lost the first set. Then I saw some team mates, I believe, c4ing trees!
The whole time the team was defending the first set these guys were already preparing for the second by clearing the area out so we can better see the enemy approaching.
So not only did this team make the right move by completely disregarding second set bravo, but they took away the only advantage the attackers had: cover and poor visibility.
This may not sound like a big deal to you guys and maybe it's only because lately I've been playing with pretty crappy teams but damn, I was in awe of this move.
blahness said:Probably not as extensive but this can be easily accomplished using the heavy MG behind B on the second set. I use this tactic often if i can get on the gun.
Facism said:didn't realise there was a good number of PC gaff playing this. Fancy adding me to your friendslists?
I go by Live_Feed ingame
Meteorain said:
I usually play with other PC GAF, so if I'm on BC2, so are they!