meppi said:
Oh and as always, I will ignore every single order sekoku gives me, and will revive him 16 times in a row when he's lying in the middle of an intersection, surrounded by enemy troops.
Ah, but
I can tell you to fuck off and respawn at base now! WHERE IS YOUR POINTS GOD NOW!?
AbuC said:
You know, I never really got any hate mail, maybe 1 or 2 messages in the last year I've played.
I don't recall getting any hate mail other than blackhawk landing near the second base of Ilsa Innocentes (the fall two blackhawk map, can you tell how long it's been that I can't remember the names of the maps still!?) and spraying everywhere with the blackhawk's sidegun to get a "dude, come on...

" message. But dude, I WAS FUCKING OBVIOUS and you dudes were busy with non-GAF IIRC arming the crates while I sprayed A to collapse it and hold you off B. You could've RPG'ed the damn thing while I was busy easily.
Otherwise I did send "dongoofed" a "You could say... [you]DonGoofed trying to steal our chopper?" message when I had to play Base Police on Atacama Conquest.
JJD said:
That's strange, if there's anybody that should get lots of hate mail it's you!
Ah, but they're in awe of his points generating machine.
Edit: Whoo~ Package left the shipping area after two days. FINALLY. Now if it reaches here same day I may cut the bullshit and go get it.