The Faceless Master said:i noticed because i was trying to do the same thing. then i saw you got it, so i shot you with a 40MM.
So that's why you were shooting me. I knew you were annoyed, but not by something like that. :lol
The Faceless Master said:i noticed because i was trying to do the same thing. then i saw you got it, so i shot you with a 40MM.
i wasn't annoyed, just having a little fun :lolTheSeks said:So that's why you were shooting me. I knew you were annoyed, but not by something like that. :lol
Onslaught + 1943 bundle is $20 on the PSN iircOldJadedGamer said:Well, now I know why BC2 dropped to $40. Game of the Year type edition is coming out. Has access to 1943 download and Onslaught mode included. You save 5 bucks but it's something.
BC2 = $40
Onslaught = $10
1943 = $15
Total = $65
BC2 Ultimate = $60
But I'm sure it will drop in price soon. I'll double dip on the PS3 version when I can get the Ultimate version for $40 brand new.
I ask zh1nt0 roughly every month and get the same canned "no details yet" response. Honestly I really doubt they will and even if they do, I don't see it having much of a population if they charge the same price that consoles paid for it. Honestly I'm kinda pissed at DICE for ignoring PC players the way they have. No Onslaught, no 1943, no Ultimate Edition (albeit no need for it since we get the DLC for free and Onslaught/1943s still have no plans for PC or are delayed for over a year), and Vietnam is probably going to splinter the community. Given the news that BF3 is multiplatform, I'm close to dropping the BF franchise.suplex said:are they ever going to release 1943 on pc?
Crakatak187 said:Playing today frustrated me. It wasn't the opposing team it was my team this time.
That was brutal, I was playing on my own against a team made entirely of my own clanmates plus you and Seks. And because that behemoth was winning every match the two randoms on your team wouldn't leave (I can just imagine them saying to themselves "wow I'm on fire tonight, I'm winning every match, this is the best I've ever played!" lol) which left me playing soloThe Faceless Master said:indeed. i saw that double D2.0 (and TK lol) you got earlier today on Nelson Bay. poor endlessflood got crushed, that's what happens when you roll on the other side!
I'm not a fan of the 9A-91, as with the Uzi I just can't seem to get it to work for me. The damage is great but the small mag and ammo count mixed with my poor aim mean that it's my least preferred Engineer option after the Uzi.TheSeks said:AKS-74U Platinum Star unlocked. Time to go back to the basics and work on the 9A-91 (basic SMG you start with), seems to be a pure monster when in the right area and situations.
that last team we were on was so terrible! i got disconnected, rejoined and somehow shot back up to like 4th in a few minutes, and i'm not even at full strength, i'm dead tired and sleepy. you would think 7 blue dots could hold 1 flag, but noooooo.TheSeks said:Yeah, that's it. Fuck the M14. It would be a nice gun if it didn't jump around like a scared bitch on firing. That + the 10 round magazine = not good to try to hose somebody through the recoil. It seems set for long distance shooting, but really. WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU USE THE M14 IN LONG RANGE, esp. when it's damage rate seems pretty poor even with Magnum Ammo on.
And taking down buildings without explosive upgrade is an exercise in frustration.
I'll stick to my BFF G3 when going Assault, at least it's damage rate and mag size is decent.
indeed, they put up a good fight and really fought off our spawn trap attempts, which must have been especially stressful for them when they got Valdez -> Atacama -> Valdez all in a row.olimpia84 said:Good games tonight, I liked how this time the opposing team actually put up a fight for most of the matches.
The Faceless Master said:that last team we were on was so terrible! i got disconnected, rejoined and somehow shot back up to like 4th in a few minutes, and i'm not even at full strength, i'm dead tired and sleepy. you would think 7 blue dots could hold 1 flag, but noooooo.
time for me to call it a night and just relax in bed with my netbook.
i kept peeking to find them, but wasn't sure exactly where they were, since i couldn't see the tracer fire, all i knew was they were somewhere on the right between D and B. oh man, wait 'till you hit 41! you'll have to deal with that and a whole bunch of people trying to knife you because they're obsessed with gold tags.TheSeks said:The trouble started when they all swarmed to B instead of sticking to A and some coming to B to help me and you.
BTW, you should've started to shoot at the two dudes that killed me instead of reviving me and then having me die to revive to die. I'm like "FUCKING SHOOT THEM MAN! I CAN'T KILL THEM WHEN I REVIVE! FFFFFFFF." :lol
In any case: AEK-971 Gold Star 1 unlocked shortly after that game (I left that game to join Arica Harbor Conquest).
4x sight is the only way to roll with that gun, hate the iron sights and the red dot sight is fucking bullshit in this game. Hate the RDS in this game. It's terrible.
Level 39 unlocked that game as well. Starting to hit level 40-50 clantards. Certainly not fun to play against, esp. with randoms. Lost Arica Conquest despite a strong on-join lead because suddenly they couldn't help defend flags and the other team started to swarm on me. FFFFF.
The Faceless Master said:i kept peeking to find them, but wasn't sure exactly where they were, since i couldn't see the tracer fire, all i knew was they were somewhere on the right between D and B. oh man, wait 'till you hit 41! you'll have to deal with that and a whole bunch of people trying to knife you because they're obsessed with gold tags.
and speaking of Arica... Pro Tube strikes again!
Yeah I'm constantly having people trying to knife me. Today I pumped 6 bullets into this guy and got knifed, damn lag he had 100% life still. A lot of the time I move because I sense something is off and I hear a grunt of a knife miss, it's another reason I'm so paranoid. It saved me a lot of times though.
I watched one of my teammates take 3 swipes to kill a guy on the Stationary AT last night. And this particular guys has more than 6000 dog tags so he knows what he's doing - he was pressed right up against the back of the guy and didn't move in between swipes at all. So the bullshit knifing moments definitely work both ways, and in my experience if anything they seem to favour the knife victim far more often than the knifer!Crakatak187 said:I had tons of bullshit I got knife moments. Most of them is the same scenario I posted. Kind of funny how a guy can tank a hail of bullets and 1 stab me to death, I blame COD4. I personally think it would be better if it only 1 hit kill from the back like Counter Strike and Halo.
endlessflood said:I watched one of my teammates take 3 swipes to kill a guy on the Stationary AT last night. And this particular guys has more than 6000 dog tags so he knows what he's doing - he was pressed right up against the back of the guy and didn't move in between swipes at all. So the bullshit knifing moments definitely work both ways, and in my experience if anything they seem to favour the knife victim far more often than the knifer!
TheSeks said:Yeah, that's it. Fuck the M14. It would be a nice gun if it didn't jump around like a scared bitch on firing. That + the 10 round magazine = not good to try to hose somebody through the recoil. It seems set for long distance shooting, but really. WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU USE THE M14 IN LONG RANGE, esp. when it's damage rate seems pretty poor even with Magnum Ammo on.
The stationary AT is known to have hit detection problems. I personally went up to a guy once on it and took a repair tool and went in circles around the guy, no hits at all, so I just knifed him. I can't count how much time I shot a guy on the stationary AT without any bullets actually registering. I wasted a whole clip on him and I'm a decent shot I know it should have killed him within 4-6 shots (Before the 25%+ damage was taken away). It still happens to this day.endlessflood said:I watched one of my teammates take 3 swipes to kill a guy on the Stationary AT last night. And this particular guys has more than 6000 dog tags so he knows what he's doing - he was pressed right up against the back of the guy and didn't move in between swipes at all. So the bullshit knifing moments definitely work both ways, and in my experience if anything they seem to favour the knife victim far more often than the knifer!
Crakatak187 said:I don't really like using weapons with huge flaws. I find the XM8 is too way more inaccurate then the M416, M16 just bugs me that I have to shoot slow just to maintain accuracy. I rather use M416 then the M16. I like using the AN because of it's accuracy, the power it packs is just a plus. I stick to one weapon and get better at that weapon. I been using it since the beta I'm not switching even if it gets nerfed.
TheSeks said:4x sight is the only way to roll with that gun, hate the iron sights and the red dot sight is fucking bullshit in this game. Hate the RDS in this game. It's terrible.
Crakatak187 said:Welcome to the level 40-50 clantards llike you posted. The game is less fun facing against them. I agree Red Dot Sight is trash, it's not even needed, waste of a spec slot.
Edit: After getting hip fire RDS is pointless. ACOG+Hip fire is the way to go. I should really joke around with the F2000.
CcrooK said:Old? I dunno. Thought I get back into some BC2 for PC and games are laggy as hell and I'm getting a ping of 90 - 110. Some latest patch fucked things up from what I read? What's going on? :lol Don't make me go to Black Ops!
seriously Pro Tubing is fun! it really is.TheSeks said:You and your protube. I have yet to get any kills with it. Just can't care.
Yeah, I'm expecting the knives and shit. Which is why I kinda hang back.
I had this utter "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT" moment earlier today with Faceless/Olimpia and I think I_shoot_to_kill. Dude comes around the corner on Nelson Bay rush. I start to hipfire and back up. THE DUDE ISN'T EVEN FACING ME TO KNIFE (he's at like a 30 degree angle) and still gets a knife kill on me. WTF. The knife animation I FUCKING SAW was right in front of my view, NO WHERE NEAR HITTING ME and yet the game counts it. WTF.
yeah, it's hilarious sometimes how i get knifed thru a hail of gunfire while backing away and other times i just move a little and they whiff and i knife them instead.Crakatak187 said:I had tons of bullshit I got knife moments. Most of them is the same scenario I posted. Kind of funny how a guy can tank a hail of bullets and 1 stab me to death, I blame COD4. I personally think it would be better if it only 1 hit kill from the back like Counter Strike and Halo.
yeah, if i knife once and miss, i'm probably not knifing again, if i knife twice, i'm definitely not knifing again, and sometimes, i'll just shoot instead of knifing at all.endlessflood said:I watched one of my teammates take 3 swipes to kill a guy on the Stationary AT last night. And this particular guys has more than 6000 dog tags so he knows what he's doing - he was pressed right up against the back of the guy and didn't move in between swipes at all. So the bullshit knifing moments definitely work both ways, and in my experience if anything they seem to favour the knife victim far more often than the knifer!
i use pistols mainly to top off after my clip runs empty and i'm still in combat, and the power of the rex has helped me on many occasions. that one shot power has been enough to end the engagement.Crakatak187 said:I get that as well when I switch. When I practice aiming I rather practice with Pistols. It feels much different from other weapons and with such small sights it can be a challenge towards far moving targets. I miss a lot but I get some kills sometimes long range.
I tried the Rex but it's flaws were too apparent. Slow ass shooting, best pistols are M9/M1911 to me.
It's not just power, a balance between power, accuracy is high important, and rate of fire.
Mr. Snrub said:You guys are crazy. RDS is the only sight I use now. ACOG just doesn't feel right and the muzzle climb makes consistent long range shots difficult. I used to like the ACOG, but now anytime I'm rolling engy or medic, it's RDS.
i always put mines on the ramp because usually, someone, somehow, someway, manages to get on a quad/hummer/cobra and speed off. they didn't that time...olimpia84 said:Last night I felt bad for the other team when we started raping them in their spawn camp on Atacama desert. We had like 4 or 5 tanks and two choppers with level 50 pilots that were just strafing around the base. The funny thing is that when the other team started getting fed up and rage quit new people would come in so it was 12 vs 12 pretty much the whole time.
Crakatak187 said:My bad Seks the game we joined was full, didn't really expect that :lol
I actually take the F2000 with a 4X scope and find it not only effective but also a lot of fun; much like the Thompson it just feels powerful when you use it (combination of animation and audio I guess) even if it isn't. And yeah the 4X scope would seem to run counter to the weapon's strength (high ROF) but it does seem to work petty well for some reason.Crakatak187 said:My bad Seks the game we joined was full, didn't really expect that :lol
Was tearing people up with the F2000. It's not a bad gun in the right hands. That's it I'm going to platinum this joke gun :lol
Weak ass shit though. Funny thing majority of my kills was mid to long range.
What platform Salacious?Salacious Crumb said:I really need to get back into this game, but none of my friends play anymore![]()
endlessflood said:What platform Salacious?