So is the D'Arc costume in this game?
Hammer/Whip wrecks shit.
My hands were shaking after the first Lumen Sage battle. That was possibly one of the best boss fights ever. Ridiculously epic, intense and fun on 3rd Climax.
Only for Jeanne.
For the missing verses that are Muspelheims the game tells you what verse number they are in the files menu which makes it far easier knowing when to look around. There are others that are just optional verses through a little backtracking but I found they're more naturally found and with far less backtracking than in the first game.I only just beat the first real chapter tonight, but I loved it. Apart from missing two verses despite thoroughly checking everywhere I could think of. Hiding content so well is not a design choice I agree with, and I don't want to use a guide on my first playthru.
Yeah, the first game's story by itself was borderline nonsense, but the second game's story reframes the first in a way that not only improves it, but makes both games together more than the sum of their parts.I'm still baffled by how they improved/fixed the story of the first game with a sequel. With Platinum being notorious for having terrible plots... I mean, their last two games have really done it well to improve things. W101 was a fantastic story.
Another thing I loved was the enemy diversity in Bayo 2, maybe I'm wrong as I didn't replay Bayo 1(played it 2 years ago) but I recall fighting the same enemies again and again while in Bayo 2 I was fighting new enemies constantly.
Another thing I loved was the enemy diversity in Bayo 2, maybe I'm wrong as I didn't replay Bayo 1(played it 2 years ago) but I recall fighting the same enemies again and again while in Bayo 2 I was fighting new enemies constantly.
- What are the favors that Bayonetta did for Enzo? At the beginning of Bayo 2, she mentions he came to her begging for help.
- Why do witches become, well, witches? I mean, ultimately their demon sponsors are big jerks. I wonder if it's not so much the allure of witch power as it is "lol tradition."
- In general, the angels seem like the good guys, when you read up on the lore. Or at least, they're more hospitable to humanity. Which again, makes it feel odd to be a "hero" working at the behest of the demons, killing angels just to... live forever? Which again, goes back to the second question, why become a witch in the first place.
To the best of my knowledge, Enzo is an informant. I can see how he benefits Bayonetta, but I'm not sure what kind of favors she has been doing for him.If I recall, isn't Enzo a coroner that Bayonetta joins in services so she can kill Angels that come to collect the dead? Maybe something happened regarding that.
Maybe, but I'm not sure what incentive there is for the witches when the cost is selling their soul.K-A-Deman said:I imagine tradition plays a part in it, but then you also look at how Angels and Demons are constantly at each others throats and drag their mess into our world, so maybe the Lumen and Umbra were meant to not only safeguard the Eyes, but also to push back in case the war between Paradiso and Inferno started screwing with our world too much.
I don't see any evidence that the angels are harmful to humans. They only fight those that stand in their way, I.E. the witches, etc. Whereas it's suggested that the demons would be a danger to humans no matter the circumstances.K-A-Deman said:...I can't really see how you can think that after what we see them do in the game itself. Oh sure, the lore paints them as majestic and grand and full of righteous goodwill, but wouldn't that be the case when you're reading out of a propaganda handbook? And then you account for the Audito, who are shown to be condescending, wrathful, narcissistic, and generally uncaring of mortal affairs.Fortitudo's spiel in the flashback about how the Laguna see no qualms with exterminating the Sages and Witches to claim the Eyes and how easy it was to deceive Balder should make pretty much annul whatever grand postulation the Book of Laguna paints the Angels as. They're nothing more than Demons in marble and jewelry.
It's definately easier. I got a platinum throphy for chapter 1 on my first playthrough (on 3th climax), while I got mostly stone and bronze in bayo 1 on normal. After I finished, I replayed all the chapters I didn't get platinum on and got platinums for all of them in my first retry. I guess it helps there are no bullshit QTEs and items don't give a score penalty. The challenges are also waaay easier and not well hidden this time.Finally had the chance to start playing it TODAY. After finishing Bayo1 and getting stuck at work for more than a week.
Loving it so far, but the challenge Portals are kind of easier this time around, right? I made it to chapter 3 and so far haven't had much trouble, if any, to beat the ones that I've found. Also, I'm playing on 3rd Climax from the start and I've been getting loads of Platinum and Pure Platinum medals. Am I getting good or is it generally easier than the first one to get those? I suspect it is the second option.
Has anyone tried to play 100 chapters to see if that unlocks anything, like in the first game?
It's definately easier. I got a platinum throphy for chapter 1 on my first playthrough (on 3th climax), while I got mostly stone and bronze in bayo 1 on normal. After I finished, I replayed all the chapters I didn't get platinum on and got platinums for all of them in my first retry. I guess it helps there are no bullshit QTEs and items don't give a score penalty. The challenges are also waaay easier and not well hidden this time.
Well, it could be bothTHAT AVATAR!
To answer your question: Not yet, no. I haven't.
Hmmmm... And here I was thinking I had finally nailed it!![]()
Finally had the chance to start playing it TODAY. After finishing Bayo1 and getting stuck at work for more than a week.
Loving it so far, but the challenge Portals are kind of easier this time around, right? I made it to chapter 3 and so far haven't had much trouble, if any, to beat the ones that I've found. Also, I'm playing on 3rd Climax from the start and I've been getting loads of Platinum and Pure Platinum medals. Am I getting good or is it generally easier than the first one to get those? I suspect it is the second option.
The fact that you can pure platinum every chapter on infinite climax with a single combo tells you how more dangerous the main characters are in bayo 2.
so... how did this game do in the US? Can we expect Bayo 3? I need more!
To the best of my knowledge, Enzo is an informant. I can see how he benefits Bayonetta, but I'm not sure what kind of favors she has been doing for him.
Maybe, but I'm not sure what incentive there is for the witches when the cost is selling their soul.
I don't see any evidence that the angels are harmful to humans. They only fight those that stand in their way, I.E. the witches, etc. Whereas it's suggested that the demons would be a danger to humans no matter the circumstances.
In other words, between the angels and demons, the demons seem like the worse lot. I get the impression from the events of the game that the demons aim to consume all, while the angels are more about doing just what's necessary to reclaim the Eyes of the World (which admittedly, probably wouldn't be in humanity's best interest, either).
That is true, and that isnt even factoring how absolutely broken some accessories are, rosary + bracelet of time = free platinums.
Manually triggering your witch time may take some getting used to, but man once you do it is just insane.
Especially when you combine braclet of time with the hammer, you can basically charge your attacks safely every swing.
can someone help me with the whole dodge offset mechanic? I saw the vids but I still have a very hard time understanding it let alone mastering it. The videos seem like they completely open up the game to new possibilities so I'm very eager to jump into that.
They don't do that move in co-op AFAIK, so those two characters don't have younger versions. No idea about the other two characters.Does anyone know what happens if you get hit by that Resentment attack whilst playing as someone other than Bayonetta? The idea ofis making me giggle, but somehow I doubt that would happen...and I don't really want to find out for obvious reasonsbaby Balder or baby Rodin![]()
Basically you hold a button and dodge while holding it and then you hit the next button after the dodge. So with Love is Blue you can do something like Punch, Punch, Kick (hold), dodge, Kick, Kick to finish the string.can someone help me with the whole dodge offset mechanic? I saw the vids but I still have a very hard time understanding it let alone mastering it. The videos seem like they completely open up the game to new possibilities so I'm very eager to jump into that.
Regarding the angels, there was also that puzzling scene in the first game where a plane full of Lumen devout all stab themselves, and Affinity angels emerge from their bodies. Sacrifice isn't shown to be necessary for angels to appear anywhere else in the game(s) (except for maybe in the final facility that had red stuff (blood?) being pumped around in vats for some reason), and the ritual isn't otherwise referenced again. I guess it served the purpose of showing us "these angels probably aren't actually very nice" but I always thought it felt out of character for the world they were building.
Press attack button, hold the attack button down, press dodge button at any time while Bayonetta is still shooting her guns while you are holding the button pressed down (or whatever the hold-button-pressed-down function of a particular non-gun weapon is) and while Bayonetta is performing her dodge-move & before it ends, press some other attack button, hold it down, press dodge button, press and hold attack button etc. etc.. Continue doing this and you can perform a combo to its wicked weave ending while interrupting it to dodge enemy attacks. Of course you don't have to dodge after every attack, so you could go PP(hold)-dodge-PP(hold)-dodge-Kcan someone help me with the whole dodge offset mechanic? I saw the vids but I still have a very hard time understanding it let alone mastering it. The videos seem like they completely open up the game to new possibilities so I'm very eager to jump into that.
I'm still baffled by how they improved/fixed the story of the first game with a sequel. With Platinum being notorious for having terrible plots... I mean, their last two games have really done it well to improve things. W101 was a fantastic story.
Anyone wants to play some tag climax? It takes ages before a random accepts...
They don't do that move in co-op AFAIK, so those two characters don't have younger versions. No idea about the other two characters.
Just beat him first time in tag climax, we just scraped through with sliver of health each and had to res one another several times during, but what a fight!Just spent 2 hours trying to bead Rodin.
I just can't. I can hardly (as in once every 10 tries) get him to transform into demon mode and then he just destroys me.
Is there any item or accesory I can unlock to make the fight doable?
Just beat him first time in tag climax, we just scraped through with sliver of health each and had to res one another several times during, but what a fight!
Then the other player won on points and instead of playing it safe, picked another boss card and we both wiped out in seconds:-(((