It wasn't a kiss. He was breathing air into her mouth. You're reading way too much into this.
It's a Bayonetta game. He should rubbed her cooch instead
Have you bought them yet? You need the command moves that are in the shop before you can do them with the weapon. I forgot what they stinger is called, but you need that one for Kafka. I'm not sure whether the moves appear in the combo list before you've bought them though. Maybe they do for Kafka because of their special function.
I won't make it to chapter 2.Bayonetta 2 drinking game: take shot everytime Bayonetta says "Little one".
Chapter 9 Spoilers
Chapter 16 Spoilers
Maybe I'm just reading it differently, but the stutter, shy look, and illogical plan* don't remind me at all of the Bayonetta that watched out for Cereza and Luka. Bayonetta running blindly for Loki (note Balder's "What is my daughter doing!?" face) doesn't make me think of how Bayonetta slyly handled Cereza being kidnapped by Joy. It reminds me of a pre-teen girl trying to hang out with her crush without revealing she wants to. It's not the Bayonetta I'm used to at all.
Maybe I should just say it full-out: between the kiss and the scene after it, the exchange in front of the Gates of Hell, and the scenes before and after the last boss, I definitely thought the game was pushing a Bayonetta-Loki romance. Ignoring the age gap (this is a universe with ubiquitous time travel, after all!), this isn't necessarily a bad thing except for the fact that Loki is generally a dick who, besides one unexplained kiss, seems perfectly content with splitting ways with his partner. Between the ending and the Gates of Hell scene, Bayonetta seems to be the one pursuing Loki, not the other way around.
And that's just not Bayonetta's style.
I like how the Bayonetta/Luka semi-romantic-friendship was handled in the first game, but this just felt completely out of place (accentuated by other things I mentioned in my long post, like the un-triumphant post-boss cutscenes).
More power to you if you don't see the game this way. I watched all of the cutscenes from Bayonetta 1 numerous times, but I couldn't help but skip many of Bayonetta 2's after my first time through.
* She's justified a moment later by the Lumen Sage's convenient appearance, but Loki's point still stands that Bayonetta hasn't given a proper argument for why he should be dragged to Inferno.
EDIT: Was talking with a friend about this in real life and we hypothesized Bayonetta's unnatural attraction to Loki might be a "clever" reference to the Sovereign power to "control the eyes". Bayonetta 1 had plenty of clever early links to its later reveals, so perhaps they were trying to do the same thing here. I might take this as my canon explanation...
Has anyone noticed how, when she activates "flight mode" in the fight with Gomorra her left eye shines,but when she has lost its power to Aeris she can still activate "flight mode" later in the fight? Maybe this is just a plothole, or maybe she still has some of the power of the Left Eye.
I think Bayo's "Left Eye" is actually in her watch, not her eye. My interpretation of the eye flash is that it's just an effect like the flash when you change weapons.
Just started playing.
Fuck that little kid and his terrible accent, jesus christ. Please tell me he isnt in the entire game.
Other than that, game is amazing and the graphics are superb. It all feels so much more refined than the first.
Bayonetta 2 drinking game: take shot everytime Bayonetta says "Little one". good way to stack halos fast? I dunno where to farm to get that platinum ticket...
Chapter 14 with jeanne, equip bracelet of time and the thing that makes enemies rage. Kill everything with PPP(hold) while activating witch time. Should give you 2-3 million halos per run of about 7 minutes.Any good way to stack halos fast? I dunno where to farm to get that platinum ticket...
Any good way to stack halos fast? I dunno where to farm to get that platinum ticket...
That works after one playthrough.Can we quick skip cutscenes?
ZR and - works on Bayonetta but it is not working for some reason on the second game. :~
Can we quick skip cutscenes?
ZR and - works on Bayonetta but it is not working for some reason on the second game. :~
Thanks for the advices guys! Looks like they're the best methods for halo farming.
Don't tell me you want to skip the heartwarming conversations between Bayonetta and Loki on your first playthrough.Can we quick skip cutscenes?
ZR and - works on Bayonetta but it is not working for some reason on the second game. :~
Don't tell me you want to skip the heartwarming conversations between Bayonetta and Loki on your first playthrough.
Look a few posts upBest way to farm halos to buy theticket?Rodin's
Chapter 14 with jeanne, equip bracelet of time and the thing that makes enemies rage. Kill everything with PPP(hold) while activating witch time. Should give you 2-3 million halos per run of about 7 minutes.
Go to chapter 13, the one called the witch hunts and just spam the PPPP combo on everything, use your midas touch item to make enemies drop a shit ton of halos. If you have the bracelet of time (you get a huge bonus when your attacks connect in witch time and this lets you manually trigger witch time as your attacks hit) and the gaze of despair (enemies are perma taunted for more halos and points) you can easily get about a million halos in a single run.
Wait, which one is it? lol
I just noticed that the Link costume comes with the parry ability that you'd otherwise need an accessory for. Do the other costumes have hidden abilities?
Yup, while playing as Jeanne.Ah so just equip the manual witch time accessory, the Gaze of Despair, and use Midas Touch on Chapter: Sakura Wars Bayonetta Edition?
Yup. The Samus outfit has a handful of interesting unique abilities like the space jump and the morph ball.
The Chain Chomp can sniff out hidden treasure chests, though it's range is pretty short.
Yup, while playing as Jeanne.
Wait, something special with Jeanne?
That one is super easy with the bow and chainsaws on your feet. Guaranteed platinum time and combo.So I am almost done with my platinum run on 3rd climax, only have the last 4 chapters left.
Oddly enough the hardest one to platinum for me so far has been chapter 3. That boss is annoying, the plat only really feels doable if you don't take any damage.
That one is super easy with the bow and chainsaws on your feet. Guaranteed platinum time and combo.
That one is super easy with the bow and chainsaws on your feet. Guaranteed platinum time and combo.