Even so it got Last of Us scores. B)What chapter did you get too?
The story is meant to be fun. Don't look or expect The Last of Us!
Embrace a game having fun with itself.
Even so it got Last of Us scores. B)What chapter did you get too?
The story is meant to be fun. Don't look or expect The Last of Us!
Embrace a game having fun with itself.
Because he's an annoying little shit with a bad accent that needs round-the-clock supervision and every time he opens his mouth he's either trying to be cool with his snark, complaining about his head hurting or whining about his memories. Occasionally he throws some cards ortowards the end, big whoop. Never mind his constant "TRY TO KEEP UP! / HEY WAIT!" outcries in-game. Cereza was obnoxious too, but she wasn't nearly as prominent. Rather would've had more screentime for Rodin, Luka or Enzo in both cases either way.whips out his deus ex machina
He doesn't need round the clock supervision, though. He never died once when I played (I haven't tried infinite climax yet though, so if that's why you hate him then fair enough).
I finally managed to beat Masked Lumen in chapter XII on Infinite Climax, it only took me 28 triesMy setup:
-Moon of Maha Kalaa
-No items
Basically I just spammed Kafka, dodged when he attacked and then slammed him with Alraune while in Witch Time. Repeat 50 times to win. Bastard is really fast and dodges almost everything you throw at him. I found specially tricky his normal sword attacks, they seem to come out of nowhere with lightning speed and he gets you in his combo it will eat more than half your life. I almost defeated him straight one time, but in the end I had to use the checkpoint...once I unlock the Climax Bracelet I´ll try beating him in one go, this fight was amazing! It´s really cool how sometimes he will counter even while in Witch Time and you´ll have to re-counter his counter (sometimes more than once) to finally be able to land a hit.
After this I can´t imagine how hard the fight against Rodin can be, that must be insane.
How does he get anything done? Through assistance from Bayonetta and eventually Luka. The only time he held his own was against the lowest of angelic pony grunts; every other time he was pushed into a corner until the cavalry arrived. And as opposed to Loki, at least Bayonetta / Rodin / all the other big players could back up them being hot shit.He doesn't need round the clock supervision, though. He never died once when I played (I haven't tried infinite climax yet though, so if that's why you hate him then fair enough).
As for his snark... well pretty sure you could complain about all the characters in the game including most of all Bayonetta herself. As for the head hurting, pretty sure he groaned because of it about 5 times, "big whoop". As for 'whining' about his memories, when does he ever whine? Bayonetta herself is the one who has to figure out that he's lost them.
I get that his "HEY WAIT"s could be annoying for some people, but they're usually pretty quiet. Also, yeah it's weird that he was voiced by a South Korean as Loki looks more Puerto Rican. But I don't know if those two things are really great reasons to hate him. And as for wanting more Luka or Enzo screen time... lol
I beat him on 1st Base AKA Super Ultra Easy Mode AKA Infinite Climax with Ice Undine/Alraune & Salamandra/Salamandra + Bracelet of Time + Infernal Communicator + Link outfit (for the built in Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa effect). It's super effective!I finally managed to beat Masked Lumen in chapter XII on Infinite Climax, it only took me 28 triesMy setup:
-Moon of Maha Kalaa
-No items
Basically I just spammed Kafka, dodged when he attacked and then slammed him with Alraune while in Witch Time. Repeat 50 times to win. Bastard is really fast and dodges almost everything you throw at him. I found specially tricky his normal sword attacks, they seem to come out of nowhere with lightning speed and he gets you in his combo it will eat more than half your life. I almost defeated him straight one time, but in the end I had to use the checkpoint...once I unlock the Climax Bracelet I´ll try beating him in one go, this fight was amazing! It´s really cool how sometimes he will counter even while in Witch Time and you´ll have to re-counter his counter (sometimes more than once) to finally be able to land a hit.
After this I can´t imagine how hard the fight against Rodin can be, that must be insane.
An overall gold rank for 2nd Climax, meaning gold or higher for every chapter. Pretty easy since you can skip the Muspelheims and still get gold for the chapter, as long as you earn golds and platinums in the other verses.I don't seem to have the accessory that manually activates witch time. What do I need to do to unlock it?
Ice Undine is pretty effective against him. Just dodge to activate Witch Time and get a good blast off and back off. Repeat until frozen then switch to the chainsaws or whatever weapon you prefer and go ham.I finally managed to beat Masked Lumen in chapter XII on Infinite Climax, it only took me 28 triesMy setup:
-Moon of Maha Kalaa
-No items
Basically I just spammed Kafka, dodged when he attacked and then slammed him with Alraune while in Witch Time. Repeat 50 times to win. Bastard is really fast and dodges almost everything you throw at him. I found specially tricky his normal sword attacks, they seem to come out of nowhere with lightning speed and he gets you in his combo it will eat more than half your life. I almost defeated him straight one time, but in the end I had to use the checkpoint...once I unlock the Climax Bracelet I´ll try beating him in one go, this fight was amazing! It´s really cool how sometimes he will counter even while in Witch Time and you´ll have to re-counter his counter (sometimes more than once) to finally be able to land a hit.
After this I can´t imagine how hard the fight against Rodin can be, that must be insane.
Ice Undine is pretty effective against him. Just dodge to activate Witch Time and get a good blast off and back off. Repeat until frozen then switch to the chainsaws or whatever weapon you prefer and go ham.
I thought you couldn´t freeze him, I tried on Chapter IV and almost killed him without freezing him so I thought he was immune to ice. Maybe I didn´t blast him frequently enough. Will definitely try this when I fight him again, thanks!
Even so it got Last of Us scores. B)
Last of Us WISHED it had 1% of the fun offered in Bayo 2.Even so it got Last of Us scores. B)
Rodin is similar, the hard thing about those fights are the moves that you dont dodge as soon as you see the tell
Sixteen chapters, plus the prologue and pre-prologue. There are also five Witch Trial chapters, which get increasingly difficult.Quick question - how many chapters are there?
I only started this yesterday and I'm already at chapter 12. I feel like I'm flying through it.
Sixteen chapters, plus the prologue and pre-prologue. There are also five Witch Trial chapters, which get increasingly difficult.
I'm finding it far, far easier than Bayonetta 1. And although the gameplay and graphics are far superior, I honestly think there's a severe lack of spectacle compared to Bayo 1, especially with the bosses.
The bosses in 1 were absolutely stunning and epic as fuck. I honestly don't feel the same way about bayonetta 2.
I'm finding it far, far easier than Bayonetta 1. And although the gameplay and graphics are far superior, I honestly think there's a severe lack of spectacle compared to Bayo 1, especially with the bosses.
The bosses in 1 were absolutely stunning and epic as fuck. I honestly don't feel the same way about bayonetta 2.
I beat him on 1st Base AKA Super Ultra Easy Mode AKA Infinite Climax with Ice Undine/Alraune & Salamandra/Salamandra + Bracelet of Time + Infernal Communicator + Link outfit (for the built in Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa effect). It's super effective!
Rodin is way way way way harder, even if you try to cheese him with all of the above.
An overall gold rank for 2nd Climax, meaning gold or higher for every chapter. Pretty easy since you can skip the Muspelheims and still get gold for the chapter, as long as you earn golds and platinums in the other verses.
I'm finding it far, far easier than Bayonetta 1. And although the gameplay and graphics are far superior, I honestly think there's a severe lack of spectacle compared to Bayo 1, especially with the bosses.
The bosses in 1 were absolutely stunning and epic as fuck. I honestly don't feel the same way about bayonetta 2.
Now, Luka was less annoying than Loki, but he had his lame moments too, including the robot.The only child character from a Platinum game I found remotely entertaining was Luka from The Wonderful 101, for that matter. If someone's going to be a little twerp, might as well be a crazy, unabashed asshole about it like he was and he got shit done with how. Plus hehe damn near destroyed the world.spawned a cool robot during his redemption arc
Yes, there are some Bayonetta 2 bosses that can compete in spectacle,I think 2´s bosses are far, far, far ahead in the spectacle department. Insidious and Gomorrah mop the floor with everything in Bayonetta....save for that one Water Boss...and the final Boss I guess.
it's even easier than normal mode.Its an easier game.
3rd Climax is Bayo 1s normal mode
Infinite Climax still has witch time, but its the only real challenging difficulty in the game.
The only really challenging things in Single Player mode outside of that were Witch Trial 5 and Rodin's Platinum Ticket.
I'm replaying Bayonetta 1 right now to unlock everything (ugh, again) in the Wii U version. I'll say it right now: fuck spectacle that comes at the expense of gameplay. Bayonetta 1's huge bosses are not fun to fight multiple times. The combat system is substantially restricted during those drawn out tabletop battles. I love the bosses' designs, love their music, love everything that doesn't have to do with gameplay, but in an action title like Bayonetta, gameplay absolutely has to come first. The game's lasting appeal depends almost entirely on its replayability. After all, Bayonetta belongs to a genre that rivals arcade games in replay-oriented design.damn...
I'm finding it far, far easier than Bayonetta 1. And although the gameplay and graphics are far superior, I honestly think there's a severe lack of spectacle compared to Bayo 1, especially with the bosses.
The bosses in 1 were absolutely stunning and epic as fuck. I honestly don't feel the same way about bayonetta 2.
Sorry...Monocle please.
I need to git gud.
I'll give another shot of Infinite Climax tonight, I tried (and failed, miserably) with Rosa but I found an interesting combination by following Neiteio's example of weaponry (Hammer + Chomp) which worked brilliantly.
Brilliantly in a way that I didn't die right off the start.
3rd Climax was a bit difficult for me at first, but after playing for several hours in 2nd Climax(I played till Chapter 6) I started again in 3rd Climax and got at least Gold in every Chapter, it's easy as hell.
I'm getting constantly Platinum rank when it comes to Time and Damage, but I get Gold a lot in Combo... I wonder what I'm doing wrong(I keep the combo going and don't let it reset but still end up with Gold).
I'm finding it far, far easier than Bayonetta 1. And although the gameplay and graphics are far superior, I honestly think there's a severe lack of spectacle compared to Bayo 1, especially with the bosses.
The bosses in 1 were absolutely stunning and epic as fuck. I honestly don't feel the same way about bayonetta 2.
Alright lets go infinite climax!
I think the most frustrating parts here were honestly probably chapter 16 or maybe chapter 3.
Props man, I don't think I could do it honestly. Only Platinum all 2nd Climax.
I reached Witch Trial V.... holy shit.
As long as your dodging is on point you can cheese him to death with the Bracelet of Time. The hardest part is surviving long enough to build up magic for the Bracelet of Time and Infernal Communicator. It's probably a good idea to start with the Eternal Testimony (for the two free magic orbs) and something that doesn't take away normal witch time (anything but the Bracelet of Time and the Evil Harvest Rosary). Once you have 1.5 or two full magic gauges, switch to the Bracelet of Time and the Infernal Communicator (which you should activate during witch time to avoid getting hit).
The Moon of Mahaa-Kalaah / Link outfit parry helps a lot because that boss's attack pattern is predictable. Basically, if he's close to you he's trying to hit you.
Up to Chapter VIII on infinite climax with all platinums so far.
If I wanna go for pure should I just use?Rosa
Please, start on 3rd climax, its the "normal" difficulty of the game, and dont collect many witch hearts on your first playthrough, if its still easy buy the gaze of despair and have fun.Game is a blast, but its a lot easier than the first on normal (2nd Climax). Almost never have to do a fight more than once, while in the first game I would constantly have to retry. May replay the game on a higher difficulty some time down the road.
Also, some chapters are super, super short.
Please, start on 3rd climax, its the "normal" difficulty of the game, and dont collect many witch hearts on your first playthrough, if its still easy buy the gaze of despair and have fun.