2 is a prequel though anyway right?
EDIT : Just realized this was discussed on the previous page. Think I'm just gonna hop into 2. Don't remember a ton about 1's story but hopefully it'll come back to me.
I'm playing the first one for the first time and it's not really good.
It's fucking awesome.
I suppose it would be interesting to go back and play 1 as a "prequel" of sorts after 2, but I think the gameplay improvements in 2 would make going backwards a tougher pill to swallow.
Not sure how I feel about the bow right now, not really gelling with it.
Oh man. You think the first one is good you're in for something amazing with bayonetta 2.
So I got the golden LP for the kafka weapon but it won't show up after I gave it to Rodin. All the other weapons have showed up. Think it's a glitch? When I got the LP initially I hit A really fast by accident so I'm wondering if that screwed something up.
The Giant Bomb QL made it seem pretty situational. They mentioned a specific boss that went in one ear and out the other that it was useful for.
You do know that it poisons and weakens enemies right? Combine it with other weapons.Not sure how I feel about the bow right now, not really gelling with it.
It's bugging the shit out of me that so many are playing the sequel and I could be but I don't know, I have to play at least a good amount of the first one first.
That's not how things work. You think everyone plays at your pace or speedruns?No point in coming to a game's OT if you are afraid of spoilers. The game is out now.
I'm surprised Giant Bomb figured out the controls to this game.
I have absolutely no idea who either of the guys doing the QL were, I haven't payed much attention to what's been going on over there in the last year or so.
You mean the Bow? If so, it´s already in your inventory. No need to purchase
Finished Chapter 4, this is serious GotY material
The Giant Bomb QL made it seem pretty situational. They mentioned a specific boss that went in one ear and out the other that it was useful for.
You do know that it poisons and weakens enemies right? Combine it with other weapons.
I'm surprised Giant Bomb figured out the controls to this game.
Ahh cool, just figured you also had to buy every weapon you acquire.
Just picked up the game, is it good fun even on the gamepad?
Forgot to pick up the Pro Controller :/
It's subjective of course but I played it for about an hour with the Wii U controller and found it to be quite playable. That being said I did switch over to the Pro controller after that and prefer the latter.
But imho you definitely don't NEED a Pro controller to enjoy the game immensely. Just makes it a little easier on the hands for an extended play session.
Mine didn't come from amazon yet either. Tracking says "out for delievery" and will be here by today at 8pm so I'm hoping some truck will pull up soon.
I have a party to go to at 9 pm though
This game has no fucking manual. Bullshit.
GOTY 10/10 my ass
Totally returning this turd of a title.
Bayonetta 2 > Friends
Took less than a few hours in Bayonetta 1, for me.k I already reached the point where I think I'm gonna skip every cutscene. They're really just a waste of time.
How do you unlock the Nintendo costumes here? is there something I need to buy in the store first?
They're already unlocked I thought.
I thought I read that was for Bayo 1 only?
They're already unlocked I thought.
The Ninty costumes are Bayo 1 only
The Ninty costumes are Bayo 1 only
Bayo 2 has its own special costumes
So does Tag Climax earn you halos for SP mode at all? Might try it tonight.