The Ninty costumes are Bayo 1 only
Bayo 2 has its own special costumes
They are in 2 also.
There's a
'Super Mirror 64' in Rodins Treasure shop for 100k
The Ninty costumes are Bayo 1 only
Bayo 2 has its own special costumes
That's not how things work. You think everyone plays at your pace or speedruns?
How long is a typical Normal Playthrough?
I need to know ASAP. This will determine whether I leave right now to buy it.
Though I'll end up buying it regardless in 2 weeks.
Just finished Chapter 4. Love it so far.
Does anyone know how to do the moves signified with like a butterfly symbol and then punch or kick? It's a yellow symbol, I think.
This is the best pic I've seen so far! I can't see Mario's face but I know dude can't even deal..Got my copy! Wohooo!
Got my copy! Wohooo!
My GameStop ordered thirty copies, and by the time I picked mine up they were completely sold out of the game, and I managed to pick up the last guide.
Well played, Amazon Prime -- got a physical copy delivered and picked it up before the front office closed today. I may actually get to play tonight!
Also I would respectfully second the requests to please not post screenshots of game areas that might be a surprise to some of us. People like me may be playing the first game before the second, so it will take us even longer to catch up and see those areas.
I was talking about the screenshot someone posted from a new (to me) area in Bayonetta 2, but that's also a good point, thanks.If you are only playing the first might be a good idea to stick to that OT till you've finished it if you are wanting to avoid spoilers.
Awesome.Yes, you can earn halos for single player through the co-op mode.
Yeah, I think I'll actually do this before I replay Bayonetta 1. I didn't play the demo, seeing as I just got my console today.Played through chapter 1 to quell the hype enough to play bayo 1. Yep, this game is perfect.
Man, I forgot how A+++ Bayonetta's voice actress is. Makes all the nonsensical cutscenes worth it.
Mine didn't come in mail so won't be til Monday than I have to play through 1 first so bayo 2 is a ways off for me...
Any who played it. Does it live up to this crazy hype train that spawned from the reviews?
Well GAF/Nintendo I did my part.
That makes four (i guess five) wiiu games i have now:
Bayonetta 1+2
Mario Kart 8
still wanna get zelda, open world mario (when announced), and xenoblade and captain toad.
Chapter 7 (or 8) and I can say that it does.
So how do I get Bayo 1 digital? I've already bought it a separate purchase?