Yea I assumed cathedral because he said only one. When people talk about the river ones they usually refer to the guy with the big ass gun.
yeah cathedral, so that guy sitting on the chair/altar is optional?
Yea I assumed cathedral because he said only one. When people talk about the river ones they usually refer to the guy with the big ass gun.
One has snakes. The other has a toxic swamp.Whats the difference
Heh, Shadows were always cake on all of my characters. The pillar in the centre makes it easy to take refuge and heal if you're in trouble.Yeah I hate the Shadows... just because there are three of them.
One has snakes. The other has a toxic swamp.
Heh, Shadows were always cake on all of my characters. The pillar in the centre makes it easy to take refuge and heal if you're in trouble.
Yeah well I was doing fine every time I tried it last night until during each attempt I either got one shot at full health by an off camera combo mostly from that flame spray thing or I got one shot at full health by the snake super.
Hiding behind the pillar to heal wasn't helping with all the one shots on NG+2. I hadn't done the fight in a long time. I finally got it done but it's my least favorite boss in Bloodborne. I don't like all the running away that's required.
But they are so easy though:Yeah I hate the Shadows... just because there are three of them.
I never figured out how people just walk up to the first one and start wailing on it without dying. I see people doing it but has never worked for me like ever.
I always end up taking cheap shots and then running around and then taking more cheap swipes and repeating that... I don't like fighting that way. But whenever I run up to one of them to engage with more than one or two hits then another one destroys me from some area that is outside of my camera's vision.
I can get it done that way but not my idea of a fun fight, and on NG+2 if you get combo'd by another shadow that is outside your camera's view then it's usually instant death even from full health even with 50 vitality at level 230.
Ahhh didn't see there was a new thread already, my bad.Eh, there is a new OT so I recommend to go there.
Is for people who platinum the game
You fight the first boss yet?the dlc is bloody hard, even has that enemy I hate from Cainhurst
You fight the first boss yet?
Not yet, the normal enemies are giving me a good challenge so far, the spider thing ladies plus hunters on the bridge especially
What's your level and weapon level? You probably shouldn't be there with anything less than a +8 weapon.Not yet, the normal enemies are giving me a good challenge so far, the spider thing ladies plus hunters on the bridge especially
Rape horse bruh.You gotta meet a big wall of PAIN, and hooves
is this the fight that's like taking on the Nazgul with one seemingly being Orochimaru?
But they are so easy though:
What's your level and weapon level? You probably shouldn't be there with anything less than a +8 weapon.
Rape horse bruh.
I've never summoned an NPC before, so I'm wondering if the NPC dies during the boss battle are they gone forever?
Right now
Lvl 102
Saw cleaver +10
Blood gems
Physical attack up + 18%
Atk up +15%
Physical attack up +12.6
Add physical atk up +6.6
All in all physical attack 180 + 250
I usually wear either that or Cainhurst set because they're baller. The rest are situational.Something like that.
I just realized that I should have put on the bone marrow ash armor. the armor that I was wearing had horrible fire defense so I was taking way more damage than I should have been...
I've never summoned an NPC before, so I'm wondering if the NPC dies during the boss battle are they gone forever?
Right now
Lvl 102
Saw cleaver +10
Blood gems
Physical attack up + 18%
Atk up +15%
Physical attack up +12.6
Add physical atk up +6.6
All in all physical attack 180 + 250
There are some stuff in the Hunter's dream store (the fountain at the top of the stairs) that can only be bought with insight. There is also something in the game world that can only be seen once you have a certain level of insight.So what's the purpose of Madman's Knowledge and Insight?
To open your eyesSo what's the purpose of Madman's Knowledge and Insight?
Yea I assumed cathedral because he said only one. When people talk about the river ones they usually refer to the guy with the big ass gun.
Any tips on how to beat the machine gun Hunter in Old Yharnam? He just keeps fucking me up. His sidearm is bullshit. Should I even try to kill him?
That's pretty good but you can easily improve it with cursed 19.8% gems dropped by Winter Lanterns in Nightmare of Mensis.
the dlc is bloody hard, even has that enemy I hate from Cainhurst
I thought that the guy on the rooftop of Cainhurst is painful (almost beat him, got so close)... until I met the thing at the end of Nightmare of Mensis... how do you beat that thing after you take half of his health? Is really hard to fight him and his illusions. Should have figured it out since the area is the most painful for me so far.
Also, was backtracking and was doing everything again from the start and when I got to the Big Cathedral I met something with crow clothes. It gave me a pretty tough fight but in the end I killed it. Gave me the option to buy his awesome clothes and a new weapons. The weapon seems to be incredible. Is it or is just me and I like it because is really fast?
I am on Nightmare of Mensis... where and what are the Winter Lanterns?
Tips about that boss. Just ignore the puppets when you are running up and down, they barely follow you. Also, I suppose you're having problems with that magic attack. Just be sure to be lose to him , he triggers that attack when you're far. You can also interrupt him while casting with a shot, although he'll try to cast it again.
About the crow girl, it's part of a quest and it can have a different outcome, you probably missed some steps of that quests. The weapon is good, especially the evade and attack hit (a thrust forward).
And the Winter Lanterns are that ladies with the big brain head that sing, they are found in both Nightmare areas (dunno if you found the Nightmare Frontier area, it's an optional area before Mensis).
Btw, start thinking into diving into the DLC if you have it. Remember that once you beat the final boss the game automatically puts you at the start of NG+.
Thanks. That magic attack is what was giving me a lot of trouble. Will try to be closer, even with his 6 arms with blades on each one.
Quests? This game has quests? I didnt know. I just found her and wanted to kill. I will go for quests on NG+
Edit: Searched for a photo of a Winter Lantern and yes, now I remember those. Also, I been to Frontier and beaten Amygdala, was though but the area is amazing. Thanks!
How close am I to the final boss? I dont even know where I stand...
you are right there, do the dlc now if you are gonna
Didn't know I was so close to the finish line... on my first run at least. Good to know. Thanks
I bought the dlc while it was on sale, I thought you had to finish the game first before accessing it. Also, when you beat the final boss, the game doesn't let you free roam the map before starting NG+? I thought it was the case
Try to make him fall. Or just ignore him and keep going, its not required and you can go back later and evenbefriend him
Any advice for Ludwig, his first form has so much range and damage
Any benefits from befriending him? Do I miss out on some good stuff if I kill him?
Don't try to dodge away from him. Instead, dodge towards him when he attacks and try to get underneath him. For me, using a fast weapon like the saw spear/cleaver worked well for me (+ the serration bonus helps a lot).
Congrats. One of my favorites and that theme is GOAT as fuck.Took 15 health potions, but managed to beat him, beat his second form on the first try though I did get hit by what looked like Squall Lionhearts Blasting Zone, I was at full health for that thankfully
I usually kill his ass at some point. I usually just befriend him for the gesture, come back and kill him when I want to get his armor set, which is usually when I get to Mensis or get prepared to go to Mensis.You miss a gesture if killing him. I think the rest you can get it either way.
It doesn't, it goes straight to NG+ (Dark Souls 2 and 3 lets you do that).. Basically, once you beat Micolash, you have another boss, then final boss, so stop before fighting the final boss, and head onto the DLC (check out you accessed the Upper Cathedral Ward first though, if not do that instead).
DLC is harder to vanilla so once you beat it you'll probably find the final boss too easy but oh well. You can also have a backup save on PS+ and reload the save after beating the final boss.
I played a bit on my lunchbreak... damn, the DLC area is... hard... really hard. That hunters with the whip sword (I want that, looks way better than the threaded cane) and all the creatures... going back later.
I also went to the Upper Cathedral Ward and except a Orphan Key and other stuff I found a locked door (dont know what are both). What should I do there?
Keep exploringtip:
you need to open the big door
And you can get that DLC weapon, yep.
Those werewolves are a big pain, as are the other enemies in there, be careful. My strat for the werewolves was to back up to the door you come in and hit them with a big weapon through the doorway, because they can't get through.Ah don't tell me the key opens that door, I had to leave for work and didn't check that. Damn those werewolves are hard to fight 3 at the same time. Well, will give me more practise for the DLC, I feel like I am going to need it.
Once you get a read on the parry timing for the beast cutter hunters they get a lot easier. I might not be the hugest fan of the beast cutter myself though, I think it's a bit slow compared to the cane.I played a bit on my lunchbreak... damn, the DLC area is... hard... really hard. That hunters with the whip sword (I want that, looks way better than the threaded cane) and all the creatures... going back later.
I also went to the Upper Cathedral Ward and except a Orphan Key and other stuff I found a locked door (dont know what are both). What should I do there?
The ps4 usually automatically records 15 minutes up the point where you hit the share button. I have my settings at double tap share to record though.I had an awesome fight vs. Lady Maria last night - my first 3 tries I used my LHB and failed miserably. It's just too slow, even with the stagger capability.
My 4th try I used my trusty axe and parried as often as I could and she went down pretty easily. I timed it so that she would die from a visceral, but somehow the actual pistol shot that staggered her also killed her. Damn.
I wish I had recorded it, I have no idea how to record gameplay. I hit the share button and it only showed the last 5 seconds or so, after the battle was over.
Once you get a read on the parry timing for the beast cutter hunters they get a lot easier. I might not be the hugest fan of the beast cutter myself though, I think it's a bit slow compared to the cane.
Those werewolves are a big pain, as are the other enemies in there, be careful. My strat for the werewolves was to back up to the door you come in and hit them with a big weapon through the doorway, because they can't get through.
UCW is a good place for the threaded cane. I usually just kill the main one at the locked door, through the locked door to get the key making the ambush later a lot more manageable. Don't be afraid to use some blue elixirs later and don't forget to get a certain gesture from there as well.LOL now those werewolves will be a cakewalk. Nice tipThose Insight stealing monsters are still there, but they come 1 by 1
Once you get a read on the parry timing for the beast cutter hunters they get a lot easier. I might not be the hugest fan of the beast cutter myself though, I think it's a bit slow compared to the cane.
Beast Cutter probably has better stagger, but I just seem to find that there's a delay with the attack in whip form that I do not like with the Beast Cutter.I like the beast cutter way more than the cane, but I know it's not a popular opinion.
UCW is a good place for the threaded cane. I usually just kill the main one at the locked door, through the locked door to get the key making the ambush later a lot more manageable. Don't be afraid to use some blue elixirs later and don't forget to get a certain gesture from there as well.