Once you get the idea how to use the chikage the game becames easy mode
Alright Ebrietas got killed by my chikage in my first attempt solo, I didnt even let her do the laser nor the charge, I pretty much went in to his side and slashed away blood style till I killed her.
Seriously this weapon at this level is OP as hell lol.
Love it.
Then went to the Nightmare of Mensis, killed a Hunter there, killed athen reached pretty far but I had no more vials and I thought I was close to a boss so I ran back to the hunters dream and put those 100k souls into bloodtinge and put a anticlockwise rune to pump up 15% more stamina, sick rune to be honest.huge big ass spider, she was Shelob or something :O
And then went to sleep, that place is insane god damn.
So did you kill Ebrietas like this?Alright Ebrietas got killed by my chikage in my first attempt solo, I didnt even let her do the laser nor the charge, I pretty much went in to his side and slashed away blood style till I killed her.
Seriously this weapon at this level is OP as hell lol.
Love it.
Then went to the Nightmare of Mensis, killed a Hunter there, killed athen reached pretty far but I had no more vials and I thought I was close to a boss so I ran back to the hunters dream and put those 100k souls into bloodtinge and put a anticlockwise rune to pump up 15% more stamina, sick rune to be honest.huge big ass spider, she was Shelob or something :O
And then went to sleep, that place is insane god damn.
You were talking about doing the DLC right? You should do it after finishing with the nightmare of mensis area. If you don't do any story stuff after mensis you'll be safe to not accidentally finish the game (and put you directly into NG+). In fact maybe just make a copy of your save file after mensis just in case.
So did you kill Ebrietas like this?
I think the best thing was that I had a gem that increased Kin damage on my Chikage, she got fucked up bad. You can't do that with Chalice Ebrietas though, she turns around too quick.That sounds good, after Im done here I will go to the DLC and get slaughtered some there.
Lol, yes exactly like this, this could be a video of me to be honest because that is exactly how I killed her only that I didnt did a visceral on her.
That weapon man is great.
I think the best thing was that I had a gem that increased Kin damage on my Chikage, she got fucked up bad. You can't do that with Chalice Ebrietas though, she turns around too quick.
Enemy class. There are beasts and kin. Stuff like Cleric Beast, Vicar Amelia and basic shit with fur are classified as beasts. Stuff like Ebrietas and alien looking things are Kin. You get the occasional gem that will either increase or decrease your damage value against those enemies.Kin damage?
Enemy class. There are beasts and kin. Stuff like Cleric Beast, Vicar Amelia and basic shit with fur are classified as beasts. Stuff like Ebrietas and alien looking things are Kin. You get the occasional gem that will either increase or decrease your damage value against those enemies.
I would worry about it too much cause the game doesn't throw that many kin enemies at you. I only have it equipped cause it was a high level curse gem that didn't deplete my health or anything like that if I'm not mistaken.Ohh, thanks for the info, will look into it and prepare myself if I got any gems for when fighting that kind of enemies.
was a dick, but I got him. Nearly lost the plot on his third phase but managed to hang on.Laurence
So thats it in terms of DLC bosses I suppose. Now to head back to the main game and get my true ending.
Are the Vilebloods of Cainhurst Castle?vampires
Yup. I kept trying to bait him into using histhat bosses last phase made me freeze up more than anything else in the game I think, was never clear on the range and never knew when to go in, very annoying.
Are the Vilebloods of Cainhurst Castle?vampires
That just sounds like semantics to me.Mmmm yes and no,they got corrupted by the old blood and turned "undead", hunting people for their blood for the queen not for themselves
Would be interesting to see, too bad the Rakuyo doesn't have a blood mode.I guess so, their blood turned toxic so the vileblood use it on their weapons to cause toxic and rapid poison on their opponents, ironically the executioners used a similar technique to fight back the Vileblood using their blood to power up the logarius wheel weapon. random thought It looks like the manipulation of Blood bending is kinda exclusive of Cainhurst, maria being the one using fire on her blood, I wonder if Analise have some sort of fire blood bending too
I honestly thought it was in some dude's head.Ok, so ... does Bloodborne take place on Earth?
Ok, so ... does Bloodborne take place on Earth?
Blood bending
Ok, so ... does Bloodborne take place on Earth?
Well, according to Orochinagis it seems to take place in Avatar's world:
A friend of mine is asking me to help her coop the game because she's a scaredy cat and can't handle it by herself.
So I want to help her out, but how does the blood echo rewards work from here on out? Do I get the same amount she gets for killing a enemies? What about items?
I think it won't be important if I decide to use my leveled up character to help her out, but it'd be nice if I could start a new character and level it up as I help her out.
A friend of mine is asking me to help her coop the game because she's a scaredy cat and can't handle it by herself.
So I want to help her out, but how does the blood echo rewards work from here on out? Do I get the same amount she gets for killing a enemies? What about items?
I think it won't be important if I decide to use my leveled up character to help her out, but it'd be nice if I could start a new character and level it up as I help her out.
Your level gets reduced to near her level any way so don't worry about it. You have PSN Plus now? Like even if I coopted with you I'd just use one of my current characters as long as I have that area unlocked. I wouldn't bother starting fresh.A friend of mine is asking me to help her coop the game because she's a scaredy cat and can't handle it by herself.
So I want to help her out, but how does the blood echo rewards work from here on out? Do I get the same amount she gets for killing a enemies? What about items?
I think it won't be important if I decide to use my leveled up character to help her out, but it'd be nice if I could start a new character and level it up as I help her out.
Your level gets reduced to near her level any way so don't worry about it. You have PSN Plus now?
You'll be getting roughly half of the echoes that she would get. Are you planning to Co-Op your game too? Otherwise after defeating her bosses and your own bosses, you're going to be a significantly higher level than her.
Yes, she would get more echoes but do not forget with a new character that you will have to play through your own game to even help Co-Op on her game.
What I would give if there was more shit to deal with for me in this game. But honestly you are pretty much at the end of the main game as you have only 2 mandatory bosses before credits. Everything else is entirely optional but definitely take a break if you feel like you need to. Pushing foward if you don't want to isn't fun at all and sucks even the smallest enjoyment out of what you could have.
Speaking of which Veelk how have you liked the game so far? I remember you complained a lot about it when you started it.
The ending you got meansyou ascended to understand the great one knowlegde without fall into madness or being reduced into a mindless beast thanks to the umbilical cords. Turning you into a great one infant
If there is a Bloodborne 2, I guess FROM will take the first endingt but still the beast curse is rampant until you take down all the great one influence or Hosts to end the beat curse from Yharmanwhere the Hunter survive the hunt nigh
Yeah, I read The Paleblood Hunt last night, and the ending makes complete sense now. This game is incredible. A lot of people seem to believe Bloodborne is lacking in terms of narrative, characters, etc. in comparison to Dark Souls, but in some ways, it's the best example of Souls-y storytelling out there. It's brilliant. Going through Dark Souls for the first time will always be among my favorite gaming experiences ever, but I have to give serious consideration to the possibility that Bloodborne might have topped it overall.
As for Bloodborne 2, yeah, I could see them going in that direction. I think they'd go with theending, though. It's hard to imagine they'd go with a version of events where the Bloodborne Hunter doesn'tChildhood's Beginning. I could see Bloodborne 2 taking place in the past, or in a new location, or in a post-Bloodborne Yharnam where you're dealing primarily with differentencounter and defeat the Moon Presence.Great Ones (...possibly including the Plain Doll and/or the Bloodborne Hunter?)
path is long like Martyr Logarius. That's just clearly a dumb design decision, I think.There are some things I think are just common sense mistakes that make things pointlessly difficult, like having lamps far away from the boss battle when every player is just going to rush through Point A to B to get to the boss fight again, which is annoying when the boss fight is tough and the
I scrolled through this from the bottom up and I knew it was you before I saw your name. Letting you know now, I'm going to be busy next week on the weekend. I personally just play these games without thinking too much about the narrative. I'll leave the lore videos for that. I usually just play them to chill out and have fun.I'm a soft completionist at heart, I feel the need to do every major area of a game even if it isn't strictly required. Though I'm kinda flaking on the chalice dungeons. It's just a bunch of fighting a bunch if repetitive enemies, in repetitive environments, and now repeated boss fights just to occasionally get new boss fights that aren't available in the main game. That's....eh.
But yeah, I'm in my 80's by now. I want to grind a bit more to get more blood chunks to level up my cane to level 9, but otherwise, yeah, I'm ready to get my Rakuyo.
I had mostly one very strong complaint about how it handled that one sidequest with the kid, but that's because it's a touchy subject that I feel needs to be handled with extreme care. I haven't really encountered anything that made me angry in that way since.
I'll do a major review of the game once I finish it, but the short of it is right now that...well, it's complex.
On one hand, it's doing a lot of things I always wished for a game to do. Consistent mythology that maintains a very mythical feel about it. The aesthetic of the game is nothing short of amazing, and it while I knew the creator is a berserk fan, it's one thing to make nods to the content of the series but another to also have a willingness to incorperate the dedication to a detailed, beautiful, disgusting, unique, creative and consistent dedication to the art direction that Berserk maintains into your own work. And there has never been a horror game that affected me the way it has, which I typically hate. Especially the reveal of the lesser amygdala. It felt like an actual lovecraftian moment, where the sheer revelation of what was around me made me too horrified to be conventionally afraid, and just left me in a wide eyed state of numb terror.
On the other hand, the game is still my antithesis in how I enjoy game design in a lot of ways. I was told that losing blood echoes would not bother me later on, and I guess it bothers me less, but it definitely doesn't NOT bother me when I lose all the progress I made to wanting to get a new level or buy new things. I also mentioned before how I am somewhat resentful of the fact that leveling up in all catergories is impractical, especially when combat is as important to this game as it is. I like having options reasonably available and Bloodborne just doesn't want to allow that. And I've been trying to follow all the story clues the laid has given without feeling like I'm going out of my way to make things up, but it's difficult because the present narrative is so subtle as to almost be nonexistent. I honestly don't have any idea why half the things that happened are happening here, and it's annoying I can't get any easy answers in game. I'd like for my character to just go up to the Doll and say "Tell me wtf is happening" This has actually bothered me ever since Rom, when I realized that I killed it for no reason whatsoever, atleast insofar as I can tell.
Overall, it's definitely one of the most unique games I ever played and I'm glad to have played it. What I feel about it almost feels to be irrelevant to like or dislike. I mean, the fact that it's antithetical to what I like in action games may mean I don't enjoy it as much as I would if it were in line with my game design philosophy. However, if it were, it wouldn't be the game it is now. There are some things I think are just common sense mistakes that make things pointlessly difficult, like having lamps far away from the boss battle when every player is just going to rush through Point A to B to get to the boss fight again, which is annoying when the boss fight is tough and the path is long like Martyr Logarius. That's just clearly a dumb design decision, I think. But for stuff like the progression loss and blocking off the stat rankings, I may not like that, but I understand why the game is like that, it produces a particular effect on the experience playing the game, and it's an effect that can't happen any other way. And I feel, to object to that is to object to something that is beautiful in it's own right. It may not jive with me entirely but I think it's wrong to think everything should. The world is richer for having Bloodborne be the way it is, even if it's not how I want it to be in every way.
It's my hope that one day someone takes many of the lessons that Bloodborne (and I'm assuming the souls games) have given and make something that has a more active narrative and empowering gameplay philosophy, and that may be my perfect game ever. But for now, I'm happy to play the Bloodsouls games.
Well I know as a child, the game director Miyazaki read more complicated books then a child should read. He had to fill in the parts he didnt understand. The Souls's series and Bloodborne take that into consideration for the story.And I've been trying to follow all the story clues the laid has given without feeling like I'm going out of my way to make things up, but it's difficult because the present narrative is so subtle as to almost be nonexistent. I honestly don't have any idea why half the things that happened are happening here, and it's annoying I can't get any easy answers in game. I'd like for my character to just go up to the Doll and say "Tell me wtf is happening" This has actually bothered me ever since Rom, when I realized that I killed it for no reason whatsoever, atleast insofar as I can tell.
There is a huge problem in BB. like there is no real narrative about the events happening right at your game progress, the Hunter just have a simple directive "Go Hunting" thats all the narrative in the current events, there is no real instructions or NPC telling other objetives or whats happening.I
On the other hand, the game is still my antithesis in how I enjoy game design in a lot of ways. I was told that losing blood echoes would not bother me later on, and I guess it bothers me less, but it definitely doesn't NOT bother me when I lose all the progress I made to wanting to get a new level or buy new things. I also mentioned before how I am somewhat resentful of the fact that leveling up in all catergories is impractical, especially when combat is as important to this game as it is. I like having options reasonably available and Bloodborne just doesn't want to allow that. And I've been trying to follow all the story clues the laid has given without feeling like I'm going out of my way to make things up, but it's difficult because the present narrative is so subtle as to almost be nonexistent. I honestly don't have any idea why half the things that happened are happening here, and it's annoying I can't get any easy answers in game. I'd like for my character to just go up to the Doll and say "Tell me wtf is happening" This has actually bothered me ever since Rom, when I realized that I killed it for no reason whatsoever, atleast insofar as I can tell.
There are some things I think are just common sense mistakes that make things pointlessly difficult, like having lamps far away from the boss battle when every player is just going to rush through Point A to B to get to the boss fight again, which is annoying when the boss fight is tough and the path is long like Martyr Logarius. That's just clearly a dumb design decision, I think. But for stuff like the progression loss and blocking off the stat rankings, I may not like that, but I understand why the game is like that, it produces a particular effect on the experience playing the game, and it's an effect that can't happen any other way. And I feel, to object to that is to object to something that is beautiful in it's own right. It may not jive with me entirely but I think it's wrong to think everything should. The world is richer for having Bloodborne be the way it is, even if it's not how I want it to be in every way.
Well I know as a child, the game director Miyazaki read more complicated books then a child should read. He had to fill in the parts he didnt understand. The Souls's series and Bloodborne take that into consideration for the story.
D-did Iraw calls you a Du....
If I wake up in some nightmarish place like the main character with some nasty monsters at every corner I wont be asking anything to anyone, I would be on a killing spree even if by the end some doll tells me they were peacefull monsters in a ponyland place full of hope lols.
Didnt mean that in type of manners beside providing some information on the game director.
I scrolled through this from the bottom up and I knew it was you before I saw your name. Letting you know now, I'm going to be busy next week on the weekend. I personally just play these games without thinking too much about the narrative. I'll leave the lore videos for that. I usually just play them to chill out and have fun.
Yes, in a town mostly. Yharman didnt want to share the blood usage with foreigners.
The Nightmare areas are supposed to be in another plane inside a someone head using real Yharman areas but maybe for gameplay those areas dont dissipate when you kill the host.
You can get much more from farming the lecture room with a lot of jelly scholars, lecture hall first floor.If I NG+
How does Yarnham compare to the final parts of the game?
I'm currently farming the area at the top of the castle before the wet nurse for a couple of levels netting myself 55k each time.
Would I be achieving similar levels of cash flow if I NG+ and was stuck in the start game area?
Also will the hub world be accessible from the get go?
There is a huge problem in BB. like there is no real narrative about the events happening right at your game progress, the Hunter just have a simple directive "Go Hunting" thats all the narrative in the current events, there is no real instructions or NPC telling other objetives or whats happening.
The key objets and note you find are ambiguous for the sake of being hard to comprend on the surface and that doesnt makes you understand what or why are you doing after you are done hunting. for example you are done when you complete Blood starved beast, after that everything is closed, Gehrman or the doll dont tell you where to go or just simple end the quest there.
In Dark Souls 1, Andre the Blacksmith tells you vital information of several areas and how to access them, he is the one who sells the key and tells you about the key in one of his several talk options, In BB the doll is just stand there giving you ONE line of dialogue.
New day new attempt, anyone want to help me with Amygdala in the Chalice Dungeon?
I got her down to literally the last hit and die................ o.o
dozens of tries later, I'm still at it, twice I almost had her but then her jump gets me, because I was in the middle of a roll.................
When she jumps just staying put works like a charm, till it doesn't and her big fat foot lands on my head.... argh... One strike away from dying...... argh argh arghhhhh.