In the plus column though I ran into my old friend, the B
in one of the chalice dungeons. He really brutalised me at the start of the game and, after a crappy first attempt where I died in the poison lake like an idiot, I was happy to give him a sound beating.
Having so much content as optional is an interesting design decision.
I remember the door with the password but I don't remember getting the password itself lol.
There's an item description on the item you get from killing Amelia stating that the password is the church's favorite saying or whatever. You get that from the skull cutscene.
There's an item description on the item you get from killing Amelia stating that the password is the church's favorite saying or whatever. You get that from the skull cutscene.
This is something that's been bugging me. With the game being as immersive as it is, I've questioned what the item descriptions actually are. Like, how is my character getting that information, because surely not every stupid thing he picks up has a sticky note on it explaining what it is and it's history, right? Given the familiarity in which he interacts with everything, my speculation was that my hunter was not quite the stranger everyone is assuming him to be, and the descriptions you
But if he somehow gained the password, that's new information. So where is he getting it? Do all items come with sticky notes after all?
This is something that's been bugging me. With the game being as immersive as it is, I've questioned what the item descriptions actually are. Like, how is my character getting that information, because surely not every stupid thing he picks up has a sticky note on it explaining what it is and it's history, right? Given the familiarity in which he interacts with everything, my speculation was that my hunter was not quite the stranger everyone is assuming him to be, and the descriptions you
But if he somehow gained the password, that's new information. So where is he getting it? Do all items come with sticky notes after all?
There's an item description on the item you get from killing Amelia stating that the password is the church's favorite saying or whatever. You get that from the skull cutscene.
This is something that's been bugging me. With the game being as immersive as it is, I've questioned what the item descriptions actually are. Like, how is my character getting that information, because surely not every stupid thing he picks up has a sticky note on it explaining what it is and it's history, right? Given the familiarity in which he interacts with everything, my speculation was that my hunter was not quite the stranger everyone is assuming him to be, and the descriptions you
But if he somehow gained the password, that's new information. So where is he getting it? Do all items come with sticky notes after all?
Try to gun parry the guy with the katana first. After killing him, kill the flaming sword guy next you could gun pary him as well but it's a little harder. Lastly go to the fire ball guy and stay close to him and keep hitting him so he doesn't summon. At all times during the fight(except when the fire guy is left alone) keep the large grave between you and the fire ball guy
So, traded in the original version of Bloodborne for the game of the year edition (£12.50 after trade-in) and jumped into the DLC. Booted up one of my lower level characters so I didn't go into it overpowered. Fantastic expansion, oozes with atmosphere and it has some of the best areas and bosses in the game in my opinion. Have to admit though, I breezed through it, I find that Bloodborne has a very "flat" difficulty compared to the other games in the Soulsborne series, never seems to dip up or down much.
Post-game Boss performance
Ludwig the Accursed/Holy Blade:
0 Deaths
Living Failures:
0 Deaths
Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower:
0 Deaths
Orphan of Kos:
2 Deaths
Laurence, the First Vicar:
0 Deaths
Orphan of Kos
was easily the hardest boss for me, died both times right towards the end of the fight, most of his attacks are very clearly choregraphed outside of his flurry attacks in his second form and his AoE attacks can throw you off a bit, but it didn't take long for the fight to click for me! I wish the rest of the game had the more "alien" look to it that the DLC has! Favourite boss has to be a draw between
Lady Maria.
I love it when boss characters have a talkative personality, and the latter fight was fucking clutch! Right down to the wire, amazing.
That's... an incredibly unusual experience. You must have been really overpowered. What level/weapon were you using?
I say this as someone who only died to Ludwig and Laurence once each my first time, but I did have a very strong character. (Died to them repeatedly on other, weaker characters or on my NG+3 character)
That's... an incredibly unusual experience. You must have been really overpowered. What level/weapon were you using?
I say this as someone who only died to Ludwig and Laurence once each my first time, but I did have a very strong character. (Died to them repeatedly on other, weaker characters or on my NG+3 character)
Level 60, Using the threaded Cane +4, and Blades Of Mercy +4 (slaughtered Eilleen to get it much earlier on in the game). My other character was a Level 130 STR build so I wasn't going to use him on my first playthrough of the DLC, as that'd probably be REALLY overpowered. The fights took a while but they weren't overtly difficult or anything in my opinion. But I've had that experience with pretty much ALL the bosses in Bloodborne.
OK this is getting ridiculous and I need your help. I cannot play this game online no matter what.
Every single time I try it I am instantly disconnected and sent to the main menu. I tried reseting the console, completely shutting it off, reseting the modem etc.
What the hell is going on? I can play any other game online with no problem at all, this is exclusive to Bloodborne.
How can I fix this? I'm really frustrated with this game right now.
I did my first playthrough with Chikage +10/Evelyn +1 /BT build. I don't like the moveset. Bloodtinge does open up ranged damage as a legit tactic but I was disappointed with Chikage ultimately.
What I love about it very much is the very first strike you make with it, the animation the character makes when he sheates the sword back in the schabbard and unleash it is awesome as heck to me, is also powerfull as fuck.
I feel like a damn badass samurai or something, very classy looking too.
I can't seem to find Eileen anywhere. I couldn't remember if I talked to her at central yarnham, so I went back and checked but she wasn't there. Went to cathedral ward, opened the gate, and she still didn't show up there. Went to the tomb and neither Eileen nor Henryk were there, and I haven't killed Henryk before. Checked the grand cathedral, wasn't there either. I read in a few places that if you ignore her and kill rom, she will show up in the grand cathedral hostile. That's fine by me because I just want her badge, so I went ahead and killed rom. She still isn't showing up in the grand cathedral. I've checked all her locations multiple times now to make sure I didn't miss her, but nothing. Am I shit out of luck? I looked around on google and it seems there's plenty of people having this problem, but no sure solution. I really want the blade of mercy, but I don't want to restart.
OK this is getting ridiculous and I need your help. I cannot play this game online no matter what.
Every single time I try it I am instantly disconnected and sent to the main menu. I tried reseting the console, completely shutting it off, reseting the modem etc.
What the hell is going on? I can play any other game online with no problem at all, this is exclusive to Bloodborne.
How can I fix this? I'm really frustrated with this game right now.
This has happened to me before. I dont really remember how I fixed it though
You can try restarting your PS4 or disable and enable your network settings. Im not sure if that's what I did, but I dont really see it being anything else.
A good friend finally gave this game a shot, and he's been loving it! He's been staying up way too late crushing out bosses, we play a few layers of chalices most nights to break them up and pw matching has been so much fun.
Going through the chalices as you get them, especially with a friend, seems far and away preferential to what I did, which was leave them until later and brute force my way through them after I was done everything. The environments got very drab that way. I did make improvements to my play style even then though, especially in the cursed/defiled chalices.
I take out Fireball first because he has homing attacks and doesn't really do anything if you get in his face. Then I alternate between the other two and get them both down to around 20-30% before killing one, that way I can easily take out the last guy when he's transforming.
Back at launch, I was super addicted to Bloodborne, beating the game over again and again. Purchasing the DLC when it released, I never actually got around to playing it, so I decided that today, being a rainy day where I am, I would start up a fresh character and now I'm balls deep in that Hunter's Dream all over again. I've completely forgotten most of the routes I used to have memorized, which is terrifying but also kind of fun!
I decided to grab some snaps of my character below, although I've never liked how the game fudges the graphics after the initial creation section (not that you usually see the characters face anyway).
I take out Fireball first because he has homing attacks and doesn't really do anything if you get in his face. Then I alternate between the other two and get them both down to around 20-30% before killing one, that way I can easily take out the last guy when he's transforming.
Do you remember where the scourge beast jumped through that door? At the top of the stairs in that building is a gate you need to open. Now from the lamp just drop down from the roofs to reach that door.
This game has amazing boss design, but I swear that the Undead Giant in Lower Pthumeru is garbage quality. It looks so bland, and the one shot ability is through the roof. Fighting him with a character that isn't overpowered kinda stinks, since you can have a great fight going, then surprise spin attack death move.
I did put more time in with the Beasthunter Saif, and I like it now. Untransformed staggers well enough, and transformed does waste NPC hunters. I never took a Hunters Axe past +3, but it is working nicely as a Kirkhammer backup on a different character.
Finally beaten the game, a full year after starting it, and now I'm hooked again. Going to start over with a new character since I went with arcane on the first one
Level 60, Using the threaded Cane +4, and Blades Of Mercy +4 (slaughtered Eilleen to get it much earlier on in the game). My other character was a Level 130 STR build so I wasn't going to use him on my first playthrough of the DLC, as that'd probably be REALLY overpowered. The fights took a while but they weren't overtly difficult or anything in my opinion. But I've had that experience with pretty much ALL the bosses in Bloodborne.
OK, that's amazing. I can't imagine beating the DLC blind with basically two boss deaths total at level 60 and +4 weapons. Hats off to you, you're way better than I will ever be. /bow
I got the DLC the other day and Already have open my first shortcut, and got a coupe of cool weapons, what do you guys think is the best weapon from the DLC?
I got the DLC the other day and Already have open my first shortcut, and got a coupe of cool weapons, what do you guys think is the best weapon from the DLC?
My build in a str one, but I dont thik I have got any of these weapon yet, I know I got the Hammer, and the Cleaver that turns into a whip. I also would want to do an Arcane build or bloodthinge build, not sure if that's a good idea.
OK, that's amazing. I can't imagine beating the DLC blind with basically two boss deaths total at level 60 and +4 weapons. Hats off to you, you're way better than I will ever be. /bow
It's not that amazing really! I think the devs recommend to be about Level 65 when entering the DLC so I wasn't far off the recommended level. In hindsight though, I could've perhaps farmed a few shards to get my main weapons up a level or two, would've probably cut the time spent fighting each boss.
Usually don't touch NG+, but I just have the final boss to finish up. Only skipping L
, since I don't feel like getting a migraine right now. I'm trying to go into Dark Souls 3 with zero spoilers, but please for the love of estus, no more screaming bosses.
on NG+ solo, and I felt like I should do some co-op and help other people kill this boss. Then I got my ass handed to me in co-op mode like 10 times in a row... so yeah, sorry anyone trying to beat this boss who unfortunately summoned me. Strangely enough the 2nd phase is free but I keep getting whacked by the first phase.
I've been stuck on my ng+ run of Laurence for a week now. I am kinda baffled at myself because I beat him on ng+++ with relatively fewer attempts on another character during the dlc release week.I guess I just got lucky. 😔
This game has amazing boss design, but I swear that the Undead Giant in Lower Pthumeru is garbage quality. It looks so bland, and the one shot ability is through the roof. Fighting him with a character that isn't overpowered kinda stinks, since you can have a great fight going, then surprise spin attack death move.
I did put more time in with the Beasthunter Saif, and I like it now. Untransformed staggers well enough, and transformed does waste NPC hunters. I never took a Hunters Axe past +3, but it is working nicely as a Kirkhammer backup on a different character.
Helping a friend out with this guy made me realize why I like weapons with long reach. Get in, hit twice, get out. My host got greedy and didn't see those chains coming. One and done, packs a wallop for sure.
Man, these guys with the sacks are bullshit. They hit like roided trucks, and they're carrying sacks! How humiliating to die to them over and over and over and over
I got the DLC the other day and Already have open my first shortcut, and got a coupe of cool weapons, what do you guys think is the best weapon from the DLC?
I love the Beasthunter Saif, its dash-in and jump-back attacks are so great, you can usually stay clear of enemy melee range and dash in, get a couple hits and then jump back while usually staggering them.
Whirligig Saw is my go-to beast-boss killer, does great damage, staggers well and often, and that grindsaw sound is so satisfying.
Simon's Bowblade is great for dealing heavy damage from safety. What makes it really powerful is that you can put as many durability-down Cursed Gems on it and they will not degrade the weapon while in bow mode.
And of course, the Holy Moonlight Blade. I've really been digging it this last playthrough, its 2hand charge attacks do massive damage if you have the stats for it.
I've been stuck on my ng+ run of Laurence for a week now. I am kinda baffled at myself because I beat him on ng+++ with relatively fewer attempts on another character during the dlc release week.I guess I just got lucky. 😔
The "luck" doubt is why I wish you could fight the bosses from the boss-room lantern/bonfire in these games.
So many times, after victory, I'm left wondering, "Why did I beat it? Was it luck? Did the AI come at me with the easy stuff? Or did I successfully read the boss and took it down by my skill alone?"
Those questions can't be answered by going through hours of NG+ and dozens/hundreds of mooks to face the boss again -- my mindset will be completely different upon the rematch.
Where can I find more Bloodstone Chunks? Can I buy them somewhere?
Also, between the Holy Moonlight Sword and Whirligig Saw, which one is generally seen as the better weapon? Need to know which one to upgrade.
They're both really fun to use
Where can I find more Bloodstone Chunks? Can I buy them somewhere?
Also, between the Holy Moonlight Sword and Whirligig Saw, which one is generally seen as the better weapon? Need to know which one to upgrade.
They're both really fun to use
You can buy Bloodstone Chunks from one of the messenger baths in the Hunter's Dream, also you can buy Blood Rocks for 60 insight a pop. Chunks are also littered all throughout the DLC areas, and there is one Rock in there as well.
Hmm, depends on your build and personal preference. Whirly is bettered suited for pure strength, I think; and the HMS does most damage when you have high strength and arcane. I usually only use the Whirly in 2hand mode, whereas I use the HMS in both forms.
So, traded in the original version of Bloodborne for the game of the year edition (£12.50 after trade-in) and jumped into the DLC. Booted up one of my lower level characters so I didn't go into it overpowered. Fantastic expansion, oozes with atmosphere and it has some of the best areas and bosses in the game in my opinion. Have to admit though, I breezed through it, I find that Bloodborne has a very "flat" difficulty compared to the other games in the Soulsborne series, never seems to dip up or down much.
Post-game Boss performance
Ludwig the Accursed/Holy Blade:
0 Deaths
Living Failures:
0 Deaths
Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower:
0 Deaths
Orphan of Kos:
2 Deaths
Laurence, the First Vicar:
0 Deaths
Orphan of Kos
was easily the hardest boss for me, died both times right towards the end of the fight, most of his attacks are very clearly choregraphed outside of his flurry attacks in his second form and his AoE attacks can throw you off a bit, but it didn't take long for the fight to click for me! I wish the rest of the game had the more "alien" look to it that the DLC has! Favourite boss has to be a draw between
Lady Maria.
I love it when boss characters have a talkative personality, and the latter fight was fucking clutch! Right down to the wire, amazing.
I should have saved a New Game character for the dlc, but I went in on a ng+ character. Was rough, man. Even normal enemies were tough for me, but I think that was more due to my reliance on op dodging over parrying in main game.
I had to git gud at parrying dlc enemies real fast, and use bullet / health recovery runes, to make it through areas without burning through blood vials.
You can buy Bloodstone Chunks from one of the messenger baths in the Hunter's Dream, also you can buy Blood Rocks for 60 insight a pop. Chunks are also littered all throughout the DLC areas, and there is one Rock in there as well.
Hmm, depends on your build and personal preference. Whirly is bettered suited for pure strength, I think; and the HMS does most damage when you have high strength and arcane. I usually only use the Whirly in 2hand mode, whereas I use the HMS in both forms.
and a certain change has happened that I am sure most of you are aware of.
Now, I am sure I am very close to the end and can beat it, but I've just found out that Old Hunters has to be reached by a point in the story and isn't necessarily accessible right away.
I don't have too much time to play a NG+ to get to the DLC, so should I just finish the game and maybe revisit the DLC way down the road, or can I buy the DLC right now and access.
and a certain change has happened that I am sure most of you are aware of.
Now, I am sure I am very close to the end and can beat it, but I've just found out that Old Hunters has to be reached by a point in the story and isn't necessarily accessible right away.
I don't have too much time to play a NG+ to get to the DLC, so should I just finish the game and maybe revisit the DLC way down the road, or can I buy the DLC right now and access.
The DLC is definitely worth it. I would recommend you buy it now and play it before beating the game as it will be much harder in NG+. It can be accessed
after killing Vicar Amelia
so you can play it as soon as you buy it, but if you wait til NG+ you'll need to progress that far.