I cheesed the BSB on NG+ by R2 charged attacks followed by a visceral and using Alfred as a distraction. Then I gave up on NG+ after Amelia. The HP increases are ridiculous. Some of the bosses must have 40000. Too tedious for me.
30Huh. I had zero issues through NG+, I blasted through it much quicker than NG. Are you doing chalices for good damage gems? What are your stats?
Umm, I just shot the cannon in Forbidden Woods and it keeps going off. Wtf is this?
Holy crap fuck the Upper Cathedral Ward. Those Brainsuckers are so annoying to fight.
None. Seriously, that thing is just too strong lol.What weapons work as a good compliment to Ludwig's?
Same. NG+ was a complete breeze to be honest. Took this character to NG+3 no problem, though the DLC was really, really brutal.Huh. I had zero issues through NG+, I blasted through it much quicker than NG. Are you doing chalices for good damage gems? What are your stats?
Ehh not really. It's weak to bolt and thrust attacks.Molotovs. Kill it with fire.
Ehh not really. It's weak to bolt and thrust attacks.
My AR with the Holy Blade was just over 700. No I didn't do Chalices much other than the pre-made ones.
I'm not as good at Bloodborne as I am with Souls. I'm mostly a PvP player.
Depth 4 and 5 ones are quite brutal, so they are at least, well, tense, and therefore less boring. And they have some cool bosses.do the chalice dungeons ever get fun
OK....so the Threaded Cane is not so bad upgraded and with some gem stones.
do the chalice dungeons ever get fun
OK....so the Threaded Cane is not so bad upgraded and with some gem stones.
OK....so the Threaded Cane is not so bad upgraded and with some gem stones.
I don't think I have the patience for any more of these Chalice dungeons. Would it be possible to just jump in someone's game that already is at the Yharnam boss fight and fight them there? It's the last trophy I need to get this platinum.
Welp, I might have to break form this then and come back when I'm not burned out. I'm level 150 and either I'm bored of these dungeons or I'm under leveled for the Lower Pthumerian.
How hard is Yharnam also? I was wanting to break my controller in half fighting the Orphan of Kos.
So...since i went to the Forbidden Woods before talking to Eileen at the Cathedral Ward, I've screwed myself with her quest. Fuckkkkkkkkk
Edit: also I've never gotten the asshole NPC next to Arianna to come to the Chapel. Must be going in the wrong sequence.
Yeesh, not you are not. You are arguably even overlevelled for depths 4 and 5 dungeons, and certainly not underlevelled for depth 3 (edit: unless, as the poster above me said, it's a typo? Lower Pthumeru is depth 3 and not that bad unless you go there really early). If you're struggling in depth 3 at level 150 I'm guessing your build is a mess? Where are you stuck exactly?Welp, I might have to break form this then and come back when I'm not burned out. I'm level 150 and either I'm bored of these dungeons or I'm under leveled for the Lower Pthumerian.
Yharnam? You mean theHow hard is Yharnam also? I was wanting to break my controller in half fighting the Orphan of Kos.
Haha thanks.^^^Love that labelling system Morrigan.
Hahaha: my autocorrect keyboard try to fix "love" with "Loyce" #Souls
She's a much easier boss than anything in the last couple of dungeons leading up to her, kind of an anti-climax after stuff like the defiled Watchdog and headless Bloodletting Beast.
Keep in mind that all of the "key" chalice dungeons are static, and you're invincible while using the lever that opens the boss door. If you just want to clear the last couple dungeons quickly you can figure out the path from the internet and just make a suicide run for the switches.
At level 150 you should be fine clearing any level 3 chalice dungeon, unless you made a typo there and meant "Great Pthumeru". If you feel like you're not doing enough damage and can't milk out any more from leveling, I would recommend farming the two Winter Lantern (big brain heads that cause frenzy) enemies near the Orphan of Kos fight. They drop gems with really high attack plus values.
You should still be good if all you've done is gone in there, the cutoff for that is beating the boss of that area. Unless she's gone, in which case welp.
As for your edit:Talk to Arianna until she moves to the chapel. After that, talk to the paranoid man until you have the option to tell him about a safe place. Tell him to go to the clinic, and he'll go to the chapel instead (he goes to the clinic if you tell him to go to the chapel).
I was under the impression that these two were seen as somewhat easy bosses? (Going by what I've read on other forums etc)Tier S
- Orphan of Kos
Tier A
- Lady Maria
I was under the impression that these two were seen as somewhat easy bosses? (Going by what I've read on other forums etc)
I've only beaten them on NG+ though, so I might be talking out of my ass. And I know personal boss difficulty rankings vary wildely in this game.
Nvm. I actually read your whole post now instead of just the rankings.
Haha. OoK was the worst boss I've ever fought in my life. Took an entire day!
You guys said wait to upgrade Arcane on my ARC/SKL build. I'm at 25 SKL and 26 VIT. Should I do it now? Also, do I have to use an Arcane gem to convert the damage type? I'm not clear on how that works.
Thanks!If you are going hybrid skill/arcane, you won't want to use gems to convert physical damage to pure arcane, but use the hybrid weapons (Blade of Mercy ASAP, Burial Blade very late game, DLC, or NG+). Figure out what you want to do with arcane, so you know how far you want to take it. 18 is a nice number if you are just going to use a few tools (augur, shell) and you want a little boost to the arcane damage on the hybrid weapons. If you want to use all the tool available, then you can take arcane to 40-70 (tool damage continues to increase up to 99, but it'll be slower going after 50 and 70 points). Skill is still going to be your primary damage stat with those hybrid weapons, so points won't be a waste at all until 50 skill.
If it was me, I'd do the Crow quest, push the story forward to beat Rom, finish the Crow quest and pick up the BoM (save your chunks!), and use that to finish out the story. I'd then pick up the Burial Blade (making sure not to end the game on the true end boss), and then have both weapons available to do the DLC. The weapons work very well together. You could also kill the person that has the BoM early, but that's up to you.
I might have screwed up Eileen's quest though. I spoke with her at both places and exhausted the dialog. However, I went to the Forbidden Woods before talking with her at Cathedral Ward. She's now gone and Henryk never showed up. I'll probably have to get a Blade of Mercy from a Chalice Dungeon.
On my first playthrough, currently farming dogs in Hemlock(?) since I only need one more Twins for +6 on my Hunter Axe (and the 18k souls per run doesn't hurt either lol), but I've done everything at this point but Great Cathedral boss, Forbidden Woods, and Unseen Village. (Left my general location so you'll have an idea what the questions are about)
Before I proceed I have a few questions:
-I know that the Nun is in the Unseen Village, and I also know she'll eventually kill Arianna. If I don't ever take blood from either will Arianna be okay? Nothing I've read online has been 100% on what causes the Nun to go crazy and off my whore.
-Is it ideal to do the village now, or should I do the Great Cathedral boss and come back to this later?
-I'm a Hunter Axe/Ludwig user - Hunter Axe is my primary, I probably spam the spin too much - how should my stat distribution be? Kinda worried I'm screwing up.
Currently my stats are: Vit: 32, End: 20, Str: 25, Skl: 20
Current plan is to get Vit to 40, Skl to 25, then dump everything after into Str. Not even sure if getting End up was worth it.
I really hate missable stuff it always makes me nervous.
There's about one billion twin shard items lying around in the Forbidden Woods, so you don't really need to worry about farming those.
As for the rest...
Arianna will die if you take blood from her and the nun sees it three or more times. It doesn't matter when you do the Unseen Village bits from the early game as long as you finish up everything you want there before killing Rom. The Axe scales more with strength, but your Skill rating also ups your visceral attack so it's a bit better than ranking up Strength if you're going to main Ludwig. If you want to main the Axe though then yeah that's a good stat distribution.
On my first playthrough, currently farming dogs in Hemlock(?) since I only need one more Twins for +6 on my Hunter Axe (and the 18k souls per run doesn't hurt either lol), but I've done everything at this point but Great Cathedral boss, Forbidden Woods, and Unseen Village. (Left my general location so you'll have an idea what the questions are about)
Before I proceed I have a few questions:
-I know that the Nun is in the Unseen Village, and I also know she'll eventually kill Arianna. If I don't ever take blood from either will Arianna be okay? Nothing I've read online has been 100% on what causes the Nun to go crazy and off my whore.
-Is it ideal to do the village now, or should I do the Great Cathedral boss and come back to this later?
-I'm a Hunter Axe/Ludwig user - Hunter Axe is my primary, I probably spam the spin too much - how should my stat distribution be? Kinda worried I'm screwing up.
Currently my stats are: Vit: 32, End: 20, Str: 25, Skl: 20
Current plan is to get Vit to 40, Skl to 25, then dump everything after into Str. Not even sure if getting End up was worth it.
I really hate missable stuff it always makes me nervous.