I wish they would have asked me before using my post. Out of context from the rest of my posts, you would think I don't adore the game.Not sure if you know this but your post is being used as proof that the game is a terrible port and that it's not fair to gamers to go out and buy a game as broken as borderlands 2. Not sure if that's how you feel about the game, just thought it was strange.
5.4GB with all the DLCs + Update
quite a monster but it's pretty awesome
So you're saying if I buy a cart, I have to download 2gb+ worth of garbage?
You don't have to download the dlc unless you want to. Only DLC I have downloaded is gaige, kreig, and uvh dlc which are all 100kb unlocks.
I can't seem to control my ride at all
the thing just doesn't turn left or right.
how do I boost?
x is to boost but the driving is basically the exact same as halo warthog basically.
Left Stick Drive Forward/Reverse
Right Stick Look around/steer
thanks. for a moment, i thought there were issues with my Vita OLED
hmm. the more I play it, the more I feel this game is just better played with KB/M
I didn't feel this way with KZ:M as we were fighting in mostly enclosed/limited areas... BL2 is so huge/big that the controls don't integrate well with it
The controls integrate fine, but I feel like the framerate is too low to effectively use the controls at their default setting.
Lowering the sensitivity from the default of 6 down to 4 made it a MUCH better experience as there weren't frames being skipped as I aimed. Yeah it meant I turned a bit slower, but it results in greater accuracy since shit isn't slide-showing past my screen as I turn.
Not sure why they made the default sensitivity a 6.
Deepite its issues, im really enjoying the game. Claptrap has some pretty good one liners.
The only problem I'm having is I'm seriously missing all the bad ass tokens I spent on reducing gun recoil. I forgot what it was like to play BL2 from scratch.
My guns are bouncing all over the place!
The only problem I'm having is I'm seriously missing all the bad ass tokens I spent on reducing gun recoil. I forgot what it was like to play BL2 from scratch.
My guns are bouncing all over the place!
hmm I am just redeeming whatever I feel like with those tokens... :X is there a way to reset?
Seriously? To me it feels like they improved gun accuracy and enlarged crit hitboxes. In general I score criticals much more often and shoot more accurately in comparison to the home console version.
gaige is all about breaking normal gameplay. Her anarchy makes her accuracy crap. But with 5 perks in close enough, you'll be doing full damage at 200 anarchy even if you miss every shot. Gaige also has a perk called dischord that negates her accuracy loss and heals you.I'll probably start this up today. I'm a little concerned with the reports of crashing and game breaking bugs...Has there been any word from the devs on if they intend to fix the issues soon?
Also, any tips on playing Gaige? I played Maya on PC, looking to try something different.
I am if it's the right price!Not sure if this is the right place, but I don't want my code that came with my Vita.
Anyone interested in buying?
Alright, I'm jealous of you people playing. Why must they punish current Vita owners by making us wait *pout*.
I even tried to see if I could sneak in buying one before the release date (I've heard of it happening) and managed to find it at Target on the shelves but their computer system foiled me.
It's going to be hilarious/depressing to see a genuinely terrible port like the GoW Collection getting better reviews than this does.Even with some of its unfortunate tradeoffs, this is largely the full Borderlands 2 experience. Even I have a hard time wrapping my head around just how they managed to squeeze the entirety of Borderlands 2 on the Vita. The question is, how much does framerate matter to you in exchange for portability? If the answer is not much, then Borderlands 2 is a no brainer. (7.5)
I had to backup using content manager and then restore it to my new card.I think I already need to upgrade memory sticks from the 8gb. How do I transfer my saves if I do upgrade?
I think I already need to upgrade memory sticks from the 8gb. How do I transfer my saves if I do upgrade?
& EuropeansAlright, I'm jealous of you people playing. Why must they punish current Vita owners
So Iron Galaxy favorited my tweet on my alt twitter about patching Vita framerate and crashes...WHAT DOES THIS MEAN
There was a bunch of ppl selling here on gaf for 20-30 unless you wanted physical then I understand your pain.
Sorry, claptrap is SHIT and you are being tricked into liking him. REPENT sinner
It's not bad at all. We actually went over this:Borderlands 2 Vita |OT| 870 gajillion bugs in your pockets
Is it a bug fest? I heard it is and that "NeoGAF is the source". How much truth there is to it?
I wish they would have asked me before using my post. Out of context from the rest of my posts, you would think I don't adore the game.
Does the physical cart version also include the dlc stuff or will I need to download that separately?
Does the physical cart version also include the dlc stuff or will I need to download that separately?
Sorry if it has been answered already but I don't have a whole lot of room left on vita and just wanted to know.
Thanks! Just what I was looking for and I appreciate the breakdown of the file sizes, very useful to know to see what I can save space on.The DLC is a code in the game box, so they need to be downloaded separately. The total size after all DLC and the patch are installed is 2070 MB. Each DLC is a separate file though, so if you want to save space, you could skip installing the two big ones for a while (Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty is 789 MB and Mr. Torque's Campaign of Carnage is 942 MB), since the other 4 DLCs are all 100 KB unlock files. If you did that, you'd need less than 350 MB for the patch, saves, etc.
You can back up everything on your Vita to a PC or PS3 using the content manager app, then restore your backup on the larger memory card when you get one.