Has anyone heard anything about when cross save is suppose to work? Ive had the game for days but have been waiting for that feature. I dont wanna play through the first couple hours for a third time.
According to Randy, it MIGHT be coming on Friday. He says it's all up to Sony and last he heard, the patch is supposed to hit Friday.
So if you are in an area that you cleared of enemies and have a full inventory and cannot pick up your new loot, go to a place to sell items very close by to free space, and come back, enemies will still be gone but your loot will disappear.
Weak. Really weak. I guess just drop stuff and take the better one and miss out on selling them?
Really unhappy now.
So I'm all the way to Sanctuary now and my thoughts are as follows:
-performs pretty bad, but not much worse than my PS3 version through my 60hz PC monitor. It's acceptable, and I can manage.
-however, often times the UI is sluggish and laggy and annoying.
-the bullet delay is really annoying.
-I keep accidentally hitting the back touch pad, so it would be great if they allowed us to map to specific dpad buttons instead of just the whole dpad. Either that or allow us to leave an action unmapped.
-enemy numbers and variety is fine, and I seem to be leveling pretty fast so they must have adjusted things.
-it's a little hard to aim but I'll get used to it.
-badly need the other dlc packs so I can actually use cross save.
I really want the cross save function but I wonder if it will overwrite the character I already have on my vita.
Wish this would hurry up and come to Europe.
Yeah, this seriously needs a patch. It's kinda useless as is, and I'm surprised they missed it.Oh man when you invert look in the options it also inverts gyro.
Does anyone else play with inverted look and have this problem. I don't remember it in Uncharted or Killzone
Yeah, this seriously needs a patch. It's kinda useless as is, and I'm surprised they missed it.
Yeah, it's pretty minor! Hoping they can fix it - will tweet this morning.Someone should probably tweet them. Probably an oversight and hopefully they're still onboard for at least one more patch.
God, I hope that sales for this are strong or that the positive fan feedback prompts Sony to continue support for this game. It's so damn good, but I'm afraid that the negative reviews and middling Metcritic score have screwed any chance of getting support beyond a few small patches![]()
I've only had one crash in my hours with the game. Lucky the game saves nearly all the time.Aaaaand, there's the first crash. Happened in Three Horns Valley during the quest to get the pump working again.
Yeah, this seriously needs a patch. It's kinda useless as is, and I'm surprised they missed it.
Aaaaand, there's the first crash. Happened in Three Horns Valley during the quest to get the pump working again.
Yeah, it's pretty minor! Hoping they can fix it - will tweet this morning.
Man, playing as Zero with the skills that increases bullet velocity and reload speed make this much more playable. I don't know if I'll be able to go back to other classes.
Ok, question about gold keys and Shift codes.
I gotta bunch of gold keys on my other character. I was under the impression the keys actually are associated with your account and not with any particular character. But... the game knows I've redeemed shift codes (it has my history) but claims my Vita character has no gold keys (I know I had a ton I hadn't redeemed on my PS3 character).
Going to suck if they stay with the PS3 character (I am now more advanced on my Vita character and since I knew more of what I was doing I think it's probably the better build overall).
Oh, and I guess I got lucky, haven't crashed once and I already finished the three pig's hotel quest.
I guess the PS3 and Vita are stuck together and that's unfortunate. I guess that was the only easy way they could even implement the shift codes in the Vita version for all the shift codes that had already come out. I know different platforms can be redeemed on the same event, like a 5 key shift code came out and I redeemed the PC code on my PC copy and the 360 code on my 360 copy.
But I guess if you've already redeemed the code on the PS3 version and since it's the exact same code used on the Vita version, you're probably out of luck.
Borderlands 2 for the Vita is a case study in how a great game can get lost in a really bad port. There's just no getting around this version's raft of technical issues, nor the fact that the Vita doesn't have enough buttons to make it really work. Given more time, Iron Galaxy might have made it work. But as it is, even hardcore fans of the series should stay far away.
So I took everyone me advise and remapped buttons. Now though I realize my thumb accidentally presses the front tough while aiming fairly regulatory. Any tips on what is easiest to map to the front touch screen.
Rear I have cycle weapons on the left side and crouch on the right, I never hit the left side and occasionally touch the right but that's not a big deal.
Front has skill on left side and memes on right, I tried keeping grenades on the right side of the front touch, but I found that I was wasting/ killing myself with accidental grenades...
The guy on the left who reviewed it is sort annoying for me.
I gotta agree. I love his killzone comparison as if b2 could have done better when killzone was made specifically for the vita and b2 was just ported over. Also, I'm not good at telling frame rates and maybe that's why but I found b2 perfectly playable and fun on the vita and the low frame rates haven't bugged me. Also, I wonder if different vitas have different sensitivities on their rear touch pad cause I've had no issue with melee at all though sprint is a little finicky. He seemed to have issues getting it to recognize melee touches where as mine sometimes it seems to go off when I didn't even touch it.
Maya has skills that increase bullet velocity and reload speed.
These crashes are getting annoying.
As for the Legendary drops, I've had 2 in approx. 28 hours of playtime.
Are folks who are having trouble with the back touch using any sort of grip attachment? Especially on the OG Vita, I find a good grip attachment to be necessary for pretty much everything.
I'm using the Hori one and I'm not having any difficulty with melee or sprint. Quite the opposite as I think it's fairly enjoyable to give a brisk tap to the Vita and watch as my guy punches an enemy and causes him to explode into chunks.
The Vita--no, scratch that--handheld gaming as a whole needs more excellent action-RPG's (anyone else remember how great Dungeon Siege - Throne of Agony was on the PSP???); and then we finally get one, yet the gaming press just bitches because it's not identical to the console version, and completely ignores are the virtues it offers to portable gaming.
https://twitter.com/giocorsi/status/467040350066839552Fear not gang, #Borderlands2 #Vita patch coming, improvements o' plenty. Also, Cross Save patch in final test, will keep u posted.