Heh, maybe that's why I wonder why people keep acting like it runs like crap. It runs great in my opinion. Of course the games i put the most hours in recently are both Fallouts and Skyrim (all on the PS3, the worst platform for it) so maybe my point of reference is just skewed.
Then again, I think people are super picky. Was just reading on that tweet some one just linked a guy claiming the framerate was so bad he was getting motion sick... He must not be able to play a lot of games if that makes him motion sick.
I don't have Borderlands 2 yet (not enough space :/) but usually you can check your version number by pressing for a moment on an empty space on the touch pad to enter edit mode, click on the '...' next to the game. There you can select 'Information' which usually tells the version number and 'Update History' for patch notes if the developers released them.Patch questions...
Is there a way to check which build I'm running? How can I check if there is a new patch available?
Thanks in anticipation, Borderlandians.
I wish I was being super picky!
I think it's sub-standard and a rush job. The performance issues do impact the gameplay - getting stuck on backgrounds necessitating a restart, enemies not taking damage when shot, the cap on enemies making firefights sparse and uninvolved and the frame rate reducing to such a level that in combat situations it's easy to 'oversteer '.
I'm glad people are enjoying it but I think it takes a substantial leap of faith on the player's part to make this anything other than a pretty crappy port.
I wish I was being super picky!
I think it's sub-standard and a rush job. The performance issues do impact the gameplay - getting stuck on backgrounds necessitating a restart, enemies not taking damage when shot, the cap on enemies making firefights sparse and uninvolved and the frame rate reducing to such a level that in combat situations it's easy to 'oversteer '.
I'm glad people are enjoying it but I think it takes a substantial leap of faith on the player's part to make this anything other than a pretty crappy port.
I don't have Borderlands 2 yet (not enough space :/) but usually you can check your version number by pressing for a moment on an empty space on the touch pad to enter edit mode, click on the '...' next to the game. There you can select 'Information' which usually tells the version number and 'Update History' for patch notes if the developers released them.
To check if there is a new patch, if you don't get a notification automatically: Start the launcher of the game (the screen just before you start the actual game) and click on the circle made out of two arrows on top of the screen. This refreshes the start screen and if there is a patch the icon to download a patch should pop up to the left.
Second: I think I have encountered a weird bug, where I just lose one of my weapons, it does not get replaced, it just dissapears from my chosen weapons, and is not in my backpack. Anyone else this has happened to?
why people is so picky with this game? i mean its not fair to compare a portable game with its counterpart of PC . The game runs great and it is very funny to play.
I never played Borderlands and i really like it. There are some crappy ports on Vita , but this is not one of them.
It has a few issues with framerates but that doesnt take the immersion away of my experience. there are things to improve yes but with the next patch it should be good. Graphics wise , the original game doesnt have impressive graphics for me , cel shaded and colored polygons are great on vita and i thinks is a good election as a portable game.The game is HUGHE and it has every little thing plus is portable.
Whether it is a good port or not, I would say any problems more are because they are asking the Vita to do a lot vs it being a rush job. Sometimes you gotta realize you can only do so much with something.
I haven't had near the issues you talk about. I've had to restart the game maybe 3 or 4 times (most of those were crashes). Only once was it cause I got stuck (a loot creature fell on me and got my character stuck). And if you knew how much I'd been playing it, that's not all that often (hours each day honestly. I've taken to plugging my Vita in cause i tend to run out of battery some days).
I noticed the enemies not getting shot thing early in the game but only during the fight with Captain Flint (I haven't seen it since) and only one time. Ever since I've not seen that happen.
As for your complaint about the fights feeling sparse... um, what? I have had plenty of times where I feel very surrounded and have actually wondered cause it felt like it was definitely more than 4 enemies even though they claim they will only show 4 at a time. I think it loads the next enemy after you kill one quick enough that you still get plenty of enemies after you. I really really don't get your complaint on that (sorry, on that one I really think you're out there as that has totally not been my experience).
If you're over steering then you haven't adjusted your controller sensitivity. The default makes turning a slideshow and makes aiming nearly impossible. Set it to 5 or maybe even 4 down from its default 6 and the game becomes much more fun and aiming is no longer so difficult.
I wouldn't say I'm being picky. I think it's reasonable to expect slightly better.
Our experiences might not be the same, but that's natural. I'm glad you're enjoying it. I wish I was but I agree with the reviewers on this one- I really think it's a pile of poop, at least for now.
I've tried that. I've also tried remapping the controls and using flight mode. I think it's a very hastily put together, shonky and I'll-thought out product. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect slightly more, especially in light of other Vita games.
I love my Vita (I have two) and I think it has a great library of games, but to me this - so far - ranks alongside Resistance as being a rush job that another six months would have really made special. My honest recommendation to anyone thinking of this would be to be cautious and wait until a patch. I'm just disappointed it feels so rough.
I'm not being 'ad hominem ' here - I'm glad that you all seem to be having a great time with it, I just don't share your positive opinion of it at all.
Mature response... See people; it's ok for people to have different opinions
Personally, I fall into the other camp. I've had a few frame rate drops but nothing out of place in an open world game.
I'm really enjoying this and I'm hoping that I don't uncover any issues that may alter these initial feelings.
I cannot beat theas Krieg. His skill is just useless for this boss.Leviathan
I think I was level 25 when I beat that thing with Axton. Took forever and I was so glad I had the turret to distract everyone while I refueled my shields/health and all that. I figured it must be much more difficult with the other classes :/
That's a little underleveled, no? Doesn't the DLC quests start at lvl 30?
That's a little underleveled, no? Doesn't the DLC quests start at lvl 30?
I originally played as Axton on consoles but wanted something different on Vita, kinda wishing I was still playing as Axton now though.I think I was level 25 when I beat that thing with Axton. Took forever and I was so glad I had the turret to distract everyone while I refueled my shields/health and all that. I figured it must be much more difficult with the other classes :/
Captain Scarlett starts around 15 but I think it scales to your level, too.That's a little underleveled, no? Doesn't the DLC quests start at lvl 30?
So how much DLC is actually missing from the game? It came with such a mess of stuff I did not really pay attention.
Omg I did it. I don't even know how, but I did it lol. Krieg's skill is actually useless because it's really hard to melee those worm things, though.
Ah, it starts at 15, nice! On PC I played all DLCs only on TVHM, where it scales to your level at the time of the acceptance of the quest. On normal, it should have pre-def levels for each quest.
Guess I'll jump into them before beating the main storyline.
We're missing the lvl 72 unlocking, Hammerlock's, Tiny Tina's and everything that came after that.
Got my physical copy.
It won't patch beyond version 1.01. I'm in the UK. Have the later patches been released outside the US?
It did help a bit but it's hard to aim when you're getting hammered and they're pretty small targets.Throwing the buzzaxe didn't help? It does decent damage iirc.
Also can someone please suggest a control scheme that avoids using the backtouch as much as possible?
Omg I did it. I don't even know how, but I did it lol. Krieg's skill is actually useless because it's really hard to melee those worm things, though.
I originally played as Axton on consoles but wanted something different on Vita, kinda wishing I was still playing as Axton now though.
About the updates, people think EU v1.01 is equivalent to US v1.03. But I've seen no confirmation.
For the control scheme, I threw crouch and weapon swap to backtouch, and melee and sprint to the face buttons (triangle and circle). Don't think it gets much better than this.
Thanks man. Works great, apart from me occasionally hitting the backtouch and crouching. Need to get a Vita grip.
Overall, this is a freaking awesome port and I hope loads of people buy it.
Thought I wasn't going to like that bodies dissappear after killing them, but the blood splattering makes it even more satisfying.
Nope, only one. Sounds like you got luckyIs the vita bl2 bundle supposed to have two separate vouchers? Mine came with two and they look exactly the same
You either:
- accidently marked it as "junk" (a red "x" will show up on the weapon) and pressed the "sell all junk items" on a shop;
- unequipped it and changed the sorting of your inventory, so it wouldn't show up your carried guns;
- held the button when picking a weapon in the ground while your backpack was full. This would auto-equip the picked up weapon and toss the one you were using.
edit: I didn't specify what buttons you could have pressed since I changed my button mapping, but I believe that to mark something as junk/favourite you need to press crouch, to sort might be the weapon swap, and the pick-up one is exactly what is.
So how many Golden Keys am I supposed to have accumulated? I haveand have only gotten/used one.Saved Roland
Any thoughts?
You don't find golden keys in the game. You can only get them by entering shift codes at the main menu.