Oh hey, my character actually says words in this one.
I assume you could just use this- its the same buttons-no new actions added![]()
Is it just me or are (some) story missions far longer than they were in prior games? I just went through about 3 missions in the moon base roughly the length of the trail to the Warrior in BL2
Not sure how I feel about weapon balance. Almost everything feels useless next to this Moxxie electric continuous laser gun
It's so nice. Also people refer to you directly...usually. Still called "the vault hunter" (even in a group) on occasion, and enemy lines still call me "he" as Athena on occasion, but eh.
Played for about an hour or two tonight. Pretty much more of the same from Borderlands 2 which is both good and bad depending on your take on things. Not sure that I'm a big fan of the O2 thing at the moment; it doesn't realistically seem to ever be an issue, which then just begs the question why it's there to begin with? Also I really didn't like Jack's voice; not sure if it's the same actor, but sounds very different to me. Probably intentional, but it really bugged me; I actually liked his dialogue more than in Borderlands 2, but the voice itself is really outputting.
Far and away what bugs me the most is what they STILL haven't fixed - WHY DO YOU NOT AUTOMATICALLY PICK UP AMMO/MONEY/HEALTH FROM CHESTS YOU OPEN? Like, holy goddamn shit what are they doing over there. Drove me up the wall in Borderlands 2, and it's far and away my biggest complaint still. There's a million things to open, it's a completely unnecessary additional step, and I can't conceive of why it's still this way. Fucking baffling.
I feel like I'm missing a lot because I didn't play the DLC from the first game.
I didn't even know Moxxi was Jack's girlfriend nor that Jack was in the first game. And it seems like Mordecai is with her now or something.
PhysX effects on Ultra is so amazing to look at in motion
Anyone that have tried playing with friends and having the non hosts lag like unbearably bad?
I noticed that there is hardly ever a "meet me back in Concordia" at the end of missions zo I've spent considerably less time there than I did at sanctuary. It seems like once you are done one place you just get sent off to another and God knows if there is a fast travel station in between. I used to just wind up at the hub now I gotta make an effort to get back and grind guns or whatever.
I think borderlabds narrative stuff is pretty restrained by the fact that you may be in a group or 4 different characters solo so the little lines of dialogue by vault hunters is a nice step to making it feel you are a part of the story...but it's not much.
Ugh, looks like I'm going to have to grind a few levels before I can take down RK5.
Any tips?
A CANADIAN?!?! D:Totally agree with you re the pickup thing. That really needs to go into Borderlands 3.
Re Jack's voice. The further along you get in the game, the more the VA sounds like he did in Borderlands 2. So my guess is he just had to get warmed up. (Also, woah, the VA sort of looks like Jack in the game.)
Gotta say, this game is considerably more difficult than the prior games. Enemies are much more mobile and the vertical movement makes it harder to acquire targets. I don't mind the challenge, though.
Decided to take my points out of the skill that replaces wolf when it's destroyed. idk if it's just me but I've never seen either of my surveyors get destroyed, at this point I'm not sure if they can even be damaged.
I'm at about level 42 and I feel like I've finally hit my stride with Wilhelm. I decided to go with his left and right skill trees which cater to saint and wolf, their mid-tree skills seem more useful than the ones at the end.
They can get damaged (you can see their health bars on the pop-up that shows the timer) but I've never seen mine get killed yet
Also, finally finished the "To Arms!" mission so no more worrying about junk common weapons
I'm actually having fun with Melee Athena. The Kenetic Aspis is perfect for approaching large groups and I finally got the Rend skill which causes bleeding. Gotta love having the ability cause enemies to freeze and bleed at the same timeI think I'm dieing more than I'd like to some badasses lol but I'm having fun.
Truthfully the whole space zero gravity / air system is a huge fucking pain in the ass. Esp since their jumping mechanics suck along with general geometry of level design, which causes players to first of barely make it onto some objects, next sliding off of things.
Also world is way too under populated and the "new" monsters are pretty poor quality in design compared with the actual real series.
The voice work is irritating also.
With all that asides, while its nice having a new borderlands game with a fresh cast, seriously they need to get the original team back on the project. Since this most def feels like a step backwards.
Largest reworking that needs to be done is weapon handling most def. Nothing feels satisfying to shoot as usual. Also going into aimed mode for non optical sight equipped weapons they still didnt try to improve the iron sights or make them somewhat viable.
If Borderlands 3 (big IF they even make one) is going to be made they seriously need to step up their game combat / mechanics wise.
I heard there is a roid shield that makes melee Athena super broken. Think it's called the shooting star?
I agree with you for the most part.
It's a tough game to review, because it's more Borderlands (which I loved the first two times around, especially the first) and it has more to it than Destiny. It's more fleshed out. However, I'm still only feeling a 7/10 on this, which is what I gave Destiny.
It's because it's a step backwards and feels old hat. It's still good, but nothing great. The air thing can get annoying.
If it wasn't for DLC, I'd probably beat it then return it under a satisfaction guarantee.
I can understand Wolf being too fast but Saint just hangs around in front of you (sometimes blocking your line of sight), it does seem to have a shield so maybe that protects it.
Where do you get that quest?
It's true. It gets frustrating at times, while playing solo. They needed to tweak the difficulty better.
I'm not dying constantly, or a ton, but it's a pain sometimes. (I'm a pretty good gamer, too. Not the best in the world or anything, but I do well and play a lot of games on hard.)
I'm now level 11, and I still kind of feel the same. It's become a bit more fun, but it feels like a lot of deja-vu without a big wow factor. Still, it's a good game - just not a great one, imo. Borderlands was fantastic, BL2 was great, this is the worst one thus far.
(I also agree about no auto-pick up for things. It's annoying, especially when you're OCD about chests like I am and have to pick up everything.)
-The O2 mechanic seems totally unnecessary as a whole. You're never really in any actual danger of dying from running out of O2, and even when you do run out it takes foreverrrrrrrrrrrr for your health to actually run all the way out. It just winds up making it totally arbitrary, so why even have it? The double jump and butt slam still could have been added as mechanics separately.
-The low gravity and verticality makes dealing with encounters and some obstacles really annoying. Outside of the subjective fact that I really don't like how your character moves in low gravity, the games seems to just throw waves and waves of enemies at you from various locations, and having to deal with enemies that are dropping off of high ledges directly above you, butt slamming you, and then having their explosions/butt slams knock you away as well as when they die sometimes having their items scatter to the winds is super annoying to deal with. The actual aiming and shooting feels fine, but everything else is just a hindrance; it's something I can deal with, but it's not really fun.
I continue a game with a friend who is hosting. I had 7 golden keys last save.. Start game and I have 22 keys. I only did one Shift code for one key since we last played wtf? Lol
If you get homing ones they're generally the most productive of grenades or just a mirv and carpet bomb everything.
Why have they toned down the gore of the series over the years? In the first game you'd dismember and decapitate people which was satisfying, and the games are still rated M despite no longer having any of that.
its so they can have a single version over all regions is the official answer.
and it sucks since that was part of what was awesome with the first game.