Guys, knowing that we're not too many, why don't we list our ID's and system we're playing to have better co-op and not having to deal with randoms?
Also, a general question to you all, do you think the loot system is better here than previous entries?
I don't usually do direct MP. Especially since the BL series are they only FPS's I play. I don't even have a headset.Guys, knowing that we're not too many, why don't we list our ID's and system we're playing to have better co-op and not having to deal with randoms?
Also, a general question to you all, do you think the loot system is better here than previous entries?
Got it today, I'm about 11 hours in. Having fun so far.
Both of us are playing as Claptrap so that has been... interesting, to say the least. I really enjoy Clap's action skill though, they way it references all the vault hunters from 2 was a nice touch.
A few things that bugged me were the voice acting and some of the quests. I find it kind of jarring that most new characters have Australian accents, not that it's bad, it's just weird. I've fond some of the side quests can drag on too, like the whole Pickle line of them. We finished the last one and goddamn I'm sick of the kid.
Waiting until we finish to see how it stacks up to 2, though.
I don't usually do direct MP. Especially since the BL series are they only FPS's I play. I don't even have a headset.
Sidenote: Nyteshade517, who is that on your avatar?
It's from Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China (part of Unity's Season Pass)...the main character of that game
These are the orange drops I mentioned earlier...
Boo, I always dismiss weapons that use more than 1 ammo. And 4? I'd never use it.
I haven't actually started TPS. The box sitting in my apartment waiting for me to play after BL2. I was just using my biases from BL2 where I refuse to use multi ammo guns (especially sniper rifles).But it's laser ammo...that ammo pool is ridiculously deep. It's a rail gun too I doubt you gonna be burning through a ton of ammo if you are using it right.also How you gonna dismiss like 60% of the guns in the game including some of the best?
I just got the grinder to work. How do i use it? I need 3 weapons of the same type (i.e. snipers) AND the same rarity ?
My first legendary drop I've gotten. Dropped from Belly on True Vault Hunter Mode.
Boo, I always dismiss weapons that use more than 1 ammo. And 4? I'd never use it.
Most of them have Australian accents because Elpis is a parody of backwoods/frontier Australia as much as Pandora is a parody of backwoods/frontier America.
Those are BL2 legendaries lol. Did they just copy and paste the entire BL2 item list and just add some new ones?
Those are BL2 legendaries lol. Did they just copy and paste the entire BL2 item list and just add some new ones?
Those are BL2 legendaries lol. Did they just copy and paste the entire BL2 item list and just add some new ones?
It's like Borderlands 1 to Borderlands 2 all over again!
I'm "only" on level 13. Few things.
First, I'm really enjoying it, even with it's issues. Coming hot off of Destiny, which I sorta had to force myself to play (not because it was bad, just that I didn't feel I was accomplishing anything), I'm having a lot more fun with this, and am in the opposite predicament, where I actually have to force myself to stop playing.
I'm 50/50 on the oxygen thing. I don't like how you have to keep filling up with air, even when there are lots of places to do so. And I hate that the fire element doesn't work, even though that makes sense. I do enjoy the low gravity though.
I'm loving the Grinder (which I just opened up), and this should be game onto itself; looking for guns just to feed into this thing.
The story and characters have been pretty enjoyable too, even if they're bit too "Aussie".
I do hate that I still have only 2 weapon slots available to me at level 13. What's the point of that? I'm spending way too much time in the menu swapping weapons, when there is no reason to not allow me to equip 4 weapons right off the bat, or at least far sooner.
Anyhoo, good or bad, while it may not feel like a true sequel, it is more than just glorified DLC.
That or the avalanche coupled with Moxxi's probe make you pretty much unstoppable.
Especially burning stuff with a hellfire.
I'm "only" on level 13. Few things.
First, I'm really enjoying it, even with it's issues. Coming hot off of Destiny, which I sorta had to force myself to play (not because it was bad, just that I didn't feel I was accomplishing anything), I'm having a lot more fun with this, and am in the opposite predicament, where I actually have to force myself to stop playing.
I'm 50/50 on the oxygen thing. I don't like how you have to keep filling up with air, even when there are lots of places to do so. And I hate that the fire element doesn't work, even though that makes sense. I do enjoy the low gravity though.
I'm loving the Grinder (which I just opened up), and this should be game onto itself; looking for guns just to feed into this thing.
The story and characters have been pretty enjoyable too, even if they're bit too "Aussie".
I do hate that I still have only 2 weapon slots available to me at level 13. What's the point of that? I'm spending way too much time in the menu swapping weapons, when there is no reason to not allow me to equip 4 weapons right off the bat, or at least far sooner.
Anyhoo, good or bad, while it may not feel like a true sequel, it is more than just glorified DLC.
Oxygen is a non issue 99% of the time. There are so many O2 bubbles, vents and cans laying around. You have to be REALLY careless and straight up dumb to suffocate. It doesn't hinder exploration at all, which was my initial concern.
How many chapters are there?
What's the best build for Athena? I've been putting my points in the green one (I'm only lvl6 right now though) momostly due to the healing shield ability. Are there any better abilities I'm missing in the other two?
11, however some are way bigger than others (especially chapter 6).How many chapters are there?
hows the performance on the ps3?
So whats the overall impression of the game then? mainly interested on how the classes play