So glad I bought The Evil Within over Borderlands, a series which I love.
I made a huge mistake.
From what a huge borderlands fan was just telling me you made the best mistake.
So glad I bought The Evil Within over Borderlands, a series which I love.
I made a huge mistake.
Another to add Legendary director john carpenter loves pre sequel. Gotta love this guy so passionate with games.
Another to add Legendary director john carpenter loves pre sequel. Gotta love this guy so passionate with games.
Whait what? You're already through the game once?
How long is the story? (and did you do all the side missions?
Ok, so that weird golden key thing that my friend has been having is a glitch. He get's 5, sometimes 10, every day!
So whats the overall impression of the game then? mainly interested on how the classes play
From what a huge borderlands fan was just telling me you made the best mistake.
Overall great class implementation in a game that is "decent" by BL standards but might be the weakest of the three to be a solo player in.
I disagree, only because of the fact that the characters are actually involved in the story with their dialogue--something that the other two Borderlands was sorely lacking in. If that's your thing, then the solo experience will be awesome, and it is for me.
This has made me much more involved in what's going on, at least from a single player perspective. This is the first Borderlands game where I'm doing multiple playthroughs of every class before actually outright beating the game first. I've spent 43 hours on the game so far, and I have yet to beat it once. My Gladiator has 16 hours, Enforcer 10 hours, and Lawbringer 10 hours as well. Claptrap is bringing in the rear with nearly three hours, but he'll be caught up to the other three before I beat the game with my Gladiator.
I think this is a very fun game but the weakest of the three and miles behind the greatness of Borderlands 2.
Is there a difficulty slider in this one? My GF is getting incredibly frustrated playing it (she loved Borderlands 2 and played through it multiple times) and I'd hate to see her quit.
No; but I will say that I breezed through as Wilhelm using the leftmost skill tree. It was super easy. She probably wants to use a girl character though; I hear Athena is also really easy.
You could do splitscreen with her if that would help. Maybe get her to try Wilhelm if she like Axton's turrets as that's the only current pet class.She played through 2 as Axiom, so the gender doesn't matter much. She's around level 15 with the other girl, the gunslinger.
Now I know how she feels when I'm swearing at a game or just don't like a game!
Another to add Legendary director john carpenter loves pre sequel. Gotta love this guy so passionate with games.
Pretty much yes hit 50 then complete the quests and farm the reward for correct parts if you're so inclined.So guys, same deal as BL2 when it comes to sidequests in TVHM? Wait to level 50 before you accept the quests with unique rewards (E-Gun and Oz kit from the donate 50 white guns comes to mind).
Pretty much yes hit 50 then complete the quests and farm the reward for correct parts if you're so inclined.
Guy from Giantbomb said it made him sick. Something about slow movement on moon or something I dont kno lol the most random things make me sick so I was just curiousNo idea what would cause that... The new movement stuff certainly isn't jarring or anything. In fact it's kinda understated Things look and feel very much like bl2 so I think you should be fine.
I also hope they keep the aerial movement stuff in the next one and make it wilder as well. Borderlands needs movement as interesting and ridiculous as the guns are.
Basically making the reward have the parts and accessories you want by quitting if it's not what you want. It's a bit of a pain but worth it in the end, easier with say a cher amie than a pimpernal the less options the better.Can you please explain that real quick? Not familiar with that method.
Are you using three items of the same rarity?Is the grinder bugged? It won't let me grind anything,
Is the grinder bugged? It won't let me grind anything,
Level cap play is a real downer, just as it was in previous installments of the series. The Grinder helps, but they really need to do something more engaging than rush to boss, kill , reload, repeat. It's monotonous and Diablo III/PoE made it obsolete.
I couldn't get it to grind 3 purpleIs the grinder bugged? It won't let me grind anything,
So, I spent all night playing this thing, and put about 6 hours into it in one sitting. I'd hoped to beat it, but I still have the final part to do.
I started to enjoy this game more as I got towards the end, but now I'm just frustrated. I spent time doing side quests, searching, etc. and completed 21 side quests en route to the final area (or at least what seems to be the final area.).I'm fighting RT5, a fighter jet
Now, although I thought I was doing well, I'm level 22.8 and the boss is 26, not to mention his goons which are 24-25. I had a strategy that I used to get him half-way dead, but never beat him all the way and the friend I invited in never bothered.
A couple guys joined my game, but they were too low levelled and left.
I don't mind the idea of grinding, but I don't think it's good game design to force it on people all of a sudden. It's not my idea of fun.
Did you not do any sidequest? They give a lot of xp.
I did 21 of them, and planned to do more once I finished the game. I guess I'll have to go back and do more, though.
I didn't skimp on side quests, so I was surprised when it jumped three to four levels ahead of me. I thought I'd been doing a good job of doing enough side stuff.
There is definitely a weird jump in enemy level somewhere in there.
I did 21 of them, and planned to do more once I finished the game. I guess I'll have to go back and do more, though.
I didn't skimp on side quests, so I was surprised when it jumped three to four levels ahead of me. I thought I'd been doing a good job of doing enough side stuff.
well that's a shame. any good drops from him/her/it?I've played through the entire game solo and there hasn't been a single boss I couldn't handle. You can even solo the raid boss if you're good enough. He isn't as ridiculous as the ones in BL2.
Oxygen is a non issue 99% of the time. There are so many O2 bubbles, vents and cans laying around. You have to be REALLY careless and straight up dumb to suffocate. It doesn't hinder exploration at all, which was my initial concern.