Turns out the Avant batch is specifically exempted from the free unit, though.
a. Rare Summon Units [up to Avant Batch], EXCEPT for the following:
So what's a good unit to get?
avant and co are included
Yeah, my bad. I read that as "up to but not including".
Still need my damned Tridon.
All of these new units. Woof. Maybe I should just stop playing because it's getting hard to keep up.
Here's the stuff I have up until now.
BTW I would only recommend tridon if you have the unit needed to evolve him. I don't know if they added the SBS dungeons in the daily vortex dungeons but prev you had to wait for the next SBS event to even evolve the SBS units lol.
And GAZIA is a free unit for Trial X4 and its a super simple trial if you have enough damage. I two-shot it. First time I did too much damage and bugged it out.
Reeze 7* isn't out yet, its the next batch.^ Is Reeze 7* out yet?
Hardest part about X4 is getting through X3.
I'm still torn on my free unit since I have MOST of the meta units. I pulled Chrome during the first day which was who I was going to choose.
I think I'll go with Avant, just because. Already have Zedus though.
Oh well.
So then, which unit should I get lol
I already have Tridon. He should be in that pic... or not.
I have him 7-stared, max leveled, UBB, and I think Max Imped.
Just add Gazia + Chrome leads and Andaria sub and you have a damn solid teamI could use more Dark Units. Chrome it is.
I've got Ciara, Zedus, and Tridon already too so that covers most of the big niches from that list.
Just add Gazia + Chrome leads and Andaria sub and you have a damn solid team
So what's the best way to beat Trial X3 now? Is it possible to burst her down or is it an attrition+RNG fight?
The CC collaboration units are quite useful for a new player. Charla is literally a brand new unit and she is amazingly strong. Unfortunately, she doesn't attack at all on her BB, but she packs a ton of buffs. Rhoa is really good tooI just started this game a few days ago too. I've heard about it a lot but never tried it out as Chain Chronicle and some other of these games already take too much of my time. I have no idea what I'm doing but it seems pretty fun.
When I was poking around I saw that there was a Chain Chronicle collaboration event going on. It ended in 4 hours but I was able to finish it (despite not knowing wtf I was doing) which was cool. It's nice to see some familiar faces on my team.I'm guessing since those three characters were free that they're not that good long term?
I did three gem summons and pulled Holy Saint Charla, Dragoon Lord Bargus, and Thunder Pole Rhoa. Are any of them good long term units?
Anything else I should focus on other than going through the story?
I just started this game a few days ago too. I've heard about it a lot but never tried it out as Chain Chronicle and some other of these games already take too much of my time. I have no idea what I'm doing but it seems pretty fun.
When I was poking around I saw that there was a Chain Chronicle collaboration event going on. It ended in 4 hours but I was able to finish it (despite not knowing wtf I was doing) which was cool. It's nice to see some familiar faces on my team.I'm guessing since those three characters were free that they're not that good long term?
I did three gem summons and pulled Holy Saint Charla, Dragoon Lord Bargus, and Thunder Pole Rhoa. Are any of them good long term units?
Anything else I should focus on other than going through the story?
The CC collaboration units are quite useful for a new player. Charla is literally a brand new unit and she is amazingly strong. Unfortunately, she doesn't attack at all on her BB, but she packs a ton of buffs. Rhoa is really good too
holy shit Charla will last you a long time. Rhoa is still very good and will be relevant for a few months.
For your level just focus on story and leveling up so you can have enough cost to put more stronger units
If anyone wants to add me my player ID is 5028905681.
So I played this game over a year ago, but got distracted by other shiny things.
I actually had Friends whose last login day was 380d ago.
On a lark I decided to reinstall, and there looked to be some new things to play around with. The Missions and Challenges stuff for instance, that's all new. The gift thing being easier to use, very nice that. Changes to the parades are nice too.
Only lvl41, and my units probably aren't anything special.
I did some evolving the last couple of days and now have four 5-stars (Dia, Lucina, Bran, Elza). I also did two pulls and got 5-star Kagutsuchi and Grybe.
EDIT: did one more pull. I'm additicted to these pulling games... got 6-star Loch. 7-star potential, which I guess is nice. but don't have a clue on how to get the evolve-compontents.
There's ten 4-stars under there as well. No clue if any of them are worth building up.
Player ID: 37162216
Deicded to change my free unit choice to Avant instead of Chrome now that I had to re-enter. While I think Chrome is the better unit I would use him as a lead 99% of the time and I can always use a friend Chrome for that. Dual Avant leads are incredible, especially for Frontier Gate farming, so while he clashes with some of the good Global exclusive units, I think I'd get the most out of him.
Also new trial: Eriole EX trial. Beat it already and the sphere is AMAZING! 15% all stats + 100% Spark DMG. It's a Spark-type sphere too. Really nice sphere
That's pretty close to what I used:What team did you go with?
Got screwed by his insta-gib at 10% during my last run, but i'm using :
Gazia (L)
Rhoa (Friend)
If I don't get it done soon I'll use Chrome/Gazia instead.
For newbies who haven't been around for one of these month-long events, you definitely want to log in daily and pick up your gifts. There'll be Crystals, Imps, Frogs (Burst and Sphere), Honor Points, Zel and even some Gems. Basically just tons of free crap thrown at you provided you log in once a day. It'll be a great opportunity to level up your units, new and old, and push you into the higher tiers of activities.
Those anniversary login gifts are pretty pathetic. 3 gems and a summon ticket in total? During the "Summer Celebration" we got 25 gems! And this is for the 2nd anniversary? Free unit of choice is really nice though