Il Mina leader. Behemoth and Phoenix And I'd go Selena/Mifune.
Definitely level ii behemoth and phoenix.
Thanks. Mifune is such a glass cannon right now. I'm waiting on totems at the moment after being trolled pretty good last week.
Mifune is a waste of time IMO, he is like a wet paper bag, I would level Weiss for his buffing capabilities, depends if you plan to carry a lot of ore.
I would place Leon, Zaza and Co above Mifune because they have better survivability and easy to farm Anima/Breakers.
Mifune has an awesome AOE but for most boss situations it will be wasted.
Fuck Tuesday dungeon...I can't get any of the evo mats to drop. Bummer.
However! I did finally hit 45 stamina yesterday, so I can now farm Metals more efficiently!
Thanks. I'm leaning the same way.
Yeah...the evo mat drop rate is teribad.
so about when can you handle lvl 3 tuesday dungeon?
always get my butt kicked.
so about when can you handle lvl 3 tuesday dungeon?
always get my butt kicked.
Fuck Tuesday dungeon...I can't get any of the evo mats to drop. Bummer.
However! I did finally hit 45 stamina yesterday, so I can now farm Metals more efficiently!
It must be almost 100% for the Level 1 Nymphs? I did the dungeon a couple of times this morning, and the Nymphs droped almost every time. I think it was around 80%.
I needed a couple of Nymphs, and think I even got the correct ones.
I've got a bunch of Nymphs and Spirits at this point, so I need to go through and see what I actually need.
Just need more Metal Kings/Gods.
I didn't have any luck zero stoning lvl 3 until I had multiple maxed 4 star characters, taking ore and atk potions is kind of important also as you can stack them together.
I normally go with a 2 x 50% elemental team and hope the boss isn't the opposing element :S
If you can get a Muramasu or 2 helps also.
but you need idols to make 4 star dudes :X
but you need idols to make 4 star dudes :X
but you need idols to make 4 star dudes :X
At level 25 you jump from 28 energy to 33.
If you start metal parading right before level, when you level you'll get your energy back for more parades.
If you are short on energy you can sit on the mission select for Metal Parade and wait until you have 15 energy to run one more.
At level 25 you jump from 28 energy to 33.
If you start metal parading right before level, when you level you'll get your energy back for more parades.
If you are short on energy you can sit on the mission select for Metal Parade and wait until you have 15 energy to run one more.
Yeah, the Metal Parade gives what, 1000xp? So it's obviously best to do the Parade when you're close to leveling so you can run it more times.
If you've got 30+ stam, you should be able to do four Metal Parades in a row, provided that the 2nd Parade gives a level up.
What's the stam regen time? At some point you can probably get a 5th Parade since it's open for an hour.
I was in the exact same situation, except my level up only added a friend capacity point for me, so I ended with 6 runs. Still good, though.Right now I have a max of 42 energy, and have about 2200 xp to next level. I wait to I cap out then do two runs, wait for it to hit 15 again do another run and level up, and two do additional runs. If with the level up I cap out at 43 nergy I can do additional run before the time runs out, then I just wait on the metal parade screen. For a total of 6 or 7 runs.
I was in the exact same situation, except my level up only added a friend capacity point for me, so I ended with 6 runs. Still good, though.
Also, it looks like you can only carry up to 5 metal keys at a time, so keep that in mind.
This game really needs some sort of farmable xp type mob.
I've got a bunch of evo mats, and could evo my mobs but getting them to lvl30 and lvl40 to be evo'd is the hard part.
Even someting a little more efficient would be good.
I think the metal keys go out once a day? Which is nice, and will be nicer when I get 30 stamina.
What level should I have 30 at? I think I am currently lvl21.
Anyone know how frequent Light/Dark idols show up? I'm on 3 runs without seeing anything.
Anyone know how frequent Light/Dark idols show up? I'm on 3 runs without seeing anything.
Why is it so annoying to get idols. >=(
I have actually had more luck getting idols that I need to drop in st Lamia to be honest. It helps that you can target specific types by going to the respective elements zone.
My issue has been totems as they can only he gotten from the Thursday dungeon and they can rock my party good if I'm not careful.
Just got my last idol I need for my primary team ( light for Sefia) now all I need is a totem of each element for all to hit 5 star evos.
Hopefully I can knock that out on Thursday
keys dont expire right?
somedays i just dont feel like playing lol
There is a limit to the total amount of keys you can have.
I don't know what that limit is.
I just went through a Level 3 Tuesday dungeon and got a Light/Dark/Water/Fire Idol. Yeah, I consider myself lucky since the drop-rate is usually horrible. :/
Now at least I can evolve my Fire Knight Lava into Fire God Lava. I still need a Dark Totem to evolve my Kikuri, here's hoping I can get lucky...
What I'm most worried about is surviving the onslaught of both a Dark and other element [such as Fire] Totem in a single run. I mean, one Totem was enough of a challenge for my current team, I don't want to envision two. >_<Well you got roughly 2 more shots at it, unless you level up (and they didn't adjust for daylight savings time still...). Fair odds of seeing one. Capping one on the other hand well, hopefully you will remain lucky with the cap rate.
It just depends on the RNG mood. If they show, they will come with either Angel Maria or Succubus (element dependant). Drop rate is still crap though regardless, so even if you see one, you probably won't get it unless it is on the 5th wave.
It is a bit silly though. On one of my games, I had (used a bunch as fusion fodder) 11 water idols and zero units that needed them. On another game I keep getting nothing but earth idols captured (also don't need them, but could really use the water idols...).
A way to target the element type like for the totems would be nice, or the ability to trade/gift them would work too, but I doubt either of those things are in the works at all.
I just went through a Level 3 Tuesday dungeon and got a Light/Dark/Water/Fire Idol. Yeah, I consider myself lucky since the drop-rate is usually horrible. :/
Now at least I can evolve my Fire Knight Lava into Fire God Lava. I still need a Dark Totem to evolve my Kikuri, here's hoping I can get lucky...
I just realized that I've not been keeping up with spheres at all. I should find a guide to what I should be using. It would probably make level 3 stuff a little easier..
What I'm most worried about is surviving the onslaught of both a Dark and other element [such as Fire] Totem in a single run. I mean, one Totem was enough of a challenge for my current team, I don't want to envision two. >_<
Then there's actually getting lucky enough to see a Dark Totem to begin with. Thankfully, the Dark Idols seem to be easier to come by.
My last run I had a dark and light idol show up...both accompanied by another idol. Nither dropped.
Tried a lvl 2 run and very nearly died - closer than usual. I think Dark/Light "bosses" are tougher than elemental ones. At least with that fire dungeon you can cheese him a bit with the right types. Trying the "right" type against Oboro just makes him deal more damage. D:
Tried a lvl 2 run and very nearly died - closer than usual. I think Dark/Light "bosses" are tougher than elemental ones. At least with that fire dungeon you can cheese him a bit with the right types. Trying the "right" type against Oboro just makes him deal more damage. D: