What is the best way to level up monsters? Fodder seems to not be very cost effective as the gold cost is apparently feeder level + feede level * 100 (which is kind of lame...). I've been using metal gods which seems to be pretty reliable, but I can't get many runs in this early.
Don't want them getting ideas from gungho about making specific colored jewels for each color monster.
Man, I didn't realize central command will give you a new key every day or so- that's great! It's also great doing a metal run right before you level up to recharge your power so you can run again! Heh heh heh
Just realised I made a really bad mistake with my Mifune today.
Leveled him to 55 without thinking about skilling him up, its guna cost me a fourtune now ;.;
Seems that a 2/3 star fodder gives a lot more xp than a tier 1, the 4 star bat mimics give 4.5k to a dark monster also, assuming you can farm them.
You mean Brave burst?
If this is fun the OP can kiss my grits.
Last thing I need is another time sucking videogame.
Times sucks. Should be more of it.
downloading now, i hate time.
Decided to download this and check it out and all I've been getting for the past 15mins is "Unexpected error has occurred." Happening after creating my name and character and selecting to begin. Game exits after.
Just bad timing on my part I guess?
I don't know a way to ask this question without advertising that I'm a major loser so I'm just gonna ask it straight.
Assuming that I spent over $1,000 in Puzzle & Dragons, and assuming I do not want to get addicted to a game where the potential for spending that much money is high, is it safe to play this game, or should I avoid it?
Interesting. I'm on a GS4 myself. I'll give it some time and see if I can get in. Did some searching for the error and it seems to just be a random network issue. Game looks pretty cool, hope to play it soon.i had this error on my galaxy s3 when i first downloaded it in early jan. thought f it, and one month later, opened the app again after updating and it worked. i honestly dunno what the issue was tho
I don't know a way to ask this question without advertising that I'm a major loser so I'm just gonna ask it straight.
Assuming that I spent over $1,000 in Puzzle & Dragons, and assuming I do not want to get addicted to a game where the potential for spending that much money is high, is it safe to play this game, or should I avoid it?
you can be f2p, but lots of the cool characters are only obtainable by gems, and gems are reaaaaaaally hard to come by. and i find brave frontier less addicting so far since its easy enough to get through the game with the free characters, not to mention they have events where you can 'farm' some cool characters. playing both, i find both games equally addicting, brave frontier just takes less thinking (easier to play when ur preoccupied somewhere else)
K@GAF, your Wyvern is pretty slick!
Wish the Rare Summon would give me a dark type monster. Once I get to St. Lamia I'm sure I'll farm for Mifune though.
Also, thanks forgrim! That's a great idea to maximize metal runs.
Does anyone want to make a spreadsheet to share IDs on? I remember it helped with PAD. I can try and whip something up if no one else wants to.
I got a Wyvern I'm cycling through...wish this game would tell me how many people are using my leaders.
That would be great! It's just a Google doc, right? If you don't have time I can try to throw one together later.
Quote this post for the link. I think I made it so everyone can edit it with the link
Quote this post for the link. I think I made it so everyone can edit it with the link
Has anyone managed to snag an Eze from the current event? I've managed a few Zelns but no luck with Eze.
I haven't really been trying. Are the drop rates for Lv. 1 horrendous or is it possible to get a Zeln with a little patience? I think Lv. 2 is too much for my team right now.
So wait, you should have farmed low level fodder from the starting zone while he was low level in his final form to potentially get your BB level up? Is that right?
I don't know a way to ask this question without advertising that I'm a major loser so I'm just gonna ask it straight.
Assuming that I spent over $1,000 in Puzzle & Dragons, and assuming I do not want to get addicted to a game where the potential for spending that much money is high, is it safe to play this game, or should I avoid it?
My player id is 2133576
Are the regions separate like in PAD? I'm in Europe if they are
Hmmm, I'm not able to edit or add my name. Are you sure you set the right permissions?
oops. I changed it, should be good now.
My player id is 2133576
Are the regions separate like in PAD? I'm in Europe if they are
Added, alas, you have too many friends so I can't add you!![]()
It's hard to clear space when people don't have '@GAF' in their name!
What do the Metal Keys do?