I don't have healers, so that might be the biggest problem...
I actually managed to beat it this morning with Seals, Ores and Divine Lights. Barely got through with a Kikuri friend that was the only alive character at the end, and pulled it off.. I was freaking out a bit
I think I should level my synthesis more because I can't craft Fujin Potions yet - I get Divine Lights from the daily bonus mostly - I was focuing on leveling my spheres, but I think the Synthesis is probably a better idea right now.
What sucks is she has a built-in Soul Spear, so you damage her some, and then she takes some back.Almost beat Lico on lv. 3. She had 1/10ths of her HP bar left. Fuck!![]()
Wow no healers? Get some, you've probably been throwing away a ton. Claris, Merith, etc all have good stats when maxed and will take you far. I run with either Claris and Merith or Claris and Mimir, depending on the element of the dungeon. Their BB gauges fill up fast, and cylcing 2 heals on your party gives you a huge amount of survivability. In fact, I even beat the same dungeon you were referring to earlier (the vampire boss one) before I had a single 4* unit, just because of heals.
I wish they'd hurry up and give out the rewards for the evolution event. I'm expecting the max reward of 5 Metal Gods and 2 Metal Kings, and I'm itching to dump them all into my new 5 star unit and hopefully max him out.
Yeah a Mimir and a Merith just dropped so I'm going to evolve and level them. I figure it's really going to help.
I also have an Aem, so I figure if I put him as my leader their skills are going to be up quite often, which should really help. I'll give that shot a try!
yeah i think im gonna try 2 healers, i do have another one i forget name, water with bb that heals and def up.
Yes, bosses can be hit by status ailments, but they're highly resistant, and it's rare. I've never landed one on a totem before, by the way, but I have hit some of the special dungeon bosses with Poison, Curse, and brokensworditis (I don't know what that one is called) on occasion.can bosses be poisoned? I believe someone mentioned it earlier for totems, but i've still never ever poisoned one before and i have 2 dudes with the shiv.
is skill bracer worth having? Does having more than 1 have any benefit?
Elimo is the best healer currently in the game.
The lightning healer in an upcoming patch and Tilith from FH are the only ones that will trump her.
yeah elimo is great... but fuck does he have one annoying attack animation![]()
Less metal/jewel parades and more quests will probably be good for your account exp. Doing the level 3 stuff or things in the 25~30 energy range are good too.yeah elimo is great... but fuck does he have one annoying attack animation
And stat wise he ain't that great, so having 2 will definitely impact my dps. I think ill get rid of my hades though, his bb kinda sucks and mine is too squishy. waste too many pots keeping his ass alive
i think the most frustrating thing atm for me is, well summoner level. i want all these new dudes, but im severely limited by my squad cost. I have the mat to evolve 2 of my 4 stars to 5, but im barely holding together my current party, i need like 10 more cost... (currently almost 37).
i guess i should be doing story quests stuff lol. barely started on st lamia stages >.<
What's the drop rate of Blood Pelts if I do the Level 2 Friday dungeon? I need 1 more Blood Pelt for a Muramasa, and I can't decide if it's more efficient to do the Friday dungeon or some of the dungeons in Morgan / Cordelica hoping for a boss drop. I can get like 3 runs of a regular dungeon in for the same energy cost as 1 run of the Friday dungeon.
I've done 4 runs today and only got one so far.
I think only the Pegasus drops it in that mission if I'm not mistaken? I only managed to fight him as the end boss for one of my runs. I just need one more... I would also like to know if it's more efficient to run a regular mission. Don't have Thief Bracer yet.
Unfortunately, you need to completely factory reset your iPhone, since data is saved to your device, even if you delete the app. They don't make it easy, that's for sure. If you if you DO factory reset your iPhone, and Restore your device via iTunes, even that will transfer the data over [if you previously sync'd the device after installing/beginning Brave Frontier].How do you reroll in this game for IOS? I tried deleting the app and reinstalling it, but it keeps loading my previous game data.
spent some gems... got 2 breaker alices 1 break 5 star kikuri.
i guess my dark team is made.
Gah at still no rewards from the evolution event, shit is taking forever
Your team is totally set, especially for Arena.
Just you wait too, Alice is getting a 6* form and her Super Brave Burst will be the first Dark type with healing.
i need to level them up a bit.
so fucking annoying that my party can't handle even lvl2 of half blood maiden. She hits like a rock :X
I'm reading you'd need a party of at least 4k hp to handle lvl2...
and after like 30 tries of lvl1, still no lico D:
its EXCLUSIVE though!I've done 15 level 3 Lico events and not one drop.
What a tremendous waste of energy for a unit I wouldn't even use on a regular basis.
What's better 50% 1 type boost or bb boost leader skills for mono party?
What's better 50% 1 type boost or bb boost leader skills for mono party?
shit, completely missed that magress event :X
is there any use of lico in a mono dark vs alice/kokuri? I assume she's got the best solo dark bb atm.
Lico has the best BB in terms of damage. It is only a single enemy attack, but also can inflict status ailment. It hits like a damn truck. This makes sense too since she has the highest ATT of any available unit in the game.
Also Lico definitely has a place in a dark team. I am going to level up my Anima type and use it in place of my Death God Lodaga due to having MUCH higher HP, ATT and REC, while only having ~100 less DEF.
yeah i can see lodaga being outclassed, although ive never saw much use out of my hades which i benched for alice.