naturally after using 1 gem, the next totem run gives me a dark totem.
This is getting ridiculous. 26+ runs of the totem dungeon in the last 3 weeks and 0 dark totems.
I only have enough energy for two more this week. I am never getting 6* Magress.
Awww yeah done the Lico dungeon like 100 times on level 2 and I finally got it 4 hours from ending. It's Anima so I guess I'll run it a couple more times to see if I can get a better version.
My personal Cayena drop rate status for those interested.
Level 1:
0/2 w/ 1x Vargas caught
Level 2:
0/0 no runs yet
Level 3:
4/9 w/ 2x Anima, 1x Lord & 1x Oracle Cayena caught
So have lico's stats been finalized yet? They alright?
woot! got dark spirit now i can get my 2nd 5* kikuri :3
fuuuck only have 190k gold though.
when we expecting frontier hunter stuff?
They should hopefully start handing them out this weekend. At worst they should begin by Monday.
Rather new to this game but I'm digging it so far. Just cleared all the areas of the first map and haven't even explored what metal parade or any of the other vortex things are about. Leveling up seems like a really slow process, especially considering my good units go to level 40.
I've read to wait to summon until events are taking place. Is there an optimal time to do it?
Here's the unit that's coming to the limited time dungeon tomorrow.
He's a light-based unit, and will be capturable for 48 hours in Vortex. He drops as a 5* unit, and is supposedly a very rare capture.
So apparently by fusing an enemy into itself you get a guaranteed BB skillup. So like Lance into a Lance guarantees a BB skillup. The more you know...
so im trying to figure out why this new unit is good... still not feeling it. I mean there isn't a healer for dark, but i dont think light has one either, so what kind of setup makes a yinyang party superior to monolight or dark?
so im trying to figure out why this new unit is good... still not feeling it. I mean there isn't a healer for dark, but i dont think light has one either, so what kind of setup makes a yinyang party superior to monolight or dark?
so im trying to figure out why this new unit is good... still not feeling it. I mean there isn't a healer for dark, but i dont think light has one either, so what kind of setup makes a yinyang party superior to monolight or dark?
It's good if you want to run mono light/dark but don't have enough of 1 color to fill out the whole party.
I'm pretty sure 100% of my connection issues are their servers being shit >.<"
From what they make this out to be, if you don't already have kick ass dudes, you won't even be able to come close to getting this guy lol
and for some reason they flipped lvl 3 and lvl2 dungeons on cayene's dungeon. sneaky bastards.
It sounds like the level 1 dungeon will be very easy, because it says "No Summoner will be left behind in this event". It will probably just have ridiculously low capture rate.
In other news, I just got a Guardian CayenaNot the best type out there, but not the worst either, I guess.
I captured my one [and only] Lico on Level 1.I'm still calling bs that anyone got a lico on lvl1 lol
so when did anima become the go-to class type?
Wasn't breaker the hot shit for the longest while?
Anima was always the hottest, guardian is the one that's becoming increasingly more valuable. (Before the best defence was a good offence, with Gra and his leader skill def became more viable).
As an aside, anybody playing the Japanese version? I got the new black thunder dude yesterday, he's kinda fun.
so why anima over guardian? Is it due to how the damage formula works?
so im trying to figure out why this new unit is good... still not feeling it. I mean there isn't a healer for dark, but i dont think light has one either, so what kind of setup makes a yinyang party superior to monolight or dark?
You will once this comes to Frontier Hunter. It is Hunter LVL 16 reward. I could have her in (2) more Frontier Hunter events if I continue to finish rank 3,000 or less. At worth it will take (3) Frontier Hunters.
Scratch that, she's Hunter Rank 21...
Her abilities are:
Leader skill : Increase BB every turn and immune to negative effects.
BB skill : Great heal and increase BB.
What a weird thing to say. Due to the difficulty level, they cannot compensate anyone? So please make sure you have a good connection? What does that even mean?
My personal Cayena drop rate status for those interested.
Level 1:
0/2 w/ 1x Vargas caught
Level 2:
0/0 no runs yet
Level 3:
2/6 w/ 1x Anima & 1x Lord Cayena caught
They said the same compensation thing about Miracle Totem and Dragon Mimic (and I guess Karl, since he was in that post, too), though. Of those, only Karl is actually hard.
I think people are just dumb and entitled on Facebook and ask for big compensation for every little thing (just like the PAD Facebook community). I always see them post pics of the stupidest teams, like a full team with only 6-star starters, too.
not bad... although i think id still rather have elimo's def buff.
and now that i think about it, i pretty much have my healer guarding the whole time in tough scenarios anyways so buff from leader skill doesn't really mean much.
not bad... although i think id still rather have elimo's def buff.
and now that i think about it, i pretty much have my healer guarding the whole time in tough scenarios anyways so buff from leader skill doesn't really mean much.
I've ran level 1 five times now, and not even a Vargas yet.
Many stories of people getting Vargas and/or Cayene on lvl 1, so keep going as long as the event continues.
You not only give yourself a chance for either unit, which are good, but you will also be leveling up.
You should snag one eventually.
That's the big positive I guess. I'm slowly but surely gaining levels.
She is top healer for me. She is going to charge her BB so quick.
Think of her on your team with Grah as your leader.
Leader Skill: 20% boost to max HP/Attack/Defense/Recovery, and reduces Light and Dark damage received by 15%.
Brave Burst: 13 combo powerful Dark and Light elemental attack to all enemies and buffs all allies with Dark and Light damage for two turns.
then whats the point of keymaster lol.
And something tells me this guy is gonna be a pain in your butt to get.