Don't bother doing three if it costs a gem, just do 2.
I guess I should do that. I eventually got Lico that way.
Sick, had 5 gems and was hoping to get a new unit and got Vishra
Don't bother doing three if it costs a gem, just do 2.
More, actually. At 9 bars, it's 384k (I just got it the other night), whereas two Jewel Gods would only sell for 100k. Still I just consider the Jewel Gods a lesser prize, and the Angel Tear and Ares Flute and whatnot are dud prizes. It's definitely way better than PAD's 200 PAL points and 500 coins.The gold reward gives twice as much as the Jewel gods, so I really don't understand why they have both.
Yeah, that is more or less my point. The god option doesn't scale right. I would have guessed it to be far more parrallel, or at least following a predictable curve like 1->2>3>4>5 (spirits)->king->2>3>4>God->2>3 for example (i think i went too many teirs though...). IIRC it did something like 1 through 3 spirits, then kings 1->2, then gods 1->2. I'd need to double check/confirm against something else though. I just recall looking at it and it not making much sense at that time.The gold reward gives twice as much as the Jewel gods, so I really don't understand why they have both.
so for a general dungeon party, whats a good mix of healer vs aoe vs single bb?
thinking of getting a lico in my party so it will be 3 aoe 1 single hit 1 healer.
Yeah, that is more or less my point. The god option doesn't scale right. I would have guessed it to be far more parrallel, or at least following a predictable curve like 1->2>3>4>5 (spirits)->king->2>3>4>God->2>3 for example (i think i went too many teirs though...). IIRC it did something like 1 through 3 spirits, then kings 1->2, then gods 1->2. I'd need to double check/confirm against something else though. I just recall looking at it and it not making much sense at that time.
A previous teir gave out angel idols (instead of the component tears). The idols got replaced by the fujin potions, which I have no beef with. Those mats are kind of a pain in the butt to get for the fujin potions in equal combinations. If a material component has to be an option, why not gold drops? I can't seem to get them anywhere except the level 4 friday dungeon... This also negates any possibility for getting them in the quantites needed to make stuff in the first place, which is annoying.
Yeah, I was reiterating your point. I wish they gave out blood pelts and guardian eyes.
so can someone explain lvling up extra units to use as fusion mat?
Does the math work out that this is the better way to lvl dudes up?
so can someone explain lvling up extra units to use as fusion mat?
Does the math work out that this is the better way to lvl dudes up?
Oracle Buff Numbers
Using a Max Unholy Magress
Type HP Rec
Lord 5941 960
Anima 6688 764
Oracle 5187 1170
Oracle (buff) 5649 1242
Err, the buff isn't live yet, how do we know?
Is there a trick to beat Lomass Forest? That Vamp and the other guy make too much damage for me to heal back every turn... Also, I am running out of grass to make potions and high potions... what's the trick to get these items in high volume...
Put them as your requested gift item. Also they come from the town, so levelling up your farm and river is a godo way to get them. Other than that, just be conservative in their use early on, especially with high potions.
The Vampire in Lomass Forest is a serious level check. Don't expect to beat it unless you have a full team of 4* units, with some 5*s thrown in as well.
Is there a trick to beat Lomass Forest? That Vamp and the other guy make too much damage for me to heal back every turn... Also, I am running out of grass to make potions and high potions... what's the trick to get these items in high volume...
Thanks.. I got a team of 4* units... I suppose I should try to make some of them 5* as well... So I must beat Totems on Thursday Dungeon.. Any tips on how to beat Thursday Dungeon?
Also, I am using healing items sparingly but some of the harder dungeons are requiring me to use a lot of healing items to get through..
I went mono light with 50% leads for that dungeon, targeting the Vampire first. Douglas was straight forward after that.
Your best bet for Thursday dungeon is just to bring the strongest team you can, with a good healer and a 5-6* friend leader (if you have any on your friends lists). Just make sure you don't bring ANY units that are weak against the element of the dungeon, and put as many that are strong against the dungeon element as you can.
Also remember that the totem is a guaranteed drop at the end, so if you do need to spend a gem to beat it, it won't go to waste. Don't gem unless you actually get to the boss and are doing well enough against him that you know you won't have to spend another one, though.
One possible wrench in your plans is that (randomly) light and dark totems can spawn in the dungeon. They're rare, but difficult.
What would you consider a good healer? I have a light healer girl maxed level and evolved.. Is that good enough? Going forward, should I be finding another healer?
What would you consider a good healer? I have a light healer girl maxed level and evolved.. Is that good enough? Going forward, should I be finding another healer?
Thanks for the info... my player id is 7139898069 if anyone wanted to add...
Have you cleared every map in Mistral already? If not, you should probably do that first. I'm making my way through Cordelica now, and the difficulty really picks up after Lomass Forest. At this point, even if you eke out a win against the Vampire, you won't make it too much further in the following maps without a stronger party.
Alright, week three of trying to get a dark totem. If i don't get it today I don't know what I'm going to do
I said god damn. I'm only at 10 runs so far with two light totems and zero dark totems. It really is ridiculousI'm on my third week too. After today, I would have done ~34 totem runs.
18 light totems and 0 dark totems. I tried miracle totem and got another light totem just then. I hate RNG so much.
How did you deal with 1000 damage done by Douglas per turn or every second turn?
Got a miracle totem today and picked up a dark totem along the way. Now I just need to max out my thunder/dark teams for Karl.
Does miracle totem ever cast Chaos Trilogy multiple time in one turn? I think the worst I got was 1 Chaos Trilogy and 2 Invasion (dark aoe).
Hey guys so as of today I have a bunch of units and wanted to know which ones you think I should sell or merge. I haven't increased my unit inventory space yet so I'm still at 50 spots but it hasn't been a real issue until now. I just haven't really gotten rid of any characters that are rare/semi rare and since I want to play this game with no IAP it's difficult to spend gems on things like increased storage since Gumi is so reluctant to hand out gems. Any tips would be appreciative
4* Fire King Vargas/Breaker/Max Lvl
4* Ice Ruler Sergio/Breaker Max Lvl
3* Vine Pike Lance/ Anima Max Lvl
4* Hawkeye Lario/Breaker Max Lvl
5* Mother Earth Edea/Lord Max Lvl
5*Thunder God Eze/Guardian Max Lvl
5* Thunder God Eze/ Guardian 27/80
3* Advisor Weiss/Guardian Max Lvl
5* God Atro/Oracle Max Lvl
4* Holy Queen Luna/Anima Max Lvl
4* Black Magress/Anima Max Lvl
4* God Blade Mifune/Breaker Max Lvl
5* Scythe God Alice/Guardian Max Lvl
2* Fencer Vargas/Anima Max Lvl
2* Beast Zegar/Anima 7/30
3* Rage Beast Zegar/Lord 23/40
3* Dragon Graven/Guardian 1/60
2* Stya/Anima 1/30
2* Boxer Nemia/Anima 12/30
5* Keymaster Gilnea/Lord 49/80
4* Hot Rocket Cayena/Breaker 10/60
4* Dark Blade Lico/Breaker 1/60
2* Iron Magress/Oracle 1/30
2* Luna/Guardian 1/30
Also, Miracle totem was a terrible mistake...I was destroyed...
Right off the bat he cast two Chaos Trilogy and another AOE elemental attack. That pretty much sealed my fate.
The problem with this is your Oracle magress is the best for PVE but your Anima Magress is really good for Arena but horrible in PVE. I'm dump your guardian Luna and Zegar right now. And I'm farm up as many Cayena's as possible while she's still on as she is really really good for a free unit, as you have a pretty good core for a Fire team with your Anima Vargas.
Gumi is treating this game kinda wierdly right now, they're very stingy on giving gems, but they have amazing units as capturables right now with pretty decent drop rates (RNG is still Rng now).
there a gem for lvl3?New water one is named Serin.
She inflicts injury (not near as bad as curse or paralysis). Don't bring mono thunder as one of her waves has six douglases supposedly.
Base Stats at 3* level 1
Hp 2120
Atk 708
Def 875
Rec 952
Aoe bb for 12 hits.
Go for breaker or anima (like usual). I have a feeling she will be much better then Dean.
there a gem for lvl3?
Man, that's sone crazy bad luck, i feel for you guys. I've done like 10-15 and gotten 1 or 2 of each. Hope it picks up soon.
Hey guys so as of today I have a bunch of units and wanted to know which ones you think I should sell or merge. I haven't increased my unit inventory space yet so I'm still at 50 spots but it hasn't been a real issue until now. I just haven't really gotten rid of any characters that are rare/semi rare and since I want to play this game with no IAP it's difficult to spend gems on things like increased storage since Gumi is so reluctant to hand out gems. Any tips would be appreciative![]()
Sounds like it would be useful to bring along that Red axe michele chick then for a thunder team. Element swap to fire with attack boost and burn them down before they can hurt you too much.New water one is named Serin.
She inflicts injury (not near as bad as curse or paralysis). Don't bring mono thunder as one of her waves has six douglases supposedly.
Sounds like it would be useful to bring along that Red axe michele chick then for a thunder team. Element swap to fire with attack boost and burn them down before they can hurt you too much.
Or probably better would be to bing the lightning element swap guy with a dark element team and just have him guard through the douglas fight...
Beat her level 3 easily with my mono dark. Her hit count in her normal attack has to be around 10 to 12. Probably will be the best water unit until six star Levi. (And you only want one six star Levi).