ahhh so the secret is how quickly she fills up BB, w hich is pretty much the key to winning arena anyhow.
whats the best way to level units
Every M, T, Th, and Fr, pick up a Metal Key from the Administration building in Imperial Capital. Use that to unlock the Metal Parade dungeon in the Vortex. Use the drops you get from that dungeon to feed your units to level them.
doh, i have been leveling using the nuts i get from the quest dungeons.
That's probably fine for starting out, until you get some 3* or higher units. After that, taking units past level 15 or 20 with regular quest fodder becomes very expensive.
I have plenty of friend slots. I'm really looking for some 50% fire leaders but I'll add anyone from here.
I'm mostly using 5 star Vargas max level (6 star next week), 5 star Aem (47), and 5 star bolt goddess(78) as leaders.
One thing about Brave Frontier, they are really stingy with the gems... but unlike PAD, I feel like free heroes are good enough to take you to the end game. I am still on early days.. so I may change my tune later..
edit: and the rare pull isn't as bad as PAD as well.
Cool, I've been looking for some Fire leaders as well. I usually keep 5 star Vargas up as well. But next week, I may be able to switch to 5 star Cayena. I also have 5 star Emilia and Selena that are swapped in depending on what I'm doing. Sent you a request, I'm VicViper in-game.
Yeah, at first the lack of free gems was off-putting. But as I started to earn and level up the free units from the events, I started owning the harder dungeons. A lot of them are very powerful. I still want a Captain Mega and Zeus Bow Loch. Just because I love their animations. I hope I can get them eventually. One of the reasons I quit PAD was because I could never pull an Artemis. =(
And Arthemis isn't even the best PAD characters... The thing about PAD is that it is starting to rely too much on burst team with one hit kills... And that's very off putting... you will be on the last level and you suddenly lost because you couldn't get the board that you need..
Anyway enough with PAD discussion... I am enjoying BF so far.. simplistic but good... one thing though.. I keep loosing the progress of a match because I had to go do something else and leave the match hanging.. when I come back to it 2 hrs later, I lost my stamina and match.. annoying.
Sad part is... I just wanted Artemis because she of waifu reasons. ;_;
But yes, the resume function in BF is weird and finicky. I've had the game crash and was able to load the game back up it resumed the dungeon right where it crashed. Other times, you are just thrown back into the main menu. Really annoying.
If you spend a gem in the dungeon you are guaranteed to resume. Otherwise a crash is guaranteed to kick you back to main menu.
Otoh, if you simply push the home button on your phone to suspend the app, it is supposed to resume, but it doesn't always work. A few times it's restarted from main menu.
What's the best type for Bayley? I'm guessing Anima or Breaker? I got a Guardian and Breaker so far.
Ack. I've now done 10 level 3 runs of the Earth Maiden and only gotten two drops - on my first two tries even. So discouraging
What's the best type for Bayley? I'm guessing Anima or Breaker? I got a Guardian and Breaker so far.
Any ideas towards why the oracle/6* patch got pushed back to thursday?
Anima duel Gx 6 star is going to be very very very good.
20 hit sbb + dark attribute + crit up.
up to my 8th Bayley right now. For me peronsally, her drop rate has been very high, it's just umm 3 breakers, 2 oracles, 1 lord, 1 guardian. WTB animas.
Ouch. I had similar luck with Serin and finally just said screw it and went with everything except the types I wanted. But with Bayley (arguably the worst of the maidens so far), I got my first drop on my second run, which was also an Anima! So I dodged a bullet there and am not going to try for more than 1 Bayley. I hope the Thunder maiden, which hopefully gets released this Wednesday or Thursday, is as OP as Water and Fire, because it will make Karl a total pushover.
Forget three teams. Two is good; the second would be just in case Blue Execution kills you.On one hand I'm excited for the new 6* evolutions, on the other hand it's just going to make it even more difficult for me to use my strongest units against Karl due to cost issues. Even at level 90, I can't fit all of my strongest units into 3 teams against Karl.
im at the point where, serin party leader? yeah im not gonna fight you.
duel gx 6 is gonna be good? Still not sure where to slot it in my dark party of alice, kikuri, kikuri, lico.
how is the robot stat wise normally?
Forget three teams. Two is good; the second would be just in case Blue Execution kills you.
My second team died with Karl at like 5%.
I would have been unbelievably pissed if I took your advice of only having two groups.
If both groups are Thunder based and high quality I could see doing it with 1-2 groups, but I picture more people being like me, where the second and 3rd groups are filled with significantly weaker units than the first party.
5 idol runs, no water idols. Evolving this Serin team is going to be fun.
I need a single Light pot.
I ran it 4 times since I got up.
Every single one of those runs, I got a Water pot. (and absolutely NOTHING else dropped!)
At least the xp is good..? It's not the good farming levels good, but hey.
Would there be any signifigant reason to not bring a 3rd group of anything "just in case"?
I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around unit cost being the reason. I'm no where near the cap for my level and I've never been near the cap playing through the game and you get what x3 the cap to build the teams?
Don't feel bad, last week I used 4 *gems* trying to get a Light Pot, and I have 3 runs per gem. Gave up without getting it.
This week, I'm not going to bother with the Light Pot. FH is just around the corner, so more important fish to fry. But I do need to get a Serin up. Need 4 water idols for that. Got 2 of them after close to 10 runs.![]()
Don't feel bad, last week I used 4 *gems* trying to get a Light Pot, and I have 3 runs per gem. Gave up without getting it.
This week, I'm not going to bother with the Light Pot. FH is just around the corner, so more important fish to fry. But I do need to get a Serin up. Need 4 water idols for that. Got 2 of them after close to 10 runs.![]()
You get 2x cost for 3 parties. This didn't hinder me at all, but I'm rank 103 or something so have an absurdly high cost limit anyway.