All of my team are maxed and all 3 star units going for their 4th and I'm still having trouble with making it through myself. The best way is to make sure your stocked on potions, and try to either bring a great healer like Pheonix, or great tree. If you don't have either one try to find someone who does and friend them.
Yea some of those lvl 3 dungeons are brutal, I suspect they are designed to make you spend stones like PAD >.>
Good idea! I don't have one of those great healers but I think someone on my friends list does. I'll give that a shot, thanks.
Yeah... X(
Man, the drops you get from the Rare Summons aren't that great when you compare the quality to PAD........
I just got:
Garroter Shida (even though I had a regular Shida too)
Rage Beast Zegar
And a 2nd Fencer Vargas from an Honor Summon.
Meh :/
BF also has about 20% of the # of units as PAD.
Yea I already spend a lot on PAD, I can't justify buying gems on this too lol
BF also has about 20% of the # of units as PAD.
To be fair, PAD came out in 2012. Still, I logged into PAD for the first time in quite a while, and I was pretty shocked to see over 1000 characters in the monster book. Sheesh. PAD is just a beast and has so many resources devoted to it. BF just won't ever be able to match that. Still really liking BF though.
I decided to buy some gems to get some pulls on the lightning-favored summon machine. Got an Elulu, Loch, Emilia and tree. Pretty sure I'm done pulling on the machine for a while.
I want her but I haven't gotten her yet, lol.
I spent my first Metal God on my starter because I like her. I'm thinking of chucking one to the Tinkerer with the elec hammer too because hey, who doesn't like the anime girls with mallets.
Are the metal gods particularly rare? Also what are the jewel kings for?
To be fair, PAD came out in 2012. Still, I logged into PAD for the first time in quite a while, and I was pretty shocked to see over 1000 characters in the monster book. Sheesh. PAD is just a beast and has so many resources devoted to it. BF just won't ever be able to match that. Still really liking BF though.
I decided to buy some gems to get some pulls on the lightning-favored summon machine. Got an Elulu, Loch, Emilia and tree. Pretty sure I'm done pulling on the machine for a while.
Oh nice, an OT for this.
I have been playing this a lot lately. I run Gun God Douglas, Master Lorand, and Alice mostly. Working on my other squads, but green is my primary right now.
ID is 130812447
Man, this game eats up data like crazy. I've been playing for roughly a week now (maybe less), and usually use WiFi at home, and I see that it's already used up 195MB! That's already more than Pandora, which I listen to for about 2 hours per day! Good thing I have unlimited, or this would be unplayable.
Anyway, I haven't traded Metal Gods with anyone yet, so if anyone's down, let's do it. =)
Also, what are good team compositions in this game? I'm currently running the following:
Fire Knight Lava (50% red boost leader skill)
Fire Knight Agni
Thief Whatever (he sucks, but he's red, so there's something)
Lightning Eze (my starter; he sucks too, though)
Green healer girl
Am I on the right track? Is mono-red worth pursuing?
True, but apparently they change the rewards each time so there's no guarantee that the same ones will be present next time [although the Frontier Hunter event Japan is having right now has the Medulla Gem again, so we'll likely get that same version]. Even still, considering how nice the rewards are, it'll be nice to try and obtain this one as well as any extra in the future [since it's essentially the best Sphere for multiple units].They tend to rotate events back in quite quickly so I expect the Frontier Hunter to come around again, I'm not too worried at the moment.
I passed lvl 3 Paradise! Yes! But didn't get the green idol I really fucking wanted! Ugh, did get a red which is useful and a blue which is useless right now. Idols really should be guaranteed damn it!
I had to rely on some randoms tree (what luck!) and my own Priestess Maria healer. Really could use more friends with healers as their main I guess.
Hope I can get mone more run in before the event ends. Fuckin' earth idol! Drop you bastard!
What the heck am I supposed to do with a Mimic? D=
Certain units need it to evolve. Or you can use it for the xp - I get a bunch of them so I sometimes feed them to my dark units.
I have 5 gems (thanks frontier hunter) - should I buy 25 extra boxes for units, or should I roll the dice on a summon????!
Certain units need it to evolve. Or you can use it for the xp - I get a bunch of them so I sometimes feed them to my dark units.
I have 5 gems (thanks frontier hunter) - should I buy 25 extra boxes for units, or should I roll the dice on a summon????!
Man, the drops you get from the Rare Summons aren't that great when you compare the quality to PAD........
I just got:
Garroter Shida (even though I had a regular Shida too)
Rage Beast Zegar
And a 2nd Fencer Vargas from an Honor Summon.
Meh :/
Ah, that makes sense. I don't think I have any units that can use them to evolve right now. Guess I'll XP them up
I needed a light idol the most and it ended up taking around 8 runs to get one to even spawn. Luckily it dropped for me in the same run so I was able to evolve Aem to Champion. Next I'll have to farm totems on Thursday.
ran it 4 times today for a fire idol. gd DROP!!! hahaha
Aahhhhh don't tell me that!! Hahaha, damn. The damn earth idol showed up, too, but failed to drop. I just read on BFPros that getting just two idols is uncommon. Aghjgdjcf!! Screw you BF!!
I had no idea the tree was that rare or awesome? I think it was my very first rare I pulled. Really wasn't too into it but after a while, I see why its the god tree![]()
Picked up a lightning and fire idol, the two elements I don't need. The 25 energy cost is painful. I should have just saved today's metal key and focused on idol hunting instead.
It also somewhat depends on what their type is (breaker,guardian,anima,etc) Lava, and Eze have 5* potential evolutions with Eze gaining a sixth sometime in the future.
The thief, and your green healer girl are common units so replace them with better as soon as you can. Agni is a decent mid range fire character though you'll want to replace him at some point as well, but he will get you further then the thief and your basic healer.
Also annoying is how they split up and attack random targets, instead of gangbanging each opponent to death, one by one. It's extra nice when they go after targets they're weak against, too.My units not using their BB in the Arena is the most annoying part of this game.
I'd trade you mine if I could. I have like 4-5 of them lying around and don't need them at all atm...
Elmino and the Tree are freaking awesome. You have a good pull. Get it evolved and leveled up, then throw a giant stone or something similar on it. Tough as nails and keeps the rest of the party running fairly well. Get some BB crystal boosters or character abilities as lead to boost BB and you should be golden.
Try to do your parades when you are close to leveling up, so that you get more chances at it since it is more than 2 hours to get the 15 energy to run them "normally".
Where I am at, I try to be under 3k exp to level but over 2k exp to level, so that I can do 6 consecutive runs.... Burns through the money fast that way though.
The special dungeons, in general, are one of your best account exp generators, so don't feel like it is a total loss.
His alternatives for red end up being Phoenix, Zegar, Lorand, Galant, and the hot chef right? Zegar can be captured normally on the volcano, but I'm pretty sure Phoenix and the rest are restricted to the gems.
Right, I'm also kind of surprised he did not go with Vargas for his starter since he's going red. It's very rare but you can sometimes snag the starters from the honor summon Gate....I'm wishing for Black Magress but that's likely not going to happen anytime soon.
The starter characters are actually pretty solid especially because they are the first characters that will give their 6* evolutions (the Japanese version already has them) and then the 6 5* monsters are after them.
Well, I didn't intend to go for red from the get-go. I just happened to pull Lava and Agni out of the machine*, so red is my best bet right now. I do regret not going with Vargas, but with the same luck, I probably would have pulled other colors from the machine anyway.Right, I'm also kind of surprised he did not go with Vargas for his starter since he's going red. It's very rare but you can sometimes snag the starters from the honor summon Gate....I'm wishing for Black Magress but that's likely not going to happen anytime soon.
The starter characters are actually pretty solid especially because they are the first characters that will give their 6* evolutions (the Japanese version already has them) and then the 6 5* monsters are after them.
My units not using their BB in the Arena is the most annoying part of this game.
That and when an enemy has like 40 HP left and the next round, they completely avoid it. Fuuuuuck that.
My units not using their BB in the Arena is the most annoying part of this game.
On one hour of farming Juggernaut. At this pace, it should only take two more for me to hit 850,000 points. Taking a 15-minute break before I jump back in.
Basically you take a team of five Water units [recommended Healer Merith] into Frontier Hunter and "stall" on Round 5 [Juggernaut]. He's a Thunder Element, so he inflicts extra damage on Water units [you get extra points for this[. As long as you Guard and Brave Burst/Heal when needed to, you can last indefinitely. This is provided you have an Aem Friend [Five-Star]. Their Leader ability allows you to gain Brave Burst Gauge every turn in large amounts, so you can gather it when Guarding.What is this? I see people talking about it.
.I'm wishing for Black Magress but that's likely not going to happen anytime soon.
I haven't bothered to use my honor points in ages because of the crap pulls I've had in the past. I got 14 pulls saved up and not sure when I'll start draining those out again.
More annoying than hearts not dropping...and when they do drop, don't go to the lowest HP sub?
Gee, thanks for healing my knight from 95%>100% instead of my Milfune whos at 5%...