Got my JP copy today so after I charge my 3DS, I'll add kyriogi who already added me and then add more from the second post.
So my team is about level 38 (Chapter 3) and I justbeat the Automatons, but by the skin of my teeth.
Where is the best place to grind for a while at this level? I don't feel like I'm as strong as I need to be.
Can someone elaborate a bit...
Ch.4 subquest spoilers:
I just can't beat the vampire... Way too strong now... When I'll be able to do the subquest again? Someone asked but I want some more details about that.
You can do it again later, don't worry. I did it in chapter 4 butmy party got destroyed dozens of times before I won.
What's the best job combination to use with Ninja?
Cool, I'm using the Swordmaster skill Multitask and Spell Fencer at the moment and it is pretty great. Love it when Multitask kicks in twice in a turn. Need an extra spot for the Katana mastery though.Samurai skills like Multitasking + Katana and sub job Swordmagic
How do I unlock the red mage asterisk? I've met him at Florem and completed the contest thing. Now the marker on the world map is telling me he's in the town. But when I get there I see nobody.
well a big +1 to the developers for putting that option in of turning off random encounters, I was in a right mess down in a dungeon and was out of potions and I stupidly saved at the red guy where he says "only gets harder from here" and I though I was screwed and was looking at a complete restart, then I remembered reading about the option for no random encounters
There's also a teleport item so you can get out of the dungeon quick. Never leave town without one! Not that it matters much in this game though compared to other games.
There's also a teleport item so you can get out of the dungeon quick. Never leave town without one! Not that it matters much in this game though compared to other games.
Hope you can do that also in later chapters since I went all the way to the ship and didn't want to go back to the town on foot when I realized there was not a port on that side of the lake and skipped it at allyou have to go to the back of the town in the night
This have to go to the back of the town in the night
Are three any good game play walkthrough vids out there? I'd love to see a chunk of this in action.
Instructions on how to grab 3DS screenshots right here. Here's mine, probably won't bother with playing my EU copy: 1478 - 3663 - 3445 (JP)Dumb question but how are folks posting screens from 3DS? I have an idea on WiiU but not so much here.
Also netto friend add me!
Zenaku too please. And whatever your codes are. I need more friends!
Tiz is just sad and can't enjoy himself since Norende was wrecked. Poor guy. :/
I have the digital download version of For the Sequel (which should be the same as the physical). And yes, the English/French/German/Italien/Spanish texts are reflected throughout the whole game.Apologies if this has come up previously - but can someone with the Japanese physical version (For The Sequel) please confirm that in-game text can be set to English? And that this reflects throughout the whole game, not just initial/setup menus? Thanks in advance!
I have the digital download version of For the Sequel (which should be the same as the physical). And yes, the English/French/German/Italien/Spanish texts are reflected throughout the whole game.
Don't level Freelancer they said, it sucks they said... True enough, until you reach end game.
The lvl 14 ability is probably one of the best in the game and it's the only job(?) that needs 9999 points from level 13 to 14.
Welcome!Finally the game arrived! I can now join Bravely-GAF!
Don't level Freelancer they said, it sucks they said... True enough, until you reach end game.
The lvl 14 ability is probably one of the best in the game and it's the only job(?) that needs 9999 points from level 13 to 14.
Lord Ghirahim/every other Bravely Default players that are now on Miiverse, NNIDs NOW!! XD
(Already following you!![]()
I have a question regarding how to add friends in the game. Every single time I try to add friends from the travelling fellow, I get an error message after it has searched for a while. Adding friends to my 3DS friends list is working, but not in-game. I have 7 guests but 0 friends.
=D Love seeing everyone's experience on Bravely Default lol, not too much frequent posting on the thread seems to be a good thing as I'm sure everyone's enjoying it XD
They'll need to be playing the game, in order to get villagers, friends cannot be added by travellers due to the need for you and them to add each other as well as, these error are due to 3DS friend functionality to ensure you don't get weird people adding you etc.
Hmmm you should be able to get them, have you not chosen the "Update data" option? And have you made your own sent move/profile part within the game?I see. My firends list is full of people playing BD, I thought it was only a matter of adding them from the save menu. Oh well.