Hmmm you should be able to get them, have you not chosen the "Update data" option? And have you made your own sent move/profile part within the game?
Update data? Yes. I have to look into the sent move/profile part.
Hmmm you should be able to get them, have you not chosen the "Update data" option? And have you made your own sent move/profile part within the game?
Yep works that way, you use it once, you'll need that person to update and send it again to use it.About sent moves, how does it work, I noticed that if summon someone's it will grey out, so is this refreshed when the person updates or when they resend a new move ?
Can I just stick with a good move of mine and then just update is what I'm asking I guess.
Chapter 6 nowThe summoner, valkyrie and ranger couldn't be rematched (I beat them in chapter 5 for what was the second time) are they meant to be missing this time around?
I need more friends so I'm adding youApparently Abilink is neato and I should try it out... and it works with JP 3DSes + EU 3DSes.
I'm not far along at all because I've been busy, but my JP FC is: 2122 - 6981 - 7280 if anyone's interested. Er, quote or PM me if you do add so I can add you back.
Apparently Abilink is neato and I should try it out... and it works with JP 3DSes + EU 3DSes.
I'm not far along at all because I've been busy, but my JP FC is: 2122 - 6981 - 7280 if anyone's interested. Er, quote or PM me if you do add so I can add you back.
I though that was obvious, the class ability implies it's a class that only really shines when you have multiple jobs maxed.
You can rematch them as part of a subquest that opens up after three crystals have been awakened.
Apparently Abilink is neato and I should try it out... and it works with JP 3DSes + EU 3DSes.
I'm not far along at all because I've been busy, but my JP FC is: 2122 - 6981 - 7280 if anyone's interested. Er, quote or PM me if you do add so I can add you back.
Dual Wielding is great on Ninja.I don't recommend duel handling but I thought this looked cool
I feel the need to clarify that the Japanese version can be set to those languages, but the title screen and SE Members/data copy/delete/etc. threads are Japanese only. You can also only start a game in Japanese. You can't change the language until you can access the config menu in-game. Fortunately there's an event viewer so you can watch what you missed in your newly-selected language after that. But it isn't perfect.
There's also some stray strings that remain in Japanese, like on the menu that has the tutorial quests on it. Achievements, etc. remain in Japanese.
Dual Wielding is great on Ninja.
Chapter 5...God damn.. Are you guys going around and defeating every boss again for the sub quests?? Is it even worth it?
Not terrible per se, but you might need more offensive.Second "dungeon" - already getting into trouble with the orc leaders and what not
Monk, White Mage x 2
Is that a terrible party set up early on?
Aha I see. JP isn't a huge issue since I've mastered a lot of jobs already. Might give them a shot for the challenge. There's just so many though!Some of them can be a good challenge, and there is a decent reward:999 JP for each fight.
Aha I see. JP isn't a huge issue since I've mastered a lot of jobs already. Might give them a shot for the challenge. There's just so many though!
Also I was reading a thread on GameFAQs about the costumes and...someone said you can unlock the Bravo bikini in a chapter 4 sub quest? I didn't get that, is it true and if so is it doable in a later chapter?
Also has anyone found out which shop gives Edea's Praying Brage costume yet?
Aha I see. JP isn't a huge issue since I've mastered a lot of jobs already. Might give them a shot for the challenge. There's just so many though!
Also I was reading a thread on GameFAQs about the costumes and...someone said you can unlock the Bravo bikini in a chapter 4 sub quest? I didn't get that, is it true and if so is it doable in a later chapter?
Also has anyone found out which shop gives Edea's Praying Brage costume yet?
Oh good to know, since I'm on that chapter now! ThanksYou get the Bravo Bikini after the Red mage rematch in Chapter 5.
I tend to get carried away when grinding haha.Ah, I thought we would have relatively similar job points since we were in a similar place in the story, but I have only mastered two or three jobs. So, they were quite useful for me.
Dual Wielding is great on Ninja.
Chapter 5...God damn.. Are you guys going around and defeating every boss again for the sub quests?? Is it even worth it?
Dual Wielding is great on Ninja.
Chapter 5...God damn.. Are you guys going around and defeating every boss again for the sub quests?? Is it even worth it?
Nice! I've saved up about 700k now, waiting till I can get the Composer costume for Ringabel and the Praying Brage one for Edea before I blow it on anything else haha.Yeah...Kinda annoying but at least they aren't that hard. A couple of minutes for each.
By the way, I managed to gather 200.000 and bought the extra costume. :3
Damn, 70 villagers? I've only got just over 20 :/ wish they were easier to get without Streetpass.Poor Norende
Also has anyone found out which shop gives Edea's Praying Brage costume yet?
Typical, the only one I haven't started working onCombat Item shop .. I think
Should have the village finish tonight![]()
(Already following you!![]()
Typical, the only one I haven't started working on
Chapter 5 spoilers.Is it possible to go back and do the Vampire job side quest? I skipped it since it was giving me way too much trouble...
Odd, my Ringabel is always first to be face down in the dirt :S
GreatYes you can
GreatI'd be kicking myself if I missed it.
Anyone have any good job combinations they're using?
Looks the same in my town. Are there cool rewards/drops for getting rid of them or is it just a few pgs and XP like in every normal battle?Poor Norende
Looks the same in my town. Are there cool rewards/drops for getting rid of them or is it just a few pgs and XP like in every normal battle?
The ability I'm talking about is an active one gained at the job's max level.
The ability:
"Mimic", copies the previous action done by any of your allies or yourself for free.
If you take Pirate's Amped Strike (deals four time normal damage for half your max MP), you can basically do that move 4 times in a single turn instead of twice(Amped Strike > Mimic > Mimic > Mimic), paying only the price of one. Damage galore.
Is JP Up that useful? I had it on some of my party for awhile and the boost was pretty minimal.
I'm at lv 72 and grinding jobs up and the boost was really minimal. Say I get 500 JP from the fight, that's only 100 JP extra. I guess it's better than nothing, but it's not amazing like I thought it would be.Absolutely, especially once you're out of the beginning of the game. It's a 120% increase, so you'll really start to feel it once you're earning over 10 JP per fight, but it gets much higher than that later on.
Beelzebub is the head with the wiggling tentacles, right?Beelze at least occasionally drops random items that permanently raise stats (I've got a Mind Bun and a Dexterity Bun from him), it doesn't look like you can get then in game normally since they have no D's Journal entry.
I'm at lv 72 and grinding jobs up and the boost was really minimal. Say I get 500 JP from the fight, that's only 100 JP extra. I guess it's better than nothing, but it's not amazing like I thought it would be.