Quantum Break (Windows 10) - $25 Amazon or Xbox credit (can also do $20 + Vegas 2)
Gears of War 1 (360/XB1) - $2 Credit or trade for Rainbow Six Vegas 2 code
I PM'd you for QB, I have both Vegas codes.
I already sold the QB code, but that offer wouldn't have been enough anyway. I was asking for Vegas 2 + $20.![]()
Anyone still selling a MLB.TV sub? I'm interested. Send me a PM. Thanks!
Wow....you fucking people are literally the worst. I calmed down enough today that I thought I'd come back and just see what shit I might've caused, but instead people are just as shitty as ever. For the record, I did try to hang myself but stopped just before collapsing on the floor. Fucking people think it's alright to just tease people, and pick and choose what to focus on.
I NEVER said he couldn't make any profit off of it, I simply thought it was shitty how much he was trying to get, especially after I had just made a post asking to purchase it for at least $20. His links to my old posts prove nothing except that I tried to sell things before, and I already addressed that I never even sold two of them, and the only I did sell was at $20.... $15 more than I paid is a BIG difference than asking for $65 more.
Wow....you fucking people are literally the worst. I calmed down enough today that I thought I'd come back and just see what shit I might've caused, but instead people are just as shitty as ever. For the record, I did try to hang myself but stopped just before collapsing on the floor. Fucking people think it's alright to just tease people, and pick and choose what to focus on.
I NEVER said he couldn't make any profit off of it, I simply thought it was shitty how much he was trying to get, especially after I had just made a post asking to purchase it for at least $20. His links to my old posts prove nothing except that I tried to sell things before, and I already addressed that I never even sold two of them, and the only I did sell was at $20.... $15 more than I paid is a BIG difference than asking for $65 more.
Please seek help immediately
1 (800) 273-8255
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Can the mods not get involved in this?
Mods are just normal people, they really aren't going to do anything of note, or rather, I'm hoping they'd just do the reasonable "okay move this discussion elsewhere please, HL, please seek help"
Because yes, this is...kind of out of mods hands.
All we can hope for is that he doesn't do anything rash.
Thanks besada.
I'd like to pay 20-25 for each if possible, PM to make deal
The Wither 3
Rocket League
Quantum Break
Dark Souls 3
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Also interested in deals for steam credit
Quantum Break - PC (20$)
Oculus Rift or HTC Vive (I don't mind used)
Already PMed 3 people but never heard back...
I am SELLING my Quantum Break PC Code
20 USD Paypal Gift, or whatever it's called now. will go to first person that PMs me and pays me.
EDIT: beaten!
Looking for QB and DS3 on PC
WTS Quantum Break (Win10) - $20 Paypal Gift
WTS Quantum Break (Win10) - $20 Paypal Gift
No one here has a million dollars anyways.
Yeah, this.
I second this sentiment.