WTB: Skyrim GOTY Edition for PC key
Hyrule Warriors legends characters code for Wii U $5
Want Paypal
Animal Crossing N3DS Bundle (minus game code) + 64gig MicroSD + Charger = $180
Has CFW, but I have obviously removed all of my games. You can very easily remove the CFW if you're not interested in that kind of thing. Great shape. The only reason I'm selling it is because I ended up getting a Pokemon N3DS bundle.
A New Nintendo 3DS (Non-XL Version).
Don't really care about the colour/faceplate combo just want one that is non-XL.
You two should get in touch. Google says $180 US = $230 CAD. Admittedly you'll have to figure out shipping costs to Canada, but I can't imagine that would add more than an extra $12 (over shipping to somewhere in the US).
It would be hit by at least 5-15% in taxes at the border.
Just to clarify, the seller wouldn't know about it. The person receiving the package would because he/she would have to pay said tax to hold the package in-hand.