Looking to unload a bunch of stuff so i can pay for the new monitor i just bought

None of these have the games
Trails of Cold Steel Collectors Edition (Case, artbook and pin) -NO GAME- $20 Shipped
Witch and the Hundred Knight Revival Edition PS4 (art book, soundtrack, figure open) -NO GAME- $35 shipped
Senran Kagura ES - Day One Edition (book and soundtrack) -NO GAME- $20 Shipped
Disgaea 5 Launch Day (artbook and soundtrack) -NO GAME- $20 shipped
Final Fantasy Advance Tactics A2. Good condition, however, its taped together because the module was loose and caused freezes. I have fixed it and had no issues since. $16.00
Diablo III CE Box Only - No idea, $20 shipped
I have my old monitor AOC 27" IPS LED HD Monitor - Piano Black/Silver
It's a nice looking monitor and it's still in great condition. Comes with the box. Asking $180 shipped
And Lastly i have an R9 390 I want to sell. The MSI r9 390 8gb gaming edition. Asking $290 shipped in an anti static bag. I can include the box but it smells like smoke.
Help a guy out! Please?