Where can I stock up on cheap ps+ cards now to pad for ps4?
Where can I stock up on cheap ps+ cards now to pad for ps4?
amazon.ca and ebgames.ca both sold out of their initial preorders.
Damn. I preordered on amazon.ca but I think I'm going to take the morning off and go over to EB to put in my in store preorder for PS4 since I have a bunch of credit there.
PS4 pre-orders up on futureshop now
And I just spent all my trade credit last week. I bought a couple of PSN cards and pre-ordered The Last of Us "just to finish the card off," I said to myself. Oh well.
Placed my pre-order.
Amazon.ca probably do not have much stock considering they were sold out within 45 minutes.
Either way, PS4 is going to be hot for this holiday and good luck finding it in stores.
Preordered at Future Shop. Sucks that the games were sold out!![]()
Anyone know if FS takes preorders instore too? I have a bunch of gift cards I specifically got for the PS4, and I'd rather use them in person than online.
I'm reall hoping they're not sold out right away...I'm out of the country (and away from those gift cards) until Thursday!
Preordered at Future Shop. Sucks that the games were sold out!![]()
Wait the PS4 game preorders are already sold out? Or did they not put any stock up yet?
When does this e3 deal.end?
Ah man. I was hoping Futureshop would have FFXV and KH3 listed.
Ugh, they have the Wonderful 101 at BB, but it doesn't even qualify for the E3 deal. Looks like only 3 Wii U games qualify for their sale. Weak! I would have considered ordering it with two $40 games if it qualified. I hope FS adds it.
Edit: Now it is on FS, but it says sold out. I hope that just means they're in the process of adding it.
Wonderful 101 and Luigi U have been added to the FS database, but they're both currently sold out.
Wonderful 101 and Luigi U have been added to the FS database, but they're both currently sold out.
They need to put up Zelda 3ds so I can pre-order it along with pokemon and smash bros
Oh what the heck, i'll order a ps4 from futureshop.
How does FS do pre-orders? Do they charge my card once they ship it?
Oh what the heck, i'll order a ps4 from futureshop.
How does FS do pre-orders? Do they charge my card once they ship it?
Damn FutureshopIt had trouble processing my Creditcard so went with BestBuy and orderd Dead Rising 3 and Battlefield 4 at full price.. Oh well