Is it confirmed that Shoppers will sell the PS4?
well, no, but I'd say it's inevitable
the only concern is if they will have it on day 1 or not, which probably depends on Sony's overall shipment size, since SDM is considered low-priority.
Is it confirmed that Shoppers will sell the PS4?
Is MGSV up for PS4? Its the last game I want to preorder.
Is MGSV up for PS4? Its the last game I want to preorder.
Are we gonna get TitanFall PC from FS at some point? They only have the Xbone version listed...![]()
im not too worried about the big name games. will most likely have their own deals when the time comes.
So here's my final preorder total from FutureShop:
Mario and Luigi/Wonderful 101/Pokemon Y
DKC:TF/Zelda 3DS/Mario 3D World
Bravely Default/Yoshi's Island/Mario Kart 8
Professor Layton 6/FE x SMT/X
Smash Bros 3DS/WiiU/Yarn Yoshi
Tempted to go in for Zelda but there aren't enough 3DS games to do it. Might convince my roommate to do Arkham Origins/Saint's Row IV...
Yes. Nintendo's footing the bill for it.Does anyone think Bayonetta 2 will remain exclusive to Wii U indefinitely?
Xenoblade won't happen again. Digital availability means that collectors are the only reason the price would ever get jacked through the roof, and also mean that if prices ever DO get jacked through the roof, there's always the digital edition.Which publishers are known for low production numbers? I always wait so damned long to get around to playing the games I buy that I could have saved money by waiting. Of course there are those that buck the trend--Xenoblade Chronicles and Last Story for instance.
This is the same sort of logic that is informing my orders. Basically everything else I can wait for.Any games here that will obviously hold their value / increase in price? 1st party Nintendo games seem to stay the same price FOREVER so I'm stocking up on them.
How much money do you have to put down? Can you just do $5?
How much money do you have to put down? Can you just do $5?
I believe it's because you can't cancel games separately so if you order your games in 3 or 4 games at a time based around release dates you can cancel future games if you decide you don't want it any more without losing the entire order.I'm sorry, I know someone asked the question earlier, and I'm digging to find the answer but it seems to elude me, but why is it important to have orders of 3 items maximum?
^^ and Nintendo is publishing the game, so no, it won't happen.
Yes. Nintendo's footing the bill for it.
Move the date up 3 years and you can change it later.
Anyone get a TLOU shipping notice yet?
This deal is irresistible. Boo to FFXV not being available as part of it though
Didn't Microsoft foot the bill for Alan Wake, yet that eventually came to PC?
Just placed a few orders from fs
FYI, games don't have to be the same price in the same order to enjoy the discount. I tried $39.99/$49.99/$59.99 in the same order, and basically they just take 1/3 off the price of each game!!!
Wow, here's the total tally. With a PS4 console, it comes to $1961 with tax. God help me.
So with this current deal, I'll still be able to cancel say, after I get the 2nd game in case I don't want the 3rd one which releases last? Presumably they'll still charge for each when each is shipped, right?
I can't just cancel the entire order like before (after say part of it has shipped)? Whaaaaaaaaaa? Have they removed that functionality from the site or what?Yeah you can cancel it, but not on the order page. Once any item has shipped, you have to contact them to cancel it manually.