No fucking way....they upped the price today??? I pre-ordered it yesterday! hahahahaha
Does charge when shipping?
How easy is it to cancel with them?
I'm not quite sure if you can cancel your order from their site like FS/BB but if you need to contact their customer support to cancel then it's not worth it. Their CS is so damn awful that a lot of people here were cursing them.
Has Infamous:SS being $69.99 on PSN been discussed?
So, how does everyone feel about a pillow deal?
Been meaning to try a new one for a while and I saw that these Malouf 100% Talalay Latex Zoned Pillows for $30 all-in but only for size Queen, high loft and plush. There are 8 remaining as of this posting and it's the lowest price I've seen since tracking it last year (when I saw it on RFD for $50). A lot of positive reviews on but what do I know about pillows?
Welp. I'm not sure if I want the game. Not a huge Infamous fan but it does look beautiful so I ordered it at $49.99 anyway. If I change my mind I will just sell it to a gaffer for $55.
So, how does everyone feel about a pillow deal?
Been meaning to try a new one for a while and I saw that these Malouf 100% Talalay Latex Zoned Pillows for $30 all-in but only for size Queen, high loft and plush. There are 8 remaining as of this posting and it's the lowest price I've seen since tracking it last year (when I saw it on RFD for $50). A lot of positive reviews on but what do I know about pillows?
The full season 1 of Dragon Ball Z in full 1080p HD is free on 360/One.
Now's your chance.I have never watched an episode of Dragon Ball Z.
This isn't exactly a deal, per se, bt it's a policy I think people might want to know about. EB Games has a policy where, if you're an Edge Card member (which is free), you have a certain amount of time to do a one time exchange on a game you purchased, no questions asked. The time varies between three-seven days, depending on what kind of Edge Card you have. So if you bought Castlevania, didn't like it (or beat it), you'd have three days to exchange it towards something else. This can only be done once per purchase.
In case you guys need a hint as to why this is an awesome deal: Ground Zeroes.
I will never buy a game for $69.99 + tax. That's too damn much, sorry.
Even $59.99 + tax is pushing it, which is why I pre-ordered basically the entire generation during E3.
If Future Shop drops the E3 33% off deal and starts charging $65 or $70 for games, they can go straight to hell. I'll be playing games on PC or on my Super Nintendo.
I don't know why $59 -> $69 feels like such a big jump to me... but it feels like such a big jump to me!
Has Infamous:SS being $69.99 on PSN been discussed?
Edit: Will Futureshop match on preorders?
Bambino, post if you're okay XD
hey guys it might be a one time thing you know.
VGP said they aren't going to increase the prices so we can always PM them.
Because we used to pay 69.99 or more for games, and finally for a long time we had a stable price of 59.99. Even I paid 59.99 for a few games over the years, but now I also refuse to pay 69.99 for a single game. There's always sales (but sales have been slow as hell for the past 4-5 months for physical/retail stuff) so I can wait.
EB, for example, can go to hell for raising DW8 to 69.99. I'll wait until they discount it in 3 months.
FS/BB don't price match pre-orders. Just wait for it to release and price match but they will add the 2.99 shipping on top of it.
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but I noticed that The Source has $30 off of all models of the 3DS XL, including the Mario & Luigi Dream Team bundle. $169.99 isn't too bad for that!
Cheers, folks.
I don't know what to think of DW8. Seems like Best Buy and Futureshop hasn't even put it in their system yet.
Right now it's only VGP and EBgames.
Also, can't you tell bestbuy that VGP has retail stores so they can F off with the shipping charges?
Pissed at Sony.... WTFFFFFF.
Ugh, was holding out on getting Infamous from FS, then they raised the price, next I decide to get it on amazon, they raise the price, finally I decide I'll preorder on PSN... and now this.
$49.99 from is the best that it's probably gonna get, no more waiting.
How's their release date shipping?
How douchey would it be to buy the game from fs/bb if I don't get my order on release day then return the game back to fs/bb if it ends up coming several days late?
Also, can't you tell bestbuy that VGP has retail stores so they can F off with the shipping charges?
Pissed at Sony.... WTFFFFFF.
How douchey would it be to buy the game from fs/bb if I don't get my order on release day then return the game back to fs/bb if it ends up coming several days late?
Also another saving opportunity with is buying the Infamous SS+ $50 PSN card bundle for $109.99 which qualifies you to get $15 off with a new account plus the coupon for another $10 off, should come down to $84.99 before tax!
I just did it earlier with my 2nd copy of Tropical Freeze.How douchey would it be to buy the game from fs/bb if I don't get my order on release day then return the game back to fs/bb if it ends up coming several days late?
I just did it earlier with my 2nd copy of Tropical Freeze.
I'll be doing the return trick for pretty much every game. I wonder if it'll get to the point where I'm blacklisted for returning too much.
Has Infamous:SS being $69.99 on PSN been discussed?
Did Sony up the price too? lol
No fucking way....they upped the price today??? I pre-ordered it yesterday! hahahahaha
Hah. Even PSN is joining the fun. Looks like I'll probably go with since I can get it for 49.99.
My South Park Grand Wizard Edition has gone missing.
The post man drop shipped the item on my mom's porch when he wasn't supposed to (it says do not drop ship). No one was home, I don't know why he did that.
My mom and sis came home later, and he came back around to deliver stuff for her, and he asked if she got the other package, which of course she didn't. I got his name and employee number and complained to the supervisor, but I don't think that will go anywhere. I also told BB - I hope I at least get my money back because I am out of an item, the PS3 version.
My copy arrived today! Thanks again for the heads-up!Is this game still rare? Just got this email from VGP.