Does anyone know a good way to offload some will call PAX Prime tickets? Looks like I won't be able to make it and the GAF thread is dead.
So where's the cheapest I can get Halo 4 around Montreal ? (I already have it but a friend wants it and I'd give it as a gift so pre-owned is not really an option)
I tried selling mine on kijiji before but the people interested were asking me if I guaranteed it to work for a few months.
How do I deal with people like that?
It's an online deal but NCIX has it for 19.99 + free shipping.
Beat to the punch.
Thanks man. I actually work for the city so I'm getting the play by play right from the horses mouth. Hope you don't get evacuated - stay safe!
Does anyone know a good way to offload some will call PAX Prime tickets? Looks like I won't be able to make it and the GAF thread is dead.
man, how you guys doing in Calgary? looks rough
I have friends who need it if you have the entire weekend.Does anyone know a good way to offload some will call PAX Prime tickets? Looks like I won't be able to make it and the GAF thread is dead.
how long before Futureshop cancels my order? lol.
how long before Futureshop cancels my order? lol.
how long before Futureshop cancels my order? lol.
how long before Futureshop cancels my order? lol.
how long before Futureshop cancels my order? lol.
Thanks for the heads up. Put through an in-store pickup. We'll see what happens : )
Thanks for the heads up. Put through an in-store pickup. We'll see what happens : )
if you do in store pick up the price changes to full price.
how long before Futureshop cancels my order? lol.
What was the price? I see it as $349 now...
What was the price? I see it as $349 now...
Flyer stuff this week from FS/BB: Both are doing the Trade 5/$200 off a WiiU as was mentioned earlier, have a $299 500GB PS3 bundle with Infamous, LBP2 and Gran Turismo XL, NHL 13 is on for $29.99, and whatever the hell "Ride to Hell: Retribution" is, it's launching at $30 on Tuesday for 360/PS3. Futureshop's throwing in Star Fox 64 3D if you buy an original 3DS.
(Disappointed that the trade 1 deal isn't on with both Project X Zone and Game & Wario this week... I've got a slavery simulator to ditch.)
$149.99. was about to call bestbuy to have them price match it down to 129.![]()
It was meant as a trade 5 for 200 off promotion, apparently. They've been told not to fulfill reservations at 149.
Ah. That's why. Oh well. Hoping for a good price on Canada Day
It was meant as a trade 5 for 200 off promotion, apparently. They've been told not to fulfill reservations at 149.
I just received my "Awaiting release date" e-mails from my Futureshop E3 orders... Totally spammed my mail box big time! haha
Beat twice in less than 24 hours. Like I said, bad timing!
Hey, thanks to Swance and truetastic for the headset code. Swance gave truestatic his code and then truestatic ended up having his own code and passed the code on to me.
Pickup some Cave shooters for the 360 and the Mario Galaxy games plus Tatsunoko vs Capcom for the Wii. Boom, purchase justified.I feel like a dumb fuck now; EXACTLY the day before XB1 dropping their DRM policy, I went and bought a 360, and few days ago I went and bought a Wii refurbished for $106, I feel bad for my self and wallet... imagine,
I feel like a dumb fuck now; EXACTLY the day before XB1 dropping their DRM policy, I went and bought a 360, and few days ago I went and bought a Wii refurbished for $106, I feel bad for my self and wallet... imagine,
Nice, my Game & Wario already shipped -- think that's the first time FS has shipped out a Sunday release on Wednesday night for me. I wonder what the odds are Canada Post will still manage to screw up and take forever.
Mother of god. That would've been a sick pickup. Why oh why didn't I check it last night?
Glad you got one, but I can't take any credit for it. Did you end up getting the pulse or the stereo?
I didn't even realize I could get the Pulse, so I just got the 100 one. I probably wouldn't have been interested if I would have had to spend 100 anyhow. 50 is easy to impulse buy.
Is there a significant difference ?
So my 360 died. RRoD. Anyone know of any cheap places to have it fixed in Victoria or Vancouver? Cheaper than $100 at least. And preferably Victoria.
Guess I could do that too ^^; I know a lot of peeps were interested in getting it during the e3 sale for cheaper.You can just return it if you don't want it. It won't effect the order.