This is a lovely game and I'm really enjoying it. With that said, just a couple of minor quibbles:
一I understand the desire to simplify with the zoom button having only one extreme degree of zoom, but for those of us without massive TVs the basic zoom level is a bit too zoomed out. I'd like a middle ground option. It could always be toggled on/off if it could bother people.
Game is out for a couple of days and the post count is only over 300?
Jeez even some obscure Vita titles move faster.
Does this game have any challenge to it? I found Tempe toad levels in 3dw fun but very easy... Even the final toad level in the end game was really easy.
Does this game have any challenge to it? I found Tempe toad levels in 3dw fun but very easy... Even the final toad level in the end game was really easy.
They're definitely trickier than 3D World but you won't find yourself unable to progress. The fact that I've finished it and plan to 100% it must mean it's very easy for a puzzle game lol. I was crushed by Pushmo.
Seriously though, anyone else really impressed by the visuals here? On my plasma, its like playing a pre render.
I think the spinning might be a culprit for sure. Try spinning less, playing zoomed-in if possible (that helps me I think at times) in certain levels, and I know that in one level where we brieflythat that definitely was more dizzying and headache-inducing for us.went upside-down
Click Captain Toad the see the whole gallery:
Just beat book 1 and saw the challenge times...
ummm #nope
I'm 50% through the game after one evening of play, 100%ing levels as I go. I've died exactly once and rarely need to play any stage more than twice (and only twice because the extra objectives aren't stated on a first play).Does this game have any challenge to it? I found Tempe toad levels in 3dw fun but very easy... Even the final toad level in the end game was really easy.
It's easy to get frustrated at Nintendo's insistence on fixing shit that isn't broken for no tangible benefit. If you play upright on the couch, the gyro controls aren't an issue. If you want to utilize off-TV play in bed, well, you can't fucking move around at all lest you screw up your aim on the mine cart stages.I also must reiterate that I don't understand where the control problems are coming from.
Consider what's going on in the gaming world during its weekend of release.
Chapter 2 Stage 11
Where the fuck is the Golden Mushroom?
Im going to try that later thanks, super weird they didnt have the 3 profile setup as 3d world.
Pushmo can get obscenely hard. Some of the puzzles in Pushmo World utterly destroyed me, haha.
I'm 50% through the game after one evening of play, 100%ing levels as I go. I've died exactly once and rarely need to play any stage more than twice (and only twice because the extra objectives aren't stated on a first play).
I'm enjoying it plenty, but this is looking like a prime candidate for the re-sell pile at the end of the day.
Finally beat the game! Well, except for the challenge times in Episode 2 & 3, and... the final level...5000 coins? 50 floors? Are they serious? This is some Champion's Road-type stuff right here...
That is how I feel. Many Gamepad features are gimmicks.A bunch of nonsense shoehorned into the game in order to utilize the Gamepad, when it's easy to argue that the experience would be as good or better if I could use anything else. I don't mean to come off too harshly. I knew exactly what I was getting into and am enjoying the game all the same. It's just really easy to complain about these little things because they could be so obviously solved.
There are more after you beat the game, but they are really disappointing.Loving it so far. Not sure the point of the bonus levels? Is it just for the sake of?walking through the SM3D levels
After you get off the stairs on the same level as the spike and the star turn right. The golden mushroom is down that path.
I got to level 7 and had to go lay down because I had the worst headache. I think I was moving the camera too much. I think I'm going to have to take this one slow and only play a couple levels a day.
Game is out for a couple of days and the post count is only over 300?
Jeez even some obscure Vita titles move faster.
Waiting for it to come out in Europe...Game is out for a couple of days and the post count is only over 300?
Jeez even some obscure Vita titles move faster.
dead threads from the start never pick up.
Game is out for a couple of days and the post count is only over 300?
Jeez even some obscure Vita titles move faster.
I love how you get 3D world levels for owning 3D world. This game is awesome, I hope it sells well!
so just wondering, how did you do the challenge time for Touchstone Trouble (1-3)?
Held B with my right hand's little finger while tapping the blocks with the index, lol. This one felt like it was designed as a co-op game!
For levels that have you touching stuff I balance the gamepad on my knee and use my ring finger for the right stick, middle finger for the run button, and index finger for tapping.
You guys are aware that you can run with ZR right?
You guys are aware that you can run with ZR right?
Yea, that really surprised me. Very awesome.I love how you get 3D world levels for owning 3D world. This game is awesome, I hope it sells well!